Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

74612 Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

  • The Bible (Genesis) /Библия (Бытие)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:1 В начале сотворил Бог небо и землю.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1:2 Земля же была безвидна и пуста; и тьма была на лице бездны. И Дух Божий носился над водами.1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and ...

    18,73 €

  • The Bible (Genesis) / התנ'ך (בראשית)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 Yn y dechreuad creodd Duw y nefoedd a’r ddaear.1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:2 A’r ddaear oedd heb ffurf, a gwagleoedd; a thywyllwch oedd ar wyneb y dyfnder. Ac Ysbryd Duw a symudodd ar wyneb y dyfroedd.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the wate...

    16,23 €

  • The Bible (Genesis) / आदि (उत्पत्ति )
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:1 आदि में, भगवान आकाश और पृथ्वी बनाया.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1:2 और पृथ्वी बेडौल था, और सुनसान था. और गहरे भाग के ऊपर अन्धियारा था। और परमेश्वर का आत्मा जल के ऊपर चला गया।1:3 And God said, Let ther...

    18,65 €

  • Y Beibl / The Bible (Genesis)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 Yn y dechreuad creodd Duw y nefoedd a’r ddaear.1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:2 A’r ddaear oedd heb ffurf, a gwagleoedd; a thywyllwch oedd ar wyneb y dyfnder. Ac Ysbryd Duw a symudodd ar wyneb y dyfroedd.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the wate...

    16,09 €

  • La Parure / The Diamond Necklace
    Guy De Maupassant / Louise Charlotte Garstin Quesada / Tranzlaty
    Acquisition de langues traduitesTranslated Language AcquisitionPhrase par phraseSentence by sentenceLa langue est la chose la plus naturelle au mondeLanguage is the most natural thing in the worldles bébés peuvent distinguer les mots avant de savoir marcherbabies can distinguish words before they can walkau bout d’un an, ils commencent à parler eux-mêmeswithin a year they start...

    6,23 €

  • La rappresentazione della donna in tre romanzi di Jane Austen
    Ghanim Obeidat
    Questo libro analizza Jane Austen e i suoi scritti sulla questione femminile. In Ragione e sentimento, Orgoglio e pregiudizio ed Emma, la Austen critica, attraverso la rappresentazione dei principali personaggi femminili, il momento storico da un punto di vista socio-politico, nonché le convenzioni della società del suo tempo riguardo alle donne. Questo studio esamina l’uso del...

    69,47 €

  • O retrato das mulheres em três romances de Jane Austen
    Ghanim Obeidat
    Este livro investiga Jane Austen e a sua escrita sobre questões femininas. Em Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice e Emma, Austen critica, através do retrato das principais personagens femininas, o momento histórico de um ponto de vista sócio-político, bem como as convenções da sociedade do seu tempo relativamente às mulheres. Este estudo examina a utilização dos enredos ...

    69,47 €

  • Изображение женщин в трех романах Джейн Остин
    Ганим Обейдат
    В этой книге исследуется Джейн Остин и ее произведения, посвященные проблемам женщин. В романах 'Разум и чувства', 'Гордость и предубеждение' и 'Эмма' Остен через изображение главных женских персонажей критикует исторический момент с социально-политической точки зрения, а также условности общества ее времени в отношении женщин. В данном исследовании рассматривается использовани...

    69,53 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies

    50,52 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching

    50,24 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization

    50,25 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Translation
    Kirsten Malmkjær

    51,10 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching

    50,77 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language

    49,52 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism

    50,90 €

  • What is a Woman
    Cassidy Silverwood
    In a world where definitions shape our understanding of identity, Cassidy Silverwood delves into the intricate and multifaceted question: What is a woman? Through a thought-provoking exploration that spans across social, philosophical, and linguistic dimensions, Silverwood unpacks the seemingly simple yet profoundly complex term 'woman.'With keen insight and a balanced perspect...

    12,31 €

  • An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Wildlife Corridors
    Amy D. Propen
    An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Wildlife Corridors charts some best practices and makes new theoretical contributions about the design and creation of wildlife corridors. The book provides the necessary background for understanding habitat connectivity projects, and makes a theoretical contribution to current knowledge about wildlife corridors. ...

    158,78 €

  • Baroque
    Holly Myers
    'Beauty is an unstable force. It gathers mysteriously even out of its absence, beginning as a transparent sheen, little more than a certain perception of moisture. Out of ugliness even. Like a mold it grows, then like a moss; suddenly it’s covered in little petals. It coheres, burgeons, builds, drifts. Shapes form and pile, almost tumble, look as if to tumble, hold, tumble more...

    21,48 €

  • Write it Right
    Cliff Harrington
    Communication is essential. The two most familiar forms of communication are spoken and written.We live in an age now dominated by online publication. That hasn’t always been the case. Newspapers, magazines and books dominated readers’ attention for centuries. The constant through all the ages has been writing. Without that we lose the ability to chronicle people’s lives, cultu...

    25,92 €

  • Considerations and Techniques for Applied Linguistics and Language Education Research
    Hung Phu Bui
    As the field of linguistics and language education expands and evolves, scholars and practitioners are encountering a multitude of challenges. Complex research methodologies, ethical considerations, and technological advancements create hurdles to contributors in the field. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of applied linguistics provides a diverse array of approaches and ...

    320,95 €

  • Considerations and Techniques for Applied Linguistics and Language Education Research
    Hung Phu Bui
    As the field of linguistics and language education expands and evolves, scholars and practitioners are encountering a multitude of challenges. Complex research methodologies, ethical considerations, and technological advancements create hurdles to contributors in the field. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of applied linguistics provides a diverse array of approaches and ...

    242,04 €

  • Aa Bb Cc Dd...zz
    Osvaldo Matsuda
    Ao acomodar o Alfabeto para algumas situações lógicas ou contextos formais, ter possibilidades de soluções artísticas, criativas, poéticas, léxicas, semânticas, linguísticas, visuais, semióticas, e até mesmo, lógicas e formais; além de outras perspectivas. ...

    13,95 €

  • История русской литературы (конец 19 века - начало 20 века)
    Хикмат Каримов
    Данное учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению бакалаврията: 60111700 - русский язык в иноязычных группах, а также для преподавателей высших учебных заведений. Пособие необходимо при изучении русской литературы, оно способствует и повышает логическое и критическое мышление в данной области, развивает творческой подход, позволяет хорошо...

    48,76 €

  • The Bible (Genesis) / Biblia (Geneza)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:1 Na początku Bóg stworzył niebo i ziemię.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1:2 A ziemia była bezkształtna i pusta; i ciemność była na powierzchni głębin. A Duch Boży unosił się nad powierzchnią wód.1:3 And G...

    17,42 €

  • The Bible (Genesis) / کتاب مقدس (پیدایش)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:1 در اغاز، خدا اسمان و زمین را افرید.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1:2 و زمین بدون شکل بود، و خالی؛ و تاریکی بر چهره عمیق بود. و روح خدا بر روی ابها حرکت کرد.1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and ther...

    16,16 €

  • The Bible (Genesis) 성경 (창세기)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:1 태초에 하나님이천지를 창조하시니라.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1:2 땅은 형체도없고 공허하니라. 어둠이 깊음의표면 위에있었다. 그러자하나님의 영이수면 위에역사하셨다.1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.1:3 하나님이 가라사대빛이 있으라하시니 빛이있더라1:4 And G...

    17,45 €

  • Avventure Bilingui
    Artici English
    Immergiti in un mondo di meraviglia ed eccitazione con la nostra deliziosa raccolta di brevi storie bilingui inglese italiano! Queste storie sono accuratamente concepite per intrattenere ed educare i giovani lettori che stanno imparando l’inglese.Unisciti a una giovane ragazza mentre esplora il mondo magico di un libreria magica, incontra il contadino che canta e solca i cieli ...

    10,51 €

  • Ontdekkingsreizen met Vrienden
    Artici English
    Welkom in een wereld van betovering en avontuur! Sluit je aan bij jonge ontdekkingsreizigers terwijl ze beginnen aan magische reizen vol vriendschap, moed en ontdekking. Van ontmoetingen met mystieke wezens tot het ontrafelen van mysteries in verre landen, deze tweetalige Engels-Nederlandse korte verhalen zullen jonge lezers en taalstudenten alike betoveren. ...

    10,48 €

  • The Bible (Genesis) / الكتاب المقدس (تكوين)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:1 في البدء خلق الله السماء والأرض.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1:2 وكانت الارض بلا شكل وباطلة. وكان الظلام على وجه الأعماق. وتحرك روح الله على وجه المياه.1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there w...

    16,22 €

  • A Bíblia (Génese) / The Bible (Genesis)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 No princípio, Deus criou o céu e a terra.1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:2 E a terra estava sem forma e vazia; e a escuridão estava sobre a face das profundezas. E o Espírito de Deus moveu-se sobre a face das águas.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face o...

    18,73 €