Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

3365 Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

Libros Eliminar filtro Biografía e historias reales Eliminar filtro Historias reales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    A series of gruesome murders shocks the city of Miami, each victim marked by the precision of a scalpel-wielding killer. Delving into the twisted minds behind the murders, Detective Liv Olsen discovers an unsettling connection between an upstanding member of society and those driven by a sinister compulsion to wield their surgical skills as instruments of death. With every piec...

    21,32 €

  • Anatomy of a Medically Abusive Childhood
    Candace Ahalse
    Have you ever been in contact with a medical or Munchausen by proxy abuser? Are you sure? Have you ever been in a traffic accident, a school lockdown, an office lockdown, an infrastructure failure, a fire, or a power outage? Have you ever been burglarized, stalked, falsely accused of a crime, falsely accused of a scandal, or catfished? Have you ever had your property vandalized...

    19,78 €

  • Murder by Kari, Murder by Ken
    Anna Belle
    Don’t become part of the story!Two authors defend themselves along with their family and friends from a stalker determined to recreate gruesome scenes found within their published best sellers. The killer leaves clues via vicious communications on their author websites. Ken and Kari Whirley must assist their hired security agency and the Chaska police to identify which best s...

    13,30 €

    A series of gruesome murders shocks the city of Miami, each victim marked by the precision of a scalpel-wielding killer. Delving into the twisted minds behind the murders, Detective Liv Olsen discovers an unsettling connection between an upstanding member of society and those driven by a sinister compulsion to wield their surgical skills as instruments of death. With every piec...

    13,37 €

  • Para Jamais Nos Esquecermos
    João Batista Pontes
    NOTA DO EDITORÉ com grande entusiasmo que apresento a obra monumental de João Batista Pontes, intituladaPara Jamais Nos Esquecermos . Este compêndio de artigos e análises incisivas mergulha nas complexidades da realidade brasileira durante os anos tumultuados do governo Bolsonaro.Pontes, um servidor aposentado do Senado, traz à luz uma compreensão singular das questões orçament...

    27,08 €

  • A Life Not Worth Taking
    Jeremiah Douglas
    This is a true story of a child, the youngest of three kids. School was not challenging enough. Travelled all over North America, Canada, The Arctic Circle 9 times and managed to stay alive. ...

    13,44 €

  • Stolen Voices
    Bonnie Bley
    Murder may seem easy, and getting away with it even easier, particularly in Indian Country. Big Horn County, MT, where Ms. Bley grew up, bears the unfortunate distinction of having the highest rate of missing and murdered women and girls. Selena Not Afraid fell victim to this hidden epidemic on New Year’s Day 2020, disappearing without a trace under mysterious circumstances. He...

    16,41 €

  • Targeted
    Renee Pittman
    Pure, undeniable, sinister personalities today are at the helm of brilliant, advanced psychophysical technologies, who are inhumanely destroying the lives of men, women, and children. They are devoid of compassion believing it cannot be proven and this mentality officially sanctioned.Neuroweapons, Nanotechnologies, the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI...

    34,90 €

  • Trails of Hope - Finding Atticus
    G. Ellen Hare
    Based on a true story, 'Trails of Hope: Finding Atticus,' follows Pamela, who finds her dream horse named Atticus, only for the horse to vanish from the barn. Devastated by the loss and determined to find him, Pamela embarks on a relentless search that spans several years. Pamela also confronts the toxicity of her relationship with her parents, navigating the complexities of fa...

    25,00 €

  • Crimes Hediondos E Lei De Tortura
    Karina Santos Da Silva
    Os crimes hediondos são aqueles que causam maior impacto, maior repúdio, e , portanto, merecem tratamento diferenciado pela legislação.A lei de crimes hediondos, foi criada no ano de 1990, e ano e ano, sofre constantes modificações de acordo com a necessidade.Contribuições importantes vieram de casos que se tornaram famosos, como foi o da autora Glória Perez em 1.994, após o as...

    8,31 €

  • Decisiones
    Juan Alapont Ramón
    Este libro es un relato novelesco, tratado lo más benevolente posible, sobre varios temas actuales, que no por ello son fuertes para la vida común de los ciudadanos. Trata sobre la vida de un empleado de alta escala de la conserjería de Valencia que, en su recorrido laboral, escabroso y podrido, pasa por diferentes administraciones, dando lugar a situaciones muy fuertes, en oca...

    17,49 €

  • Making Shadows
    Tony McHugh
    Making Shadows spans the period from the fall of Singapore in World War 2 to the Welcome Home Parade for Vietnam veterans in 1987. It is a story about what appear to be opposites - life and death, light and shadow, war and peace - when, in fact, they are the same.Joe is a National Service conscript. Assigned to his four-man tent at Nui Dat base, he is scrutinised by three regul...

    16,53 €

    M Henningham
    Welcome to the mysterious realm of 'Behaving Badly,' a captivating collection of thriller short stories that beckons you into the unknown. Born from the shadows of inspiration, this enigmatic compilation unfolds with tales that will send shivers down your spine and leave you yearning for more. The odyssey begins with ’Soulless,’ where a young woman battles to break free from th...

    18,96 €

    M Henningham
    Get ready for a wild ride with 'DRUNKFACE,' a gripping book of five thrilling short stories that’ll give you goosebumps. Each story takes you on a spooky adventure, diving deep into the minds of characters who are pushed to the limits. Feel the desperation in 'Drunkface,' shiver at the madness in 'Insane Reality,' and get tangled up in the troubles of a mom in 'Blood Moon.' The...

    19,15 €

  • Betrayals and Lies
    J.K. Barclay
    Betrayals and Lies: My Parents Were Spies is the intriguing, thrilling, and as-it-happened story of Jim and Alexis Barclay, who found themselves in Venezuela, South America during the most difficult years of World War II. The Barclays had planned a life as missionaries, but the United States government (through President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the United States Office of...

    15,43 €

  • Midwest Vice
    Gavin Schmitt
    This book delves into four interconnected murders, each of them unsolved, in which the common denominator is the underground world of sex trafficking. Using police and FBI records never before made public, underworld links are made between numerous vice centers in the Midwest. What does a small mining town in upper Michigan have to do with organized crime in Peoria, Illinois...

    28,48 €

  • Hackers, Crackers, Pirates and Phreaks
    George Parthimos
    Hackers, Crackers, Pirates, and Phreaks provides a vivid first-hand account of the emergence of the 1980’s global computer underground, and its ultimate downfall, as seen through the eyes of one of its pioneering members.Follow the compelling journey of ’The Rebel,’ an inquisitive 12-year-old who transforms to become one of the world’s most prolific software pirates by the age ...

    14,29 €

  • Animales que cuentan (en) la historia
    Alma Leonor López Pilar / Javier Ramos
    Son los grandes olvidados de la historia: los animales, a pesar de que no se podría escribir la crónica de la humanidad sin tener en cuenta nuestra relación con ellos. Este libro pretende saldar esa deuda pendiente mostrando que animales como chimpancés, perros, pinzones, elefantes, caballos, palomas, leones, toros, ovejas, serpientes, abejas, ratones son capaces de contar LA H...

    18,72 €

  • Abundancia infinita
    Matías Siles
    Este libro nace como una forma más de servir aldesarrollo evolutivo y consciencial de la humanidad. Hapasado mucho tiempo desde que el ser humano eligieracaminos errados y tortuosos que nos llevaron a un mundode sufrimiento y autodestrucción. Este último siglo haservido cómo un telón de fondo perfecto para observar estadinámica interior. Nunca existieron tantos emprendedoresy b...

    47.581,35 €

  • El despertar de Carla
    Sandra Brito
    Historia inspirada en hechos reales que cuenta la vida de una joven desde la adolescencia hasta la edad adulta. El argumento nos lleva hasta los años 80 y adentra al lector en una trama de celos, drogas, relaciones familiares, amor y un sin fin de emociones. Es una novela fresca y ágil que atrapará al lector desde el principio hasta el final haciéndole partícipe, incluso protag...

    12,95 €

  • Memórias
    Sérgio Ricardo Gomes
    Ao ler este livro, o leitor se verá preso em uma leitura que o levará, pela curiosidade, a desejar ler continuamente para descobrir os próximos acontecimentos narrados pelo autor a respeito da saga humana do personagem. Narrado em primeira pessoa, em alguns momentos o leitor terá a impressão de que o personagem se confunde com a personalidade do próprio autor. Em Memórias este ...

    10,66 €

  • Crónica de un aldabonazo
    Estela Teresita Delgado Rosales
    El año 2023 ha estado lleno de conmemoraciones en Cuba. 170 años del nacimiento del héroe nacional, José Martí; los mismos años, pero en este caso de la muerte de otro héroe, Félix Varela; o los 100 años del nacimiento de la Agrupación Comunista de La Habana, que años más tarde daría lugar al Partido Comunista de Cuba. Más aniversarios, todos ellos históricos, se mencionan en e...

    16,57 €

  • Presidentes Da Câmara Municipal De Poxoréu
    Leda Figueiredo Rocha Do Lago
    O escritor poxorense, Gaudêncio Filho Rosa de Amorim, publicou em 2016 o livro ?Prefeitos de Poxoréu - Biografias?, pela Carlini & Carniato Editorial, uma obra que, como ele mesmo muito bem relatou nas páginas da apresentação: ?Não é somente a síntese biográfica daqueles que lideraram o Poder Executivo de Poxoréu através de mandatos democráticos ou nomeados pela intervenção fed...

    24,36 €

  • Badge, Tie, and Gun
    Ramesh Nyberg
    'The most absobring cop memoir you will read this year--maybe ever.' - TJ English, NY Times Bestselling author (Havana Nocturne, The Westies). Retired Homicide Detective Ramesh Nyberg describes in rich detail his remarkable journey growing up in Miami as the child of an Indian school teacher and Swedish boat-builder. Nyberg considers Miami his only real sibling, and weaves jar...

    20,31 €

  • Exiliados del tiempo lento
    Vivian Abenshushan
    En esta editorial, somos lentas. Es un hecho. Sin embargo, logramos publicar un libro, a veces dos, al año. Es un trabajo que tarda, se hace mano a mano, va y viene, es como bordar, afilar un cuchillo o practicar alguna de estas labores ancestrales. Un ciclo que empieza en la confianza y el método y se va desplazando por otros terrenos, de maneras más abstractas. Exiliados del ...

    14,56 €

  • Peter Bro. El duende de mis pinceles
    Itziar Vergara Bustamante
    Este libro es una reflexión conmovedora basada en hechos reales. La protagonista de esta historia, tras recibir la noticia del accidente de su hermano, experimenta un gran estrés en un proceso complicado de duelo. Su vida cambia de manera drástica.Desarrolla acúfenos en ambos oídos, convirtiendo su situación en un desafío y arrastrándola a una espiral de autodestrucción. La sol...

    18,00 €

  • Historic Criminal Trials and Errors
    Don Weber
    Don Weber brings his fifty-plus years of experience in writing and the criminal law to the reader. This book is a must-read for true-crime enthusiasts, Ripperologists, and anyone interested in increasing their knowledge of crime and criminal trials. The bestselling author gives the reader the details of forensic science and the criminal law in simple, easily understood language...

    20,32 €

  • Só No Sapatinho • O Reencontro • A Mulher Do Patrão
    Milton Borges
    Instigado pela curiosidade em estudar o mecanismo dos crimes que assolam o nosso cotidiano, levando a insegurança na sociedade e a desconfiança em nossos semelhantes e nas leis que não consegue nos proteger adequadamente, durante anos arrojei-me em campo, assinando os principais jornais do estado e acessando portais de notícias, interessado quase que exclusivamente nas matérias...

    9,87 €

  • The Message of Light Amid Letters of Darkness
    Rosemarie Birri D’Alessandro
    On April 19, 1973, Rosemarie D’Alessandro’s daughter, Joan, said 'Goodbye, Mommy,' as she ran out the door. Joan was a Brownie Scout, and she was excited about delivering the last two boxes of Girl Scout cookies to a neighbor. Her mother didn’t know it would be the last time that she would see her seven-year-old child alive. Her neighbor sexually assaulted and brutally murdered...

    120,43 €

  • The Message of Light Amid Letters of Darkness
    Rosemarie Birri D’Alessandro
    On April 19, 1973, Rosemarie D’Alessandro’s daughter, Joan, said 'Goodbye, Mommy,' as she ran out the door. Joan was a Brownie Scout, and she was excited about delivering the last two boxes of Girl Scout cookies to a neighbor. Her mother didn’t know it would be the last time that she would see her seven-year-old child alive. Her neighbor sexually assaulted and brutally murdered...

    110,92 €