Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

8348 Catálogo de libros: Lenguaje: consulta y general

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  • How to Make a Confident and Memorable Wedding Speech
    Graham Le-Gall
    When you discover you have to make a wedding speech it can be terrifying. This means that the big day for the bride and groom can become a nightmare for you.This book will help you to get over your fear, so you can enjoy delivering a memorable wedding speech.You will learn effective, simple techniques which build confidence and create powerful speeches… AND you will discover ho...

    20,02 €

  • The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing
    Oliver Markus Malloy
    Dear Indie Author,Forget everything you think you know about writing and self-publishing. Chances are it's complete bullshit.Nowadays there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who dream of being a professional writer. And thanks to self-publishing and print-on-demand, there's nothing stopping you or anyone else from publishing whatever you want. Even if it'...

    3,72 €

  • A Homeric Dictionary, revised
    Georg Autenrieth
    Autenrieth’s A Homeric Dictionary has been the companion of countless individuals who have begun the study of Homer. Far and away the hardiest and most helpful of all the aids to the reading of Homeric Greek, it provides the student with a full listing of Homeric forms and concise accounts of the meanings of words. 3 ...

    34,94 €

  • If You Want to Write
    Brenda Ueland
    Brenda Ueland was a journalist, editor, freelance writer, and teacher of writing. In If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit she shares her philosophies on writing and life in general. Ueland firmly believed that anyone can write, that everyone is talented, original, and has something important to say. In this book she explains how find that spark that w...

    20,39 €

  • A Writer’s Journey
    Carren Strock
    'When she was a college student, aspiring writer Carren Strock’s English professor told her, ''Some people are writers, and some people aren’t. You are not a writer.''She didn’t pick up a pen for more than fifteen years… until Robert Redford came to town.Appearing in Redford’s movie led to writing for national magazines, and then to selling her first nonfiction book to a major ...

    23,99 €

  • The Literary Handyman
    Danielle Ackley-McPhail
    Have a Dream of Being An Author? Frustrated with Banging Your Head Against the Publishing Wall? (Let's Face It...Why Else Would You Be Reading This?) Don't Worry. You Are By No Means Alone!Success in publishing is equal parts skill, determination, knowledge, and pure, dumb luck. If you have the drive, and you have the skill, but you're missing that little bit of ins...

    16,60 €

  • Birth Your Story
    Jaime Fleres
    Birth Your Story is about using writing to remember, process, heal and honor the entirety of your birth experience. You are forever changed, and how you tell the story can determine whether the power of birth serves or hinders your life. Whether you're pregnant or birthed decades ago, a seasoned or novice writer, man or woman, this book is for you. The book inspires and sup...

    14,07 €

  • How to Promote Your Self-Published Kindle Books for Free
    Oliver Markus Malloy
    So you've written a book. Congratulations! Join the club. Get in line. The restrooms are in the back.Today there are thousands upon thousands of self-published authors. Most of them are invisible. Nobody knows about them or their books. The sad truth is that writing a book is the easy part. Getting it out there, getting it seen, that's the hard part. But you've prob...

    3,78 €

  • I’m Sorry!
    Sometimes, the best thing you can do is say these two simple words "I'm Sorry!" Said authentically, this is the best way to deal with many situations.A single misunderstanding, quarrel, or infraction could save or end whatever relationship is at stake, be it marital, parental, or business. So, make a difference and extend your sincerest apology by saying "I'm Sorry!" in...

    13,05 €

  • I’m Sorry!
    Sometimes, the best thing you can do is say these two simple words "I'm Sorry!" Said authentically, this is the best way to deal with many many situations.A single misunderstanding, quarrel, or infraction could save or end whatever relationship is at stake, be it marital, parental, or business. So, make a difference and extend your sincerest apology by saying "I'm Sorry...

    17,62 €

    The Art of Successful Writing is an edited book, that provides systematic instructions, on reading, writing, and critical thinking, while combining a comprehensive review of the use of grammar.Each chapter allows students to demonstrate their ability to master the principles of quality writing. The incremental approach of this book has been constructed to accommodate a range of...

    153,29 €

  • Health and Fitness Social Media Prompts
    Writing a 60,000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy--just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely leads to more followers, and frequently even leads to unfollows. The creative minds behind the audience-building online social software BuzzTrace created this book of over 200 promp...

    4,63 €

  • Question Me a Novel
    Terrell Jaden
    The “Question Me a Novel” workbook is designed for writers who: Want to write a novel but don’t know where to start Have started a novel but don’t know how to finish Have written one or more novels that feel flat and lacking in depth Based on the premise that you are the expert on your novel, the system leads you through a series of open-ended, non-prescriptive questions...

    11,50 €

  • Guaranteed Formula for Public Speaking Success
    Everett Ofori
    Guaranteed Formula for Public Speaking builds upon many of the great works on public speaking in that it provides concrete techniques that you can learn in the morning and use to great advantage in the afternoon. It is also a text that has been used successfully to train corporate executives, including doctors and salespeople. Whether you want to give an information speech, a p...

    30,01 €

  • Creating Literary Stories
    William H Coles
    An essential guide for every writer of fiction.  Learn: Character, Narration, Structure, Dialogue, Point of View, Writing in Scene, Drama (Conflict-Action-Resolution), Humor, Revision William H. Coles is the award-winning author of short stories, essays on writing, interviews, and novels in contests such as The Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction and the William Faulkner...

    7,88 €

  • Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary
    Diane M Frank
    If you don't know the first 2-3 letters a word starts with, how do you find it?  This dictionary will find it for you! Spell your word in Spanish or English. Misspell your word in Spanish or English to find the correctly spelled word. Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary has over 70,000 entries of commonly used American English words with multiple misspellings based upon the...

    26,25 €

  • Post-Revolutionary Cuban Spanish
    Jesus Nez Romay / Jesus Nunez Romay / Jesus Nzqez Romay
    Because the first socialist revolution in the Americas took place in Cuba, this country has also seen the rise of new terms and the introduction of new, very specific meanings for old terms, adopted as required to express new realities. How can these neologisms be rendered in English, when no English-speaking country has as yet carried out a Marxist-Leninist social revolution a...

    11,00 €

  • Flash Nonfiction Funny
    Brian Doyle / Doyle Brian
    The seventy-one flash essays collected here are hilarious proof that you don’t need more than 750 words to laugh out loud. Featuring both established and up-and-coming writers, these essays are no flashes in the pan—they demonstrate careful attention to craft and exploration: everything you want in a thoughtful essay, only shorter. This collection is perfect for students of wri...

    12,71 €

  • Book of Rhymes
    Romane Armand
    What rhymes with Google, or Beyoncé, or better yet, what rhymes with ORANGE? This book full of words that rhyme together has all the answers! With over 50,000 rhyming entries, this essential reference tool will help songwriters, poets, and advertisers overcome writer’s block and quickly find the right rhyming word. It features slang, phrases, idioms, and pop-culture terms, not ...

    27,01 €

  • The Elements of Active Prose
    Tahlia Newland
    You’ve written a book of fiction. You want to make it the best it can be. ’The Elements of Active Prose’ gives you pithy tips for improving your writing scene by scene, sentence by sentence. If you’ve ever wondered what is meant by the advice to ’show, don’t tell’ you’ll find the answer here, along with reassurance that such advice is not something that must be slavishly adhere...

    14,83 €

  • How to Get Your Book Into Schools and Double Your Income With Volume Sales
    David H. Hendrickson
    Have you ever dreamed of an entire school reading your book? Would you like to double (or more!) your writing income? This book shows you how.Drawing from his own first-hand experience, David H. Hendrickson leads you through every step of the process. He highlights the critical pitfalls to avoid, and points out ways to maximize your profit when a school adopts your book.With ad...

    9,63 €

  • Scriptwriting Structure
    Bob May
    Are you a beginning playwright? A new screenwriter? Are you a seasoned professional seeking proven practices in scriptwriting? Solid structure is the key, and in Scriptwriting Structure: To-the-Point Pointers, Bob May has spun Aristotle's theories and modern practices together to form his own structural techniques that have led to twenty-five of his scripts being published ...

    14,26 €

  • Gopen’s Reader Expectation Approach to the English Language
    George D. Gopen / George DGopen
    For as long as writing has been taught, the subject has always been approached from the perspective of polite society. The central questions were all writer-based: What can, must, ought the writer to do? What cannot, must not, ought not the writer to do? Mistakes were corrected; awkwardness was chastised; bloat was deflated. We were urged to avoid (the passive) and contain (the...

    15,45 €

  • Poetic thresholds
    Monique Bione Silva
    Love, resentment and a tormented intimate, in which shadows and lights hover, place the poets Dante Alighieri, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Eugenio Montale crowned by the same threshold, that is, as if at some point they were in the same place, under the same doorway. This book aims to present a literary analysis that looks for the shadow of Dantesque melancholic poetry in so...

    89,68 €

  • The sacredness of poetic alchemy in Bqudelqire’s Flowers
    Nada Al-Nasser
    In this article, we attempt to shed light on Baudelaire’s poetic alchemy in his masterpiece Les Fleurs du mal, and also on the technique by which this poet-chemist succeeds in transforming the science of alchemy into an aesthetic phenomenon that has remained immortal for centuries. First of all, alchemy, now known as chemistry, is a technico-practical science that revolves arou...

    60,13 €

  • (Un)Knowing Centaurus and his women
    Ana Paola Laeber
    Using a language rich in multiple meanings, in this research we have carried out a broad discussion of theories that deal with the mythological world. In particular, we looked at the work of the author from Espírito Santo, A Ceia Dominicana: Romance Neolatino (2008), whose writing draws on various classic authors, both national and from Espírito Santo, as well as freely mixing ...

    70,09 €

  • Baroque
    Holly Myers
    'Beauty is an unstable force. It gathers mysteriously even out of its absence, beginning as a transparent sheen, little more than a certain perception of moisture. Out of ugliness even. Like a mold it grows, then like a moss; suddenly it’s covered in little petals. It coheres, burgeons, builds, drifts. Shapes form and pile, almost tumble, look as if to tumble, hold, tumble more...

    21,48 €

  • Write it Right
    Cliff Harrington
    Communication is essential. The two most familiar forms of communication are spoken and written.We live in an age now dominated by online publication. That hasn’t always been the case. Newspapers, magazines and books dominated readers’ attention for centuries. The constant through all the ages has been writing. Without that we lose the ability to chronicle people’s lives, cultu...

    25,92 €

  • Shakespeare Sonnets as Scenes
    Diane D Kurz / Diane Disque Kurz
    Shakespeare Sonnets as Scenes is a comprehensive guide that empowers beginners and experiences individuals alike to creatively transform sonnets into captivating performances. The idea of Shakespeare Sonnets as Scenes is to perform a sonnet, not as a poem, but as a mini-play with a beginning, a middle, and an end. ...

    31,96 €

  • Shakespeare Sonnets as Scenes
    Diane D Kurz / Diane Disque Kurz
    Shakespeare Sonnets as Scenes is a comprehensive guide that empowers beginners and experienced individuals alike to creatively transform sonnets into captivating performances. the idea of Shakespeare Sonnets as Scenes is to perform a sonnet, not as a poem, but as a mini-play with a beginning, a middle, and an end. ...

    16,39 €