Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

74619 Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

  • Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 5
    Robert Wauchope
    This volume, the fifth in the Handbook of Middle American Indians, presents a summary of work accomplished since the Spanish conquest in the contemporary description and historical reconstruction of the indigenous languages and language families of Mexico and Central America.The essays include the following: 'Inventory of Descriptive Materials' by William Bright; 'Inventory of ...

    76,93 €

  • Theory of the Novel
    Philip Stevick

    23,49 €

  • Technical Dictionary
    Francis Cusset
    An English to French Technical Dictionary for use in the fields of: Electricity, Mechanics, Mining,Metallurgy, and the Sciences. Seventh Edition Revised and Enlarged. ...

    70,99 €

  • Studies in the Modern Russian Language
    B.D. Ed. Harrison / B.DEdHarrison / J. Mullen / JMullen / W. Harrison / WHarrison

    43,11 €

  • A Grammar of the Arabic Language Combined Volume Paperback
    W. Wright / William Wright / WWright

    162,20 €

  • Word Formation in the Noun and Adjective
    J. K. W. Norbury / JKWNorbury

    43,73 €

  • Symbol, Status, and Personality
    S. I. Hayakawa / Samuel I. Hayakawa / Samuel IHayakawa / SIHayakawa

    14,89 €

  • From Alfred to Henry III
    Christopher N. L. Brooke / Christopher NLBrooke

    19,04 €

  • Science French Course
    Paget C. W. Moffatt / Paget CWMoffatt
    THE title of this book sufficiently indicates its purpose,namely to provide students who have to read French bookson scientific subjects with the necessary minimum of grammarand a selection of extracts from which a little preliminarypractice may be obtained.The method followed will readily be seen from a glanceat the Table of Contents. It may here be explained thatPart I contai...

    64,12 €

  • Russian Pronunction Illustrated
    Dennis Ward / Peter Ed Ward / Peter Ed. Ward / Peter EdWard

    43,77 €

  • The English Language
    W. F. Bolton / WFBolton

    61,76 €

  • Novelle del Novecento
    Brian Moloney
    The sixteen short stories in this anthology demonstrate the scope of the modern Italian narrative between 1930 and 1960. To this end, the collection contains writings by both established writers, such as moravia, Vittorini, Pavese and Pasolini, as well as by lesser-known figures such as Santucci and Daví.The anthology aims to provide sixth-form and university students of Italia...

    18,96 €

  • The Philosophy of Grammar
    Otto Jespersen

    19,76 €

  • Homer and the Epic
    G. S. Kirk / GSKirk

    55,57 €

  • The Phonological History of Vegliote
    Richard LHadlich / Roger L. Hadlich
    The author presents a clear picture of the structural history of the Romance language known as Vegliote and illustrates the applicability of structural linguistics to a diachronic study of many stages. ...

    38,59 €

  • Studies in Romance Lexicology, Based on a Collection of Late Latin Documents from Ravenna (A.D. 445-700)
    Charles Merritt Carlton
    Charles Merritt Carlton studies in detail some forty words that he has found in the texts published by Tjader in his Die nichtliterarischen lateinischen Papyri Italiens aus der Zeit 445-700, vol. I (Lund, 1955). ...

    38,73 €

  • The New Dictionary of American History
    GELBER / MARTIN / Leonard Gelber / Michael Rheta Martin

    52,43 €

  • Introductory Language Essays
    Dudley Bailey

    23,60 €

  • Elementary Persian Grammar
    Lawrence P. Elwell-Sutton / Lawrence PElwell-Sutton
    Mr Elwell-Stutton’s book provides a simple grammatical framework for contemporary written Persian. it is based on the characteristic idiom and phraseology of the language as it is used in newspapers, magazines and novels. ...

    83,88 €

  • Preliminaries to Speech Analysis
    Gunnar Fant / Morris Halle / Roman Jakobson

    24,09 €

  • Dictionary of Spoken Spanish
    U S Armed Forces / U. S. Armed Forces / U.S. Armed Forces / USArmed Forces

    23,22 €

  • John Dewey - Dictionary of Education
    John Dewey
    John Dewey: Dictionary of Education is a comprehensive resource on John Dewey’s approach to education. With smart, concise definitions pertaining to Dewey’s philosophies, editor Ralph B. Winn has constructed a classic dictionary and indispensible tool for anyone who wants ready access to Dewey’s most incisive thought on crucial points in the study of education. John Dewey ...

    13,52 €

  • Skills and Techniques for Reading French
    Lester G. Crocker / Louise C. Seibert
    This book offers a tested method for teaching yourself to become proficient in reading French, quickly building your vocabulary, and enabling you to extract meaning without word-for-word translation. If you have had two years of high school or one year of college French, it will enable you to read with ease and enjoyment French periodicals and newspapers, or works in your speci...

    40,74 €

  • Modern Literary Arabic
    David Cowan

    76,61 €

  • The Pronunciation of English
    Daniel Jones

    66,67 €

  • Dictionary of Magic
    Harry E. Wedeck
    Dictionary of Magic by Harry E. Wedeck offers a broad understanding of the field of witchcraft, the occult, and its many manifestations, from early Babylonian times to the present day. It includes knowledge of words in this area from many continents and practices. It also discusses and analyzes occult practices and notable wizards and demonographers. Harry E. Wedeck was a ...

    18,38 €

  • Dictionary of Magic
    Harry E. Wedeck
    Dictionary of Magic by Harry E. Wedeck offers a broad understanding of the field of witchcraft, the occult, and its many manifestations, from early Babylonian times to the present day. It includes knowledge of words in this area from many continents and practices. It also discusses and analyzes occult practices and notable wizards and demonographers. Harry E. Wedeck was a ...

    10,09 €

  • Dictionary of Anthropology
    Charles Winich
    The Dictionary of Anthropology is a comprehensive explication of basic terms and concepts of archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistics, and physical anthropology. The terms have been selected from standard source and instructional materials, and include identifications of some major early contributors to anthropology. This is the only collection in any language of the spe...

    19,52 €

  • Language
    Edward Sapir

    19,27 €

  • A Study of the Language of the Biblical Psalms
    Matitiahu Tsevat

    16,84 €