Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

11954 Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

Libros Eliminar filtro Lenguas Eliminar filtro Lenguaje: consulta y general Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Ensaios de crítica literária
    Said Mahmoud
    Essays on Literary Criticism é um livro de uma coleção de ensaios sobre Teoria Literária. Os artigos foram publicados em algumas revistas universitárias. A ideia de reunir estes artigos num livro surgiu-me para fazer um livro de crítica literária moderna que discute diferentes tópicos relacionados com a teoria literária. Os artigos variam em termos de temas, mas todos abordam a...

    91,04 €

  • Saggi di critica letteraria
    Said Mahmoud
    Essays on Literary Criticism è un libro che raccoglie saggi di teoria letteraria. Gli articoli sono stati pubblicati in alcune riviste universitarie. L’idea di raccogliere questi articoli in un libro mi è venuta per fare un libro di critica letteraria moderna che discute diversi argomenti legati alla teoria letteraria. Gli articoli variano per argomenti, ma tutti discutono di c...

    91,04 €

  • Die Darstellung des islamischen Anderen in zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Romanen
    Fatima Zahra Bessedik
    Diese Studie ist ein multidisziplinäres Werk, das sich auf die Bereiche Literatur, Kulturwissenschaften, Philosophie und Politik stützt, um die Darstellung des kulturellen Andersseins in drei ausgewählten zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Romanen zu untersuchen: Plowing the Dark (2000) von Richard Powers, Terrorist (2006) von John Updike und Point Omega (2010) von Don DeLillo. Au...

    112,41 €

  • Representação do outro islâmico em romances americanos contemporâneos
    Fatima Zahra Bessedik
    Este estudo é um trabalho multidisciplinar que recorre aos domínios da literatura, dos estudos culturais, da filosofia e da política para explorar a representação da alteridade cultural em três romances americanos contemporâneos seleccionados: Plowing the Dark (2000), de Richard Powers, Terrorist (2006), de John Updike, e Point Omega (2010), de Don DeLillo. Utilizando a teoria ...

    112,52 €

  • Rappresentare l’altro islamico nei romanzi americani contemporanei
    Fatima Zahra Bessedik
    Questo studio è un lavoro multidisciplinare che attinge ai campi della letteratura, degli studi culturali, della filosofia e della politica per esplorare la rappresentazione dell’alterità culturale in tre romanzi americani contemporanei selezionati: Plowing the Dark (2000) di Richard Powers, Terrorist (2006) di John Updike e Point Omega (2010) di Don DeLillo. Utilizzando la teo...

    112,52 €

  • Репрезентация исламского другого в современных американских романах
    Фатима Захр Бесседик
    Данное исследование представляет собой междисциплинарную работу, которая опирается на литературу, культурологию, философию и политику, чтобы изучить репрезентацию культурной инаковости в трех избранных современных американских романах: Plowing the Dark (2000) Ричарда Пауэрса, Terrorist (2006) Джона Апдайка и Point Omega (2010) Дона ДеЛилло. Используя теорию ориентализма Эдварда...

    112,40 €

  • La représentation de l’autre islamique dans les romans américains contemporains
    Fatima Zahra Bessedik
    Cette étude est un travail multidisciplinaire qui s’appuie sur les domaines de la littérature, des études culturelles, de la philosophie et de la politique afin d’explorer la représentation de l’altérité culturelle dans trois romans américains contemporains sélectionnés : Plowing the Dark (2000) de Richard Powers, Terrorist (2006) de John Updike et Point Omega (2010) de Don DeL...

    112,49 €

  • Reforma Fonétika Da Língua Portugueza
    Maria Alice Buono Vieira
    Embarcamos nesta aventura do falar, onde a autora aborda a escrita como falamos, nessa realidade a frente da evolução da sociedade, onde esbarramos na compreensão de nossa língua falada e escrita como antagônicos, eis o questionamento e a sugestão para olharmos com mais simplicidade a nossa comunicação do século 21. ...

    6,79 €

  • Epic! Homer and the Nibelungenlied in Translation
    Mary Boyle / Philip Flacke / Timothy Powell
    The exhibition ’Epic! Homer and the Nibelungenlied in Translation’ in the Taylor Institution Library, Oxford, reveals the different stages, trends, key impulses, and idiosyncratic approaches to the translation and adaptation of Homer and the Nibelungenlied. Showcasing a range of material from the Taylor Institution Library’s collections, alongside additions from the Bodleian Li...

    11,36 €

  • Writing Fiction Outlines
    Sandy Marsh
    3 Manuscripts in 1 Book, Including: Outlining, Story Structure and How to Write a Novel!Book 1)Outlining: Step-by-Step | Essential Chapter Outline, Fiction and Nonfiction Outlining Tricks Any Writer Can LearnIs Your Novel Losing the Plot?Sometimes we can be too close to a story to see clearly. If you find that you begin to change the plot midway, or struggle to think of one at ...

    22,69 €

  • Write Faster
    Sandy Marsh
    3 Manuscripts in 1 Book, Including: Outlining, Story Structure and Plotting!Book 1)Outlining: Step-by-Step | Essential Chapter Outline, Fiction and Nonfiction Outlining Tricks Any Writer Can LearnIs Your Novel Losing the Plot?Sometimes we can be too close to a story to see clearly. If you find that you begin to change the plot midway, or struggle to think of one at all, this bo...

    22,73 €

  • The Art of the Story-Teller
    Marie L. Shedlock
    Discover the timeless craft of captivating storytelling with 'The Art of the Story-Teller' by Marie L. Shedlock. This insightful guide delves into the principles and techniques of effective storytelling, offering invaluable advice for anyone who seeks to enchant audiences through the spoken or written word.Marie L. Shedlock, an esteemed storyteller and educator, draws on her ex...

    15,53 €

  • Novel Plotting
    Sandy Marsh
    2 Manuscripts in 1 Book, Including: How to Write a Novel and Plotting!Book 1)How to Write a Novel: Step-by-Step | Essential Romance Novel, Mystery Novel and Fantasy Novel Writing Tricks Any Writer Can LearnStruggling as an Author?Do you have an amazing story in mind, but you can’t get it down on paper? You’ve got the idea and the characters but soon run out of steam? Perhaps yo...

    19,70 €

  • Estrategias para fomentar la Competencia Metafórica en la clase ELE
    Tanya de Hoyos
    ¡Explora el maravilloso mundo del dominio del lenguaje con 'Estrategias para fomentar la Competencia Metafórica en la clase ELE'! Tanya de Hoyos, una apasionada experta en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera con más de 25 años de experiencia, te guiará en un viaje transformador a través del poder de la metáfora. Desde sus estudios universitarios en Monterrey, México...

    55,29 €

  • Harmonie écologique
    Leonel Karume
    'Harmonie Écologique : Échos Poétiques de la Nature et de la Conservation' est un recueil de poèmes captivants qui célèbrent la beauté de la nature, tout en suscitant une réflexion profonde sur la protection de l’environnement, la biodiversité, l’écologie, le changement climatique, le tourisme responsable et bien d’autres sujets connexes. À travers 30 thématiques poétiques, ce ...

    37,25 €

  • Novel Outlining
    Sandy Marsh
    2 Manuscripts in 1 Book, Including: How to Write a Novel and Outlining!Book 1)How to Write a Novel: Step-by-Step | Essential Romance Novel, Mystery Novel and Fantasy Novel Writing Tricks Any Writer Can LearnStruggling as an Author?Do you have an amazing story in mind, but you can’t get it down on paper? You’ve got the idea and the characters but soon run out of steam? Perhaps y...

    19,65 €

  • Inquietud y caricia de la lectura
    José García Guerrero
    El autor invita desde miradas diversas psicológicas, antropológicas, históricas, filosóficas, pedagógicas, literarias a valorar la condición lectora. Una condición lectora que navega en la ambivalenciadeclarada en el título, Inquietud y caricia de la lectura, por cuanto esta tiene de inquietante experiencia y forma de vida desasosegante, transformadora, dolorosa y de caricia ex...

    16,47 €

  • The Neo-Baroque in Alejandra Pizarnik’s Bucanera
    Leticia Boglio
    The text proposes an analytical journey on an outstanding aspect of Alejandra Pizarnik’s La Bucanera. Based on a little researched study, inscribed within the proposals of Sardinian neo-baroque, we propose an inquiry into the limits and boundaries of the word, the rupture of the logic of causality, the uses of parody and other effects associated with carnivalization, as discurs...

    113,03 €

  • O neobarroco em Bucanera de Alejandra Pizarnik
    Leticia Boglio
    O texto propõe um percurso analítico por um aspeto marcante da obra La Bucanera de Alejandra Pizarnik. A partir de um estudo pouco pesquisado, inscrito nas propostas do neobarroco sardo, propomos uma investigação sobre os limites e as fronteiras da palavra, a rutura da lógica da causalidade, os usos da paródia e outros efeitos associados à carnavalização, como operações discurs...

    113,03 €

  • Der Neobarock in Alejandra Pizarniks Bucanera
    Leticia Boglio
    Der Text schlägt eine analytische Reise durch einen herausragenden Aspekt von Alejandra Pizarniks La Bucanera vor. Auf der Grundlage einer wenig erforschten Studie, die in die Vorschläge des sardischen Neobarocks eingeschrieben ist, schlagen wir eine Untersuchung der Grenzen und Begrenzungen des Wortes, des Bruchs der Logik der Kausalität, der Verwendung der Parodie und anderer...

    113,21 €

  • Le néobaroque dans la Bucanera d’Alejandra Pizarnik
    Leticia Boglio
    Le texte propose un voyage analytique à travers un aspect remarquable de La Bucanera d’Alejandra Pizarnik. Sur la base d’une étude peu documentée, inscrite dans les propositions du néo-baroque sarde, nous proposons une enquête sur les limites et les frontières du mot, la rupture de la logique de la causalité, les utilisations de la parodie et d’autres effets associés à la carna...

    113,09 €

  • Необарокко в 'Буканере' Алехандры Пизарник
    Летициа Боглио
    Текст предлагает аналитическое путешествие по выдающемуся аспекту 'Буканеры' Алехандры Пизарник. На основе малоизученного исследования, вписанного в предложения сардинского необарокко, мы предлагаем исследование пределов и границ слова, разрыва логики причинности, использования пародии и других эффектов, связанных с карнавализацией, как дискурсивных операций, которые Пизарник и...

    113,21 €

  • Il neobarocco nella Bucanera di Alejandra Pizarnik
    Leticia Boglio
    Il testo propone un percorso analitico su un aspetto saliente de La Bucanera di Alejandra Pizarnik. Sulla base di uno studio poco indagato, inscritto all’interno delle proposte del neobarocco sardo, si propone un’indagine sui limiti e sui confini della parola, sulla rottura della logica della causalità, sugli usi della parodia e su altri effetti associati alla carnevalizzazione...

    113,03 €

  • Der Einsatz multisensorischer Materialien im Poesieunterricht
    Şadan Altınok
    Die Poesie ist eine Kunst, die den Schülern hilft, ihre Emotionen auszudrücken, diese Emotionen aufzugreifen und ihre Früchte in Harmonie zu zeigen, indem sie ihre Träume ausschmückt. Die Lehrer sollten den Schülern die Möglichkeit geben, Literatur und Poesie zu lieben und zu genießen. Auf diese Weise werden die Schüler in der Lage sein, die Schönheiten in ihrer Seelenwelt zu e...

    32,76 €

  • Использование мультисенсорных материалов в преподавании поэзии
    Шадан Алтынок
    Поэзия - это искусство, которое помогает ученикам выразить свои эмоции, завладеть этими эмоциями и показать их плоды в гармонии, украсив их мечтами. Учителя должны предоставлять ученикам возможность любить и наслаждаться литературой и поэзией. Таким образом, ученики смогут распознать красоту в своем душевном мире. Они должны научиться выражать себя в стихах и осознавать те эмоц...

    32,70 €

  • L’utilisation de matériel multisensoriel dans l’enseignement de la poésie
    Şadan Altınok
    La poésie est un art qui aide les élèves à exprimer leurs émotions, qui s’empare de ces émotions et en expose les fruits en harmonie en ornant leurs rêves. Les enseignants doivent donner aux élèves l’occasion d’aimer et de profiter de la littérature et de la poésie. De cette manière, les élèves seront capables de reconnaître les beautés du monde de leur âme. Ils devraient appre...

    32,70 €

  • A utilização de materiais multissensoriais no ensino da poesia
    Şadan Altınok
    A poesia é uma arte que ajuda os alunos a exprimirem as suas emoções, que se apodera delas e que exibe os seus frutos em harmonia, ornamentando os seus sonhos. Os professores devem dar aos alunos a oportunidade de amar e apreciar a literatura e a poesia. Desta forma, os alunos serão capazes de reconhecer as belezas do mundo da sua alma. Devem aprender a exprimir-se através de p...

    32,70 €

  • L’uso di materiali multisensoriali nell’insegnamento della poesia
    Şadan Altınok
    La poesia è un’arte che aiuta gli studenti a esprimere le loro emozioni, a farle proprie e a mostrarne i frutti in armonia con i loro sogni. Gli insegnanti dovrebbero offrire agli studenti l’opportunità di amare e godere della letteratura e della poesia. In questo modo, gli studenti saranno in grado di riconoscere le bellezze del loro mondo dell’anima. Dovrebbero imparare a esp...

    32,70 €

  • Write Like a Reader, Think Like the Media
    Shirley A. Franklin / Shirley A. Hammond / TBD
    Win the war on book marketing supremacy by taking the advice of an author of almost 40 books. Author, Shirley A. Franklin self-published her first book in 1996, and it’s been up from there. The bonus is that she has also worked as a reporter, and holds a degree in Communications. She gained knowledge of what grabs the media’s attention, in her journalistic role. Furthermore, as...

    10,52 €

  • The Truth about Confident Presenting, 3rd Edition
    IV James S. O’Rourke
    More than four dozen basic truths about successful, confident public speaking are explained in accessible, brief chapters by a master of the art. ...

    59,21 €