Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

3365 Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

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  • Mi padre, la muerte y yo
    Jarvy Alonso Manqullio Medina
    Toda historia tiene entre sus partes algunos aspectos reales y ficticios. Este libro no escapa a este criterio, pues hay entre sus palabras tanta verdad como imaginación, pero sobre todo hay redención y esperanza.Este libro es una pastilla para el dolor emocional, una excusa justificada para desahogar el llanto reprimido. Es una reconciliación consigo mismo, un suspiro, una inh...

    12,48 €

  • Angel, The
    Uri Bar-Joseph

    14,07 €

  • Behind The Face
    Toranj Irani
    A mother’s triumphant journey from darkness to light after suffering a traumatic loss. Behind the Face 'is a heart-wrenching story that will inspire you as Toranj Irani embarks on her path toward healing. Toranj allows the reader insight into her journey from wondering why her life included so much suffering and why she was being punished-to the realization that not everything ...

    20,71 €

  • Behind The Face
    Toranj Irani
    A mother’s triumphant journey from darkness to light after suffering a traumatic loss. Behind the Face 'is a heart-wrenching story that will inspire you as Toranj Irani embarks on her path toward healing. Toranj allows the reader insight into her journey from wondering why her life included so much suffering and why she was being punished-to the realization that not everything ...

    22,06 €

  • B, de bares
    Joaquin Lozano Torres
    El autor ha elegido, entre los establecimientos sevillanos de este, aquellos que superan los cien años, asegurando así una solera que el paso del tiempo garantiza. Y para escribir sobre ellos, el autor ha buscado referencias que van desde las históricas a las legendarias, entretejidas con un amplio abanico de anécdotas y curiosidades que nos hacen, no solo descubrir cosas que p...

    17,44 €

  • Charlie Lucky
    N. J. Morgan
    This is the true story of Charles Lucky Luciano, the man who organized crime. An immigrant Italian child, growing up on the filth-ridden, poor and deadly streets of New York city’s infamous Lower East Side, in Manhattan. Through brutality, street smarts, manipulation, treachery, and murder, he became the leader of the American underworld and the most powerful crime boss of all ...

    18,10 €

  • KANMO Dossier
    Ronald E Harlow
    The FBI hid crucial information about this shooting, made critical documents disappear, even failed to properly account for weapons recovered at the shooting scene. For many decades people have tried to 'solve' the shooting, but I did. Even though the FBI concealed vital evidence. If they can prove me wrong, they will. Don’t bet on it though. Because they can’t.----------------...

    45,53 €

    Bill Conroy
    ­DEA commander and House of Death whistleblower Sandalio Gonzalez said to me when I first started reporting on this drug-war horror story.... 'If this had been a city on the Canadian border, these murders would not have happened. Our government would not allow Canadian citizens to be tortured and murdered. But, in the House of Death case, they did let it happen, because it was ...

    25,18 €

  • The Dark City Murders
    Mark Davie
    In 'The Dark City Murders: A Detective’s Race Against Time,' Detective James Monroe takes readers on a gripping journey through the investigation of one of the most heinous crimes in the city’s history.When a string of murders rocks the city, Detective Monroe is tasked with leading the investigation. As the body count rises, Monroe and his team race against time to identify the...

    22,63 €

  • The Trail of Blook and Wine
    Merrill Bonarrigo / Paul V Bonarrigo
    The growth of a wine industry begins with simple farmers producing quality wines. As the industry grows, others move in for personal gain and greed. Sometimes lives are lost in the battle. Such was the fate of many in the Texas wine industry. Every region has its story and its skeletons. Join Trevor Talan as he helps to find the answers to long lost questions of murder. ...

    19,14 €

  • The Kill Lists
    Anna Belle
    A serial killer has killed two victims in the suburb of Coon Rapids, MN. Brent Thompson and his colleagues in the police department must stop the killer before he strikes again. As they work through the clues, they discover that the killer has kill lists, and they are on one of the lists. Brent’s fiancé, Shelley, has also become a potential victim on one of his kill lists. ...

    14,49 €

  • Boston Stranglers, The
    Susan Kelly

    20,87 €

  • Unbelievable Crimes Volume Four
    Daniela Airlie
    Explore the chilling stories of humanity’s most sinister individuals in Unbelievable Crimes Volume Four.I’ll uncover hidden horrors of recent history, walking you through a haunting lineup of lesser-known crimes. I’ve scoured the dark and disturbing archives of true crime to present an anthology of cases that even the most informed crime followers may not have encountered befor...

    6,26 €

  • The Hagley Wood Tree Murder
    Keith Swallow
    In 1943, four teenagers, engaged in a spot of poaching on a private estate within Hagley Wood, near Birmingham, England discover a decaying woman’s body secreted within the trunk of a tree. The police are unable to identify whose remains they are, nor the circumstances of her death. Shortly after, messages start to appear on walls in the surrounding area of the West Midlands, i...

    29,53 €

  • God Without the Nonsense
    Peter Raj
    In association with 'God of War' podcast. Militant atheists have through criticism made a substantial contribution to our knowledge of God, religion and the Bible. It seems a shame to waste all that good work on atheism when it can be used for defending an alternative concept of God. It is a God concept borne of their criticisms. Yahweh, the God of War was introduced by Richard...

    17,02 €

  • The Killer’s Identity
    Latonya Williams / TBD
    Navy veteran men keep coming up tortured and murdered. FBI agents Jackson and Cunningham have been chasing this serial killer for almost a decade. Could it be a coincidence that one of the men that are dying could be the one that kidnapped and raped her mother years ago? When they catch a break and find a witness to one of the kidnappings it leads them to the one person Agent J...

    15,06 €

  • Oscar Slater - A Killer Exposed
    Brenda Rossini
    This is the story of Oscar Slater, a Jewish immigrant in Glasgow, Scotland and two fellow Scottish scammers, Helen Lambie and Patrick Nugent. In the Christmas season of 1908, the trio conspired to rob an elderly, wealthy lady of her diamonds, and, in the course of which burglary, Oscar Slater murdered her on December 21, 1908. All, not some, authors and sleuths who researched t...

    30,99 €

  • A Body in the Lane
    Elizabeth Long
    Homicide detectives Mark Amos and Zac Harris are called out in the early hours of a cold, wet morning to investigate a naked corpse curled up in a laneway off Exhibition Street, Melbourne. The face of the corpse is twisted in torment. Numerous knife wounds and cigarette burns litter the torso. The experienced detectives have not seen anything like it. There are no clues and the...

    14,79 €

  • Smash Smash Smash
    Philip Fairbanks
    Millions of people heard these words and shared the viral video with their friends. This mysterious surfing hitchhiker then vanished as quickly as he appeared, only to reappear on many late night talk shows and fan videos. But 3 months later, he was arrested and charged with killing a prominent New Jersey lawyer... in self defense against a sex assault.Who is this mysterious hi...

    46,35 €

  • Cybersecurity Engineering for Smart Grid
    Mariana Hentea
    This book provides a systematic approach for the design of secure systems and the implementation of a security and privacy program for the Smart Grid and DERs. The focus is on the aspects of building blocks to engineer the security of the Smart Grid, DERs, and systems. The book includes methodology guidelines and a knowledge base to apply analysis and risk management methods to...

    170,75 €

  • The Adventures of Mulberry Manor, Book 1
    Jay W. Foreman
    When Jade and Teddy’s father leaves to search for their mother, they are dropped off in a suburb outside of nowhere, at a mansion called Mulberry Manor, being watched after by eclectic family friends they have never met. It doesn’t take long for them to realize there is much more to this mansion and this town than meets the eye. Lines between fiction and reality and the natural...

    16,80 €

  • The Adventures of Mulberry Manor, Book 1
    Jay W. Foreman
    When Jade and Teddy’s father leaves to search for their mother, they are dropped off in a suburb outside of nowhere, at a mansion called Mulberry Manor, being watched after by eclectic family friends they have never met. It doesn’t take long for them to realize there is much more to this mansion and this town than meets the eye. Lines between fiction and reality and the natural...

    25,36 €

  • Spanish special operations stories
    Jaime Íñiguez Andrade
    This is not a novel or a novelised account; it containsthe actions undertaken by a tough group of fighters, highly trained and never doubting when asked to risk their lives to fulfil a mission: the green berets. Soldiers who nourish and inspire the Spanish Special Operations Units; Units that allow force to be used differently: discreetly if that is what is required, during pea...

    20,00 €

  • But, Whose Fault?
    Amos Asemone / Fernanda Asemone
    Book DescriptionDo you keep an eye on world events through mainstream media? If so, chances are you have missed out on many essential news stories from countries around the world.While many news outlets will cover European, U.K., and U.S. news in great detail, they often leave out essential news from other continents, especially Africa.And yet, that doesn’t mean that newsworthy...

    10,38 €

  • Penalty al Vaticano
    José María Gil Cruces
    Cuando el 11 de septiembre de 2001 se produjeron los tristemente célebres ataques a las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York y a otras ciudades de Estados Unidos, habían pasado cinco meses de la prórroga que Bin Laden había dado al país que lo había formado en tiempos pasados. El motivo de este retraso de casi medio año: un partido de fútbol entre el Barcelona y el Liverpool, que el ho...

    18,04 €

  • Blue Widow
    Sonya Leeding
    A true story of loss and resilience from a Queensland Police OfficerBlue Widow is the harrowing story of Sonya Leeding, whose husband Damian was shot during a botched armed robbery at the Pacific Pines Tavern in Queensland, Australia.Sonya’s no-holds-barred account of the night of 29 May 2011 and the events that unfolded after this tragedy offer an extraordinary insight into th...

    18,56 €

  • Cartas desde la celda
    Mario Lanero
    Tras más de treinta y cinco años dedicado a la educación canina, Mario Lanero ha llegado a entender las miradas de esos seres maravillosos que son los perros. Fruto de ello son estas cartas que, aunque han sido elaboradas por el autor, bien podrían haber sido escritas por ellos. Cartas escritas desde un lugar en el que no deberían estar.Este libro es el resultado de un concienz...

    20,75 €

  • Through Windows In The Sky I Fall
    Molly Mae has embarked on a new journey in the opposite direction of where she’d once been headed-and was unknowingly predestined to go due to the sins of her forefathers. Leaving behind the small town in rural Victoria where she was born, she relocates to Melbourne to start a new life. Having battled substance abuse for a decade and haunted by her own secrets and demons, she i...

    15,40 €

  • Privileged Secrets Book Two
    Sherrie Berry
    Can a monolithic religion hold the keys to absolute truth and sway millions in its grip? Prepare to be captivated by Seeds of Eden, Book One of the Privileged Secrets Trilogy-a critically acclaimed international thriller that delves into real-life experiences.In this thought-provoking tale, earnest seekers after truth find themselves ensnared by the alluring promises of a monol...

    18,47 €

    Carol Bengle Gilbert
    In the single month of January 2023, a typical month in which no large venue shootings resulted in multiple children dying, 150 American children were killed with guns. Eight of them died on New Year’s Day, the same number felled by bullets in Ukraine, an active war zone, for the period January 1 to January 29. What’s wrong, America? Why are American grown-ups derelict in fulfi...

    10,52 €