Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

3365 Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

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  • On Our Way Home
    Dwight Kiefert
    How do you handle the loss of a child? Where do you turn for answers? Death does not have to be a mystery. Join author and father, Dwight Kiefert as he shares his story: the tragic loss of a young son, Matthew, killed by a drunken school bus driver in 1987; and the direction and faith he and his family came to know after their darkest hour. More than 95% of marriages that su er...

    8,30 €

  • Murdered Judges of the Twentieth Century
    Susan P. Baker
    Although there have been individual books published about famous murder cases ranging from serial killers, mass murderers and more . . . .'Murdered Judges of the Twentieth Century' is the first collection of its kind. Susan P. Baker started this project because she was concerned with the prevalence of violence in American courthouses in the 1980s and 1990s. She had always thoug...

    21,93 €

  • Son of a Bitch
    Jason B. Sheffield / Jason BSheffield
    Immaturity, simmering anger, and years of therapy - budding defense attorney, Benjamin Scales owes it all to his mother.She dragged him through hell while clawing her way to the top of the sexist, male-dominated legal profession, sacrificing everything to build a life for herself and her son - a bizarre and broken life, but a life. Under her ferocious veneer, Carter Scales is a...

    11,37 €

  • AKA Michael
    Michael Garramone
    This is the story of a young boy born to two hard working Italian parents, as an only child, in an affluent area of Queens New York, with a very bright future. That all came to a crashing end the morning his mother shot and killed his father while he sat out in front of one of their stores when he was 12. The story then goes on a multitude of different types of stories, as he a...

    23,13 €

  • American Criminal Justice System Inc
    Fred E Eghobor
    The United States is only about 5 percent of the world’s population, but home to 25 per cent of global prisoners. The American criminal justice system presently is broken, and an example of justice run amok. The system has deteriorated to a point whereby innocent people are being imprisoned even with the lack of sufficient evidence. For the real criminals, punishments are often...

    17,56 €

  • Decryption of the Donna Lass Code
    Loren L Swearingen
    A Zodiac killer encrypted message on a locally circulated reward poster for the missing Donna Lass was thought to perhaps give some clue to the location of her body.  For the first time, the decrypted messages are published in this book. ...

    68,79 €

  • Forgiving Murder - The Voice of Reason
    Anita Lambert
    This thought provoking and inspirational story is the true account of how Anita’s nephew’s brutal murder forced her to experience forgiveness in the rawest form. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit’s ability to heal after crippling devastation which would forever alter the lives of all those effected, negatively or positively. Anita gives a very personal accou...

    11,23 €

  • His Name Was Murder
    Phil LeVota
    This book tells the story of five different homicide cases from Kansas City, Missouri as told by the prosecutor who handled the cases himself, Phil LeVota.  Five different stories are the five chapters that tell the different tale of true crime from the criminal's perspective, the police perspective, and the prosecution perspective. The Jackson County Prosecutor's offic...

    14,06 €

  • Socioeconomic and Legal Implications of Electronic Intrusion
    In the information society, electronic intrusion has become a new form of trespassing often causing significant problems and posing great risks for individuals and businesses. Socioeconomic and Legal Implications of Electronic Intrusion focuses on abusive and illegal practices of penetration in the sphere of private communications. A leading international reference source withi...

    256,05 €

  • Fabricating Evidence II
    James Fancher / Sr. Britton Mosley
    The purpose of Fabricating Evidence II: Office of the Attorney General/ Mississippi Department of Corrections Integrity Meltdown is to expose the corruption inside the Mississippi Department of Corrections and the Office of the Attorney General. Former Correctional Warden John “Jimmy” Fancher and former Correctional Captain Britton Mosley, Sr. became targets after Fancher refu...

    18,38 €

  • National Security and Counterintelligence in the Era of Cyber Espionage
    Eugenie de Silva
    As technology continues to advance, the threats imposed on these innovations also continue to grow and evolve. As such, law enforcement specialists diligently work to counteract these threats, promote national safety, and defend the individual rights of citizens. National Security and Counterintelligence in the Era of Cyber Espionage highlights technological advancements in int...

    262,41 €

  • The Table of Truth
    Jacob M Carter
    The Kennedy assassination is a vital part of our national history, but for those who study it, it becomes something more, something…personal. That personalization of history creates a healthy passion that drives research forward. But it also carries the risk of becoming dangerous if researchers lose sight of the original goal for studying this pivitol event—the truth. ere are ...

    10,86 €

  • Above and Beyond
    Don Lomax
    Beginning in May of 2007, noted comic writer and illustrator Don Lomax (MARVEL's The Punisher, CALIBER COMIC's Vietnam Journal) teamed up with Police and Security News magazine to produce the series "Above and Beyond" - real life depictions of heroic acts by law enforcement professionals.   Just as our soldiers here and abroad deserve recognition for their unwavering se...

    10,24 €

  • The Ultimate Sacrifice
    Anthony Fields
    Betrayal is worse than slaughter. That's the motto Antonio Ameen Felder always instills in his friends. When a murder at the prison threatens to incarcerate them all for life, one man decides to sacrifice himself to free the others. All he asks for in return is that his family is taken care of. Luther ""Khadafi"" Fuller is the leader of the recently freed trio. He takes his...

    29,42 €

  • Historia de la verea
    Todo comienza cuando uno de los protagonistas aterriza en Sevilla. No conoce a nadie en la ciudad, pero sabe que algunos compañeros de carrera viven en la misma. Consigue la dirección de los residentes en esta y contacta con ellos a través de una circular jocosa.Los convoca a una cena a la que asisten todos y se reencuentran muchos años después de acabar los estudios que hicier...

    18,00 €

  • The Devil’s Jazz
    Vincent B. 'Chip' LoCoco
    'They have never caught me and they never will . . . I have been, am, and will be the worst spirit that ever existed either in fact or the realm of fancy.' - The AxmanIn the sultry heart of New Orleans, a city haunted by the legacy of Jack the Ripper’s reign of terror in London, a new menace emerges. The year is 1918, and the Axman of New Orleans prowls the cobblestone streets,...

    16,45 €

  • An American Tragedy
    Dan Flanigan
    In the scorching summer of 1988, amidst the frenzy of the Satanic Panic gripping the nation, private detective O’Keefe finds himself thrust into a trial like no other. As he strives to establish his fledgling agency, the last thing he anticipates is being drawn into a harrowing legal battle. But when Virginia Montrose, 'Miss Ginny' to her students and his daughter Kelly’s most ...

    15,54 €

  • 1492
    Bonnemaison Francisco J.
    Durante décadas, la historiografía existente sobre el descubrimiento y la conquista fue parcializada y acrítica respecto a uno de los hechos más trascendentales, no solo en la historia de América Latina, sino de la misma humanidad. De esta manera, por muchos años se pensó que dicho proceso había sido armonioso, enriquecedor y para nada traumático y que, en cambio, las consecuen...

    21,83 €


    20,25 €

  • Vermelho Brasil
    Milton Borges
    Vermelho Brasil, de autoria de Milton Borges, trata-se de uma novela literária, gênero cada vez mais raro entre nós, e que se define como obra em prosa intermediária entre o conto e romance. Alguns escritores rotulam suas novelas como romances, receosos de que possam ser confundidas com o lixo cultural da maioria das novelas televisivas. No caso, o texto tem todas as caracterís...

    11,17 €

  • El caso alfonso basterra
    Julián Peña
    La muerte de la pequeña Asunta se convirtió desde las primeras horas en un crimen famoso, una gran oportunidad para los dueños de los medios de comunicación. Nunca se entendió el móvil, pero había algo de lo que nadie dudaba: la absoluta culpabilidad de los padres, rápidamente detenidos, pese a la falta de pruebas y la escasez de indicios contra uno de ellos. Expuestos desde el...

    18,47 €

  • Los que preguntan al presidente 2ª Edición
    José Sobrevilla
    Con prólogos de Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, Coordinador General de Comunicación Social de la presidencia de la República mexicana, presentación del Dr. Antonio Sierra, coordinador de Comunicación de la Dirección General de Divulgación de las Humanidades de la UNAM, así como portada y grabados del artista plástico Héctor de la Garza Batorski, EKO; e Introducción realizada por el perio...

    16,00 €

  • Cops Go
    Paulo Gutemberg
    Cops Go - Squad Blue é uma série de investigação em quadrinhos estilo mangá, No ano de 2043 no planeta conhecido como Orion onde tecnologia e magia se misturam em um mundo novo! Com aumento da violência em cada distrito e a policia não conseguindo dar conta, pensando nisso dois professores criam uma divisão policial especial para investigar e solucionar os casos que a policia c...

    8,06 €

  • Al borde del suicidio. Un libro para quienes han decidido irse, pero aún están aquí.
    Begoña Moro Rodríguez
    Hay vivencias en la vida que no pueden describirse con palabras: la muerte de un hijo, sufrir una enfermedad terminal o tener deseos profundos de morir pueden ser ejemplos de ello.La autora de Al borde del suicidio pretende acercar su corazón al de aquellos que se sienten solos e incomprendidos. A aquellas personas que sienten un dolor tan profundo que la única salida que ven a...

    14,89 €

  • Judicial Misconceptions Shattered
    Matthew Harrison
    Unlocking the Truth: Judicial Misconceptions Shattered takes you on a transformative journey led by Matthew Harrison, revealing the hidden truths within our justice system. Inspired by impactful journalism from figures like Peter Wagner, Executive Director of Prison Policy Initiative, this groundbreaking work exposes startling realities about jails and prisons in America.Throug...

    14,29 €

  • Una vida de silencio
    aleeelazo .
    Una vida de silencio nos adentra en la vida de la autora, donde la depresión y la ceguera marcarán su día a día.Superación y lucha serán sus constantes. El lector crecerá junto a la protagonista: desde su infancia hasta su adultez. Verá cómo se cae, cómo se levanta, cómo es consciente de sus problemas y cómo lucha contra ellos. ...

    14,99 €

  • Uma Breve Biografia Sobre Estephen King
    J. Angelini
    Nessa obra, o professor de inglês, nascido no Brasil, Jose Angelini Aquino, nos apresenta, de forma ampla, detalhes de uma viagem insólita pelo universo peculiar de Stephen King, o escritor norte-americano, reconhecido como um dos mais notáveis escritores de contos de horror e ficção de sua geração. Os seus livros já venderam quase 400 milhões de cópias, com publicações em mais...

    10,93 €

  • Piura: siglo XIX
    Raúl Palacios Rodríguez
    '¿Qué rasgos tipificaron el escenario geográfico de Piura del siglo XIX? ¿Por qué se habla de un tardío expansionismo urbano de la ciudad-capital? ¿Cómo se canalizó la comunicación tanto interna como externa de la ciudad con sus localidades periféricas más representativas? ¿Cuáles fueron los principales progresos citadinos que entonces se operaron? ¿Qué hitos marcaron la evoluc...

    63,96 €

  • Antonio Carlos Belchior - Biografia
    Ângela Belchior E Estêvão Zizzi
    Neste volume, contaremos a vida e obra de Antonio Carlos Belchior, historiada desde o primeiro ascendente de nacionalidade portuguesaa desembarcar em terras cearenses, que originou do lado paterno a família de cognome Belchior. Do inocente Toin Carlos quando criança, do jovem Antonio Carlos, conhecido dos parentes e amigos, do frei de nome Francisco Antonio de Sobral, do Belchi...

    38,21 €

  • O Caminho Da Escuridão
    Luiz G. Teixeira
    Na pequena cidade de Palmeira, os alunos do colégio Alberto Hurtado, aguardam ansiosamente a grande festa tradicional do mês de setembro, neste ano será na casa de uma das garotas mais populares do pequeno município, Lana Machado, a filha do delegado.Ravi Bernardi é um rapaz intenso que nem os seus olhos esverdeados, capaz de seduzir qualquer pessoa ao seu redor, dono de segred...

    17,47 €