Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

74612 Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

  • Scriptwriting Structure
    Bob May
    Are you a beginning playwright? A new screenwriter? Are you a seasoned professional seeking proven practices in scriptwriting? Solid structure is the key, and in Scriptwriting Structure: To-the-Point Pointers, Bob May has spun Aristotle's theories and modern practices together to form his own structural techniques that have led to twenty-five of his scripts being published ...

    14,26 €

  • 50 Jugos Para Adelgazar
    Joseph Correa
    “50 jugos para adelgazar” te ayudará a perder peso de forma natural y eficiente. Éstos no deben reemplazar a las comidas, pero deben complementarlas naturalmente día a día.Estar demasiado ocupado para comer bien, a veces puede convertirse en un problema y es por ello que este libro te ahorrará tiempo ayudándote a nutrir tu cuerpo para lograr las metas que deseas.Este libro te a...

    26,02 €

  • 40 Weight Loss Recipes for a Busy Lifestyle
    Joseph Correa
    40 Weight Loss Recipes for a Busy Lifestyle will help you lose weight naturally and efficiently. Knowing what to eat and when will make all the difference in the world. If you haven’t been successful in the past with losing that unwanted fat, now is your chance to make that change. Read this book and start living the life you deserve. The calendar and meal recipes are easy to f...

    23,83 €

  • Selbstgemachte Protein-Shakes für maximales Muskelwachstum
    Joseph Correa
    Selbstgemachte Protein-Shakes für maximales Muskelwachstum: Verändere deinen Körper ohne Pillen, Kreatine oder Steroide Dieses Buch wird dir dabei helfen, deinen täglichen Protein-Konsum zu steigern und dein Muskelwachstum dadurch anzuregen. Diese Mahlzeiten werden deine Muskeln auf eine organisierte Art und Weise stärken, indem sie deinem Speiseplan eine gesunde Menge an Prot...

    23,76 €

  • 48 Salades Hyperprotéiques pour les Bodybuilders
    Joseph Correa
    48 Salades Hyperprotéiques pour les Bodybuilders, ce livre va vous aider à augmenter l’apport de protéines que vous consommez par jour pour vous aider à augmenter votre masse musculaire. Ces repas vous aideront à augmenter vos muscles d’une manière organisée en ajoutant une grande quantité de protéines saines à votre régime. Être trop occupé pour manger correctement peut deveni...

    23,84 €

  • Gopen’s Reader Expectation Approach to the English Language
    George D. Gopen / George DGopen
    For as long as writing has been taught, the subject has always been approached from the perspective of polite society. The central questions were all writer-based: What can, must, ought the writer to do? What cannot, must not, ought not the writer to do? Mistakes were corrected; awkwardness was chastised; bloat was deflated. We were urged to avoid (the passive) and contain (the...

    15,45 €

  • Egbert Weishenme Ku?
    Terry T Waltz
    The terrible twos are even worse when your folks keep trying to feed you health food. Will Gramma Esther manage to talk Mom and Dad into a little junk food for Egbert?This simple Chinese reader is intended for new readers of Mandarin Chinese. In contrast to children's picture books, which are intended for native speakers, the Zhongwen Bu Mafan! series focuses on the highest...

    18,01 €

  • Speak Koine Greek
    Fredrick J. Long / T. Michael W. Halcomb
    Speak Koine Greek contains over 240 sayings, expressions, phrases, idioms, and figures of speech from ancient (Koine) Greek. This work has been strategically arranged into simple categories (Getting in the Conversation, Staying in the Conversation, Ending the Conversation) with each entry ordered alphabetically by English glosses and followed by both a phrase that is similar or...

    9,82 €

    Ana Lúcia Silva Souza / Ayala Tude / Tanya L. Saunders
    In this seminal study of hip-hop literacies, Black identity formation and artivism in Brazil, Dr. Ana Lúcia Silva Souza presents the diverse literacy practices that have emerged within and in relation to Brazil’s hip-hop movement. Ana Lúcia Silva Souza demonstrates how Brazilian hip-hop literacies locate, point out, propose, act and teach others to act for social change. Hip-ho...

    22,63 €

    Muhayokhon Hamidova
    Lo scrittore preferito della nostra nazione, lo Scrittore del Popolo dell’Uzbekistan Shukur Kholmirzayev, storie come 'Kil koprik', 'Olaboji', 'Ultima fermata', 'Chi non è nella 18a classe?', 'Onde' e i lettori che hanno letto i suoi romanzi, molte storie serie e romanzi, capiscono che la letteratura uzbeka riflette una nuova visione del mondo di una persona, i colori del mondo...

    111,82 €

    Мухайохан Хамидова
    Любимый писатель нашего народа, народный писатель Узбекистана Шукур Холмирзаев, такие рассказы, как 'Кил коприк', 'Олабоджи', 'Последняя остановка', 'Кто не в 18-м классе?', 'Волны' и Читатели, прочитавшие его романы, многие серьезные повести и романы, понимают, что узбекская литература отражает новое мировоззрение человека, краски мира мысли. В произведениях с полнотой писател...

    111,81 €

  • Faktoren, die die Standardisierung der Wolaita-Sprache beeinflussen
    Markos Mathewos
    Nach Milroy (1999: 27) behindert die Standardisierung 'den sprachlichen Wandel, aber sie verhindert ihn nicht völlig'. Mit anderen Worten, die Standardisierung reduziert den Sprachwandel und die Variation, indem sie eine Standardform vorschlägt und einen einheitlichen Sprachgebrauch schafft. Mehrere Wissenschaftler haben die Bedeutung und den Prozess der Standardisierung diskut...

    48,37 €

  • L’insegnamento e le sue competenze
    Aram Afifi / Laila Zamani / Somayyeh Imanali Zadeh
    Al giorno d’oggi, i progressi scolastici degli studenti sono considerati un indicatore importante per la valutazione dei sistemi educativi. Inoltre, il progresso educativo è sempre stato importante per insegnanti, studenti, genitori, teorici dell’educazione e ricercatori. Ad esempio, il progresso scolastico degli studenti è considerato uno dei più importanti criteri di valutazi...

    76,38 €

  • Nel profondo del 'grande cervello' modernista
    Zeineb Derbali
    Un’interessante esplorazione del mito della modernità e una prova della sua promessa di un posto migliore per l’umanità. Imbarcandosi su una nave diretta all’arcipelago delle Galapagos, i diversi personaggi mostrano le proprie visioni dell’amore, dell’uomo e del suo rapporto con l’ambiente che mira a dominare senza curarsi dei potenziali danni. Il memoir indaga la critica di Ku...

    68,80 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Girls (Part 3)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,39 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Girls (Part 2)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,39 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Girls (Part 1)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,45 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Girls (Part 5)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,33 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Girls (Part 6)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,39 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Girls (Part 4)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,39 €

  • The confictional in the chronicles of Fabrício Carpinejar
    Carlos Henrique de Souza / Larissa Cardoso Beltrão
    This study arose from the singular desire to analyse literature from a contemporary perspective, looking at the various transformations that the process of urbanisation has brought to society. To this end, we put into play the forms of literary creation that began in modern times and that have been gaining ground over the last few years. Our aim would therefore be to prove that...

    55,04 €

  • Échos du totalitarisme dystopique
    Daoudi Frid / Sara Bensahla-Tani
    Depuis la nuit des temps, l’histoire et la littérature sont intimement liées ; des tentatives incessantes ont été faites pour comprendre comment la première façonne la seconde. Ce livre aborde la facette historique du totalitarisme et sa représentation dans la fiction par le biais d’une étude méticuleuse du magnum opus de George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, qui met en lumière ...

    60,32 €

  • Echi di un totalitarismo distopico
    Daoudi Frid / Sara Bensahla-Tani
    Fin dalla notte dei tempi, storia e letteratura sono state intrecciate l’una all’altra; sono stati fatti incessanti tentativi di comprendere i modi in cui la prima plasma la seconda. Questo libro affronta l’aspetto storico del totalitarismo e la sua rappresentazione nella narrativa attraverso un’indagine meticolosa dell’opera magna di George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, facend...

    60,26 €

  • Il confittizio nelle cronache di Fabrício Carpinejar
    Carlos Henrique de Souza / Larissa Cardoso Beltrão
    Questo studio nasce dal singolare desiderio di analizzare la letteratura da una prospettiva contemporanea, guardando alle varie trasformazioni che il processo di urbanizzazione ha apportato alla società. A tal fine, mettiamo in gioco le forme di creazione letteraria nate in epoca moderna e che si stanno affermando negli ultimi anni. Il nostro obiettivo sarà quindi quello di dim...

    55,10 €

  • Echos des dystopischen Totalitarismus
    Daoudi Frid / Sara Bensahla-Tani
    Seit Anbeginn der Zeit sind Geschichte und Literatur miteinander verwoben; unablässig wird versucht, die Art und Weise zu verstehen, in der die erstere die letztere prägt. Dieses Buch erschließt die historische Facette des Totalitarismus und seine Darstellung in der Belletristik durch eine sorgfältige Untersuchung von George Orwells Hauptwerk Nineteen Eighty-Four und beleuchtet...

    60,38 €

  • Отголоски антиутопического тоталитаризма
    Даоуди Фрид / Сара Бенсахла-Тани
    На заре времен история и литература были переплетены друг с другом; предпринимались постоянные попытки понять, как первая формирует вторую. Эта книга посвящена историческим аспектам тоталитаризма и его изображению в художественной литературе через тщательное исследование великолепного произведения Джорджа Оруэлла 'Девятнадцать восемьдесят четыре', проливающего свет на тоталитар...

    60,38 €

  • Ecos do totalitarismo distópico
    Daoudi Frid / Sara Bensahla-Tani
    Desde o início dos tempos, a história e a literatura têm estado entrelaçadas uma na outra; têm sido feitas tentativas incessantes para compreender as formas como a primeira molda a segunda. Este livro explora a faceta histórica do totalitarismo e a sua representação na ficção através de uma investigação meticulosa da obra magna de George Orwell, Mil Novecentos e Oitenta e Quatr...

    60,26 €

  • Das Konfiktionale in den Chroniken von Fabrício Carpinejar
    Carlos Henrique de Souza / Larissa Cardoso Beltrão
    Diese Studie entstand aus dem Wunsch heraus, die Literatur aus einer zeitgenössischen Perspektive zu analysieren und die verschiedenen Veränderungen zu untersuchen, die der Prozess der Urbanisierung in der Gesellschaft mit sich gebracht hat, indem wir die Formen des literarischen Schaffens ins Spiel bringen, die in der Neuzeit entstanden sind und in den letzten Jahren an Bedeut...

    55,16 €

  • Le confictionnel dans les chroniques de Fabrício Carpinejar
    Carlos Henrique de Souza / Larissa Cardoso Beltrão
    Cette étude est née de la volonté singulière d’analyser la littérature dans une perspective contemporaine, en examinant les différentes transformations que le processus d’urbanisation a apportées à la société. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en jeu les formes de création littéraire qui ont vu le jour à l’époque moderne et qui ont gagné du terrain au cours de ces dernières années....

    55,10 €

  • Конфликтность в хрониках Фабрисио Карпинежара
    Карлос Энрике д Соуза / Ларисса Кар Бельтран
    Данное исследование возникло из единственного желания - проанализировать литературу с современной точки зрения, рассматривая различные трансформации, которые принес обществу процесс урбанизации. Для этого мы используем формы литературного творчества, которые зародились в современную эпоху и получили распространение в последние несколько лет. Таким образом, мы хотим доказать, чт...

    55,16 €