Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

11954 Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

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  • Pragmatischer Input und Einsatz von Kommunikationsstrategien
    Armin Vali / Massoud Yaghoubi-Notash / Shahabaddin Behtary
    Diese Studie untersucht die Bedeutung der pragmatischen Kompetenz beim L2-Lernen und die Wirksamkeit von explizitem und implizitem Unterricht zur Verbesserung der pragmatischen Kompetenz der Lernenden. Sie zielt auch darauf ab, neue Unterrichtsmaterialien für die Entwicklung der pragmatischen Kompetenz von ELL, die keine Muttersprachler sind, zu entwickeln und den Transfer von ...

    113,21 €

  • Input pragmático e utilização da estratégia de comunicação
    Armin Vali / Massoud Yaghoubi-Notash / Shahabaddin Behtary
    Este estudo examina a importância da competência pragmática na aprendizagem de L2 e a eficácia da instrução explícita e implícita na melhoria da competência pragmática dos alunos. Tem também como objetivo criar novos materiais de ensino para o desenvolvimento da competência pragmática dos ELLs não nativos e implementar a transferência de conhecimentos pragmáticos nas aulas de l...

    113,24 €

  • Utilisation pragmatique des données et des stratégies de communication
    Armin Vali / Massoud Yaghoubi-Notash / Shahabaddin Behtary
    Cette étude examine l’importance de la compétence pragmatique dans l’apprentissage des L2 et l’efficacité de l’enseignement explicite et implicite dans l’amélioration de la compétence pragmatique des apprenants. Elle vise également à créer de nouveaux supports pédagogiques pour le développement de la compétence pragmatique des ELL non natifs et à mettre en œuvre le transfert de...

    113,22 €

  • Zwischen Übersetzungen, Rosen, Jagunços und Engeln
    Marta Susana García
    Dieses Buch enthält drei Artikel, die sich trotz ihres unterschiedlichen Formats mit dem Thema Übersetzung befassen. Der erste bewertet lexikalisch kreative Elemente in spanischen Übersetzungen von João Guimarães Rosas Roman Grande Sertão: Veredas, genauer gesagt die von den Übersetzern gefundenen Lösungen in Bezug auf nicht im Wörterbuch enthaltene Begriffe der spanischen Spra...

    55,22 €

  • Between translations, roses, jagunços and angels
    Marta Susana García
    This book contains three articles which, despite having different formats, deal with translation. The first evaluates lexically creative items in Spanish translations of João Guimarães Rosa’s novel, Grande Sertão: Veredas, more specifically the solutions found by the translators with regard to non-dictionary terms in the Spanish language, such as yagunzo and sertón, from a cult...

    55,16 €

  • Между переводами, розами, жагунсо и ангелами
    Марта Сусана Гарсия
    В этой книге собраны три статьи, которые, несмотря на разные форматы, посвящены переводу. В первой из них оцениваются лексически креативные элементы в испанских переводах романа Жоана Гимарайнша Розы 'Grande Sertão: Veredas', а именно решения, найденные переводчиками в отношении несловарных терминов испанского языка, таких как yagunzo и sertón, с точки зрения культуры. Исследов...

    55,22 €

  • Entre les traductions, les roses, les jagunços et les anges
    Marta Susana García
    Ce livre contient trois articles qui, bien que de formats différents, traitent de la traduction. Le premier évalue les éléments lexicalement créatifs dans les traductions espagnoles du roman de João Guimarães Rosa, Grande Sertão : Veredas, et plus particulièrement les solutions trouvées par les traducteurs en ce qui concerne les termes non dictionnaires de la langue espagnole, ...

    55,22 €

  • Tra traduzioni, rose, jagunços e angeli
    Marta Susana García
    Questo libro contiene tre articoli che, pur avendo formati diversi, trattano di traduzione. Il primo valuta gli elementi lessicali creativi nelle traduzioni spagnole del romanzo di João Guimarães Rosa, Grande Sertão: Veredas, in particolare le soluzioni trovate dai traduttori per quanto riguarda i termini non dizionari della lingua spagnola, come yagunzo e sertón, da un punto d...

    55,16 €

  • Grammatica e tradizione linguistica
    Sabrina Andrade do Nascimento
    Il postulato stabilito dai teorici interessati a contribuire alle trasformazioni dell’insegnamento della lingua portoghese, secondo cui il testo dovrebbe essere l’unità di base dell’insegnamento, sottende la comprensione che lo studio sistematico dei livelli strutturali della lingua è un compito superfluo quando si tratta di sviluppare le abilità di lettura e scrittura. Alla lu...

    49,93 €

  • Grammatik und sprachliche Tradition
    Sabrina Andrade do Nascimento
    Das Postulat der Theoretiker, die zu den Veränderungen im portugiesischen Sprachunterricht beitragen wollen, wonach der Text die Grundeinheit des Unterrichts sein sollte, beruht auf dem Verständnis, dass das systematische Studium der strukturellen Ebenen der Sprache eine unnötige Aufgabe ist, wenn es um die Entwicklung von Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten geht. Ausgehend von dieser...

    50,00 €

  • Грамматика и лингвистическая традиция
    Сабрина Ан Насименту
    Постулат, выдвинутый теоретиками, заинтересованными в преобразованиях в преподавании португальского языка, согласно которому текст должен быть основной единицей обучения, лежит в основе понимания того, что систематическое изучение структурных уровней языка является ненужной задачей, когда речь идет о развитии навыков чтения и письма. Исходя из этой концепции, исследование мотив...

    50,00 €

  • Grammaire et tradition linguistique
    Sabrina Andrade do Nascimento
    Le postulat établi par les théoriciens désireux de contribuer aux transformations de l’enseignement du portugais, selon lequel le texte doit être l’unité de base de l’enseignement, sous-tend la compréhension que l’étude systématique des niveaux structurels de la langue est une tâche inutile dans le développement des compétences de lecture et d’écriture. Compte tenu de cette con...

    49,93 €

  • Grammar and Linguistic Tradition
    Sabrina Andrade do Nascimento
    The postulate established by theorists interested in contributing to transformations in Portuguese language teaching, according to which the text should be the basic unit of teaching, underlies the understanding that the systematic study of the structural levels of language is a dispensable task when it comes to developing reading and writing skills. Given this conception, the ...

    49,87 €

  • हिंदी
    हिंदी का संपूर्ण इतिहास संघर्ष का इतिहास रहा है। भारत में राजभाषा का पद प्राप्त करना अथवा संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ की आधिकारिक भाषा का दर्जा प्राप्त करना, दोनो ही विषयों में हिंदी को लम्बा एवं सतत संघर्ष करना पड़ा है और आज भी कर रही है। भारतीय इतिहास के विभिन्न कालखंडों में हिंदी की प्रगति, उसकी सांस्कृतिक परंपरा और अनेकानेक रूपों में राष्ट्र के एकीकरण में योगदान देने के साथ ही अपना...

    28,10 €

  • An Outline of English Speech
    William Barnes
    An Outline of English Speech-craft is a book written to teach Anglo-Saxon speech to English minds written by William Barnes, a philologist and English writer who has been attributed for more than 800 poems.This book is an effort to teach English grammar speech with quotes from more than 70 different languages. The author mentions in his preface that, the word grammar itself is ...

    11,91 €

  • Nem A Poesia Salva
    Lino Porto
    Escritos no auge da pandemia do Covid-19, estes poemas retratam aquele período turbulento, de muita inquietação, ansiedade e desesperança. Mais do que nunca, havia a necessidade imperiosa de a humanidade se agarrar a qualquer tábua de salvação, entre as quais a poesia. Nesta obra o poeta chega à conclusão de que nem mesmo a poesia é capaz de nos salvar, pois tanto ela quanto nó...

    7,13 €

  • A Declension Guide to the Textus Receptus Greek New Testament Underlying the King James Version, Second Edition, Volume Two Acts to Revelation
    Ra ChaeWon / SeungKyu Park
    The Declension Guide to the Greek New Testament Textus Receptus underlying the KJV is 2 volumes. Every word that is not a verb is declined. For the parsing of every verb, see the 'Parsing Guide.' Dr. Khoo said: 'Dr. Seung-Kyu Park’s verse-by-verse parsing and declension guide to the Greek New Testament underlying the Authorised Version (KJV) are invaluable tools for the student...

    95,49 €

  • A Declension Guide to the Textus Receptus Greek New Testament Underlying the King James Version, Second Edition, Volume One, Four Gospels
    Ra ChaeWon / SeungKyu Park
    The Declension Guide to the Greek New Testament Textus Receptus underlying the KJV is 2 volumes. Every word that is not a verb is declined. For the parsing of every verb, see his 'Parsing Guide.' Dr. Khoo said: 'Dr. Seung-Kyu Park’s verse-by-verse parsing and declension guide to the Greek New Testament underlying the Authorised Version (KJV) are invaluable tools for the student...

    83,39 €

  • Natur und Morphologie von Kommunikationszeichen in sozialen Netzwerken
    Oumar S. K. DEMBELE
    Die Verwendung von Kommunikationszeichen in sozialen Netzwerken ist sowohl auf syntaktischer als auch auf semantischer Ebene komplex. Es ist unbestritten, dass die französische Sprache aufgrund ihrer grammatikalischen Regeln für ihre Komplexität bekannt ist. Für das gegenseitige Verständnis haben die Internetnutzer jedoch einen Weg gefunden, diese Regeln zu umgehen, indem sie A...

    61,51 €

  • Natureza e morfologia dos sinais de comunicação nas redes sociais
    Oumar S. K. DEMBELE
    A utilização de sinais de comunicação nas redes sociais é complexa, tanto a nível sintático como semântico. Não há dúvida de que a língua francesa é conhecida pela sua complexidade devido às suas regras gramaticais. Mas, para se entenderem, os internautas encontraram uma forma de se libertarem destas regras através da utilização de abreviaturas, palavras inventadas, códigos e o...

    61,51 €

  • Природа и морфология знаков коммуникации в социальных сетях
    Умар С. К. ДЕМБЕЛЕ
    Использование знаков общения в социальных сетях является сложным как с синтаксической, так и с семантической точки зрения. Несомненно, французский язык известен своей сложностью из-за грамматических правил. Но чтобы понять друг друга, пользователи Интернета нашли способ избавиться от этих правил, используя аббревиатуры, выдуманные слова, коды и другие формы общения, такие как о...

    61,57 €

  • Natura e morfologia dei segnali di comunicazione sui social network
    Oumar S. K. DEMBELE
    L’uso dei segni di comunicazione sui social network è complesso, sia dal punto di vista sintattico che semantico. Non c’è dubbio che la lingua francese sia nota per la sua complessità dovuta alle sue regole grammaticali. Ma per capirsi, gli utenti di Internet hanno trovato il modo di liberarsi di queste regole attraverso l’uso di abbreviazioni, parole inventate, codici e altre ...

    61,51 €

  • Nature and morphology of communication signs on social networks
    Oumar S. K. DEMBELE
    The use of communication signs on social networks is complex, both syntactically and semantically. It’s undeniable that the French language is known for its complexity due to its grammatical rules. But for mutual understanding, web users have found a way to break these rules through the use of abbreviations, made-up words, codes or other forms of communication such as text exch...

    61,51 €

  • Sensorik in Porträts und Ausdrucksformen der Lyrik
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    Das Werk 'Sensorik in Porträts und Ausdrucksformen der Lyrik (russische Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts)' stellt eine aktuelle literarische Analyse der psychologischen Meisterschaft russischer Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts dar, die durch die Besonderheiten der sinnlichen Weltanschauung der einzelnen Autoren aufgezeigt wird. Dies führt zu einer Diversifizierung der inneren ...

    25,18 €

  • Sensorics in portraits and expression of lyricism
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    The work 'Sensorics in portraits and expression of lyricism (Russian literature of the 19th century)' presents an actual literary analysis of psychological mastery of Russian writers of the 19th century, shown through the peculiarities of their individual author’s sensual worldview. This diversifies the inner world of the characters, as the authors of the works translate to the...

    25,04 €

  • Psychologismus, Sensorik, Porträtkunst, Lyrik, Poetik des Textes.
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    L’ouvrage 'La sensorialité dans les portraits et l’expression du lyrisme (littérature russe du XIXe siècle)' présente une analyse littéraire réelle de la maîtrise psychologique des écrivains russes du XIXe siècle, montrée à travers les particularités de la vision sensuelle du monde de chaque auteur. Le monde intérieur des personnages s’en trouve diversifié, car les auteurs des ...

    25,12 €

  • Sensoristica nei ritratti ed espressione della lirica
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    L’opera 'La sensorica nei ritratti e nell’espressione della lirica (letteratura russa del XIX secolo)' presenta una vera e propria analisi letteraria della maestria psicologica degli scrittori russi del XIX secolo, mostrata attraverso le peculiarità della visione del mondo sensuale dei loro singoli autori. Questo diversifica il mondo interiore dei personaggi, poiché gli autori ...

    25,12 €

  • Sensorialidade nos retratos e expressão do lirismo
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    A obra 'Sensorialidade nos retratos e expressão do lirismo (literatura russa do século XIX)' apresenta uma análise literária atual da mestria psicológica dos escritores russos do século XIX, mostrada através das peculiaridades da visão do mundo sensual de cada autor. Isto diversifica o mundo interior das personagens, uma vez que os autores das obras transmitem aos seus heróis a...

    25,12 €

  • English Language Lovers
    Rolade B Berthier
    In our globalised and digitalised world, English has become necessary. It’s simply complex, which makes us keep learning. It is impossible to master all its intricacies in a lifetime; even native speakers are challenged with the daily arrival of new jargon, slang, and formal words and phrases.This book has words of thoughts, thoughts on words, and words to laugh at that will ma...

    23,95 €

  • Images of parents and God
    Réka Nyikos
    Rainer Maria Rilke’s conception of God has been examined from many perspectives, but this essay attempts to shed light on the poet’s relationship to God and Christ from a hitherto unexplored angle. Rilke’s relationship with his parents - especially his mother - his family environment and his socialization raise a number of connections. The essay focuses on his attachment to his...

    61,44 €