Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

2949 Catálogo de libros: Historias reales

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  • Corporate Crime, Law, and Social Control
    Sally S. Simpson / Sally SSimpson

    108,56 €

  • One Night
    Cathy Winkler
    One night, anthropologist Cathy Winkler awoke from a deep sleep to discover a rapist standing by her bed. For the rest of that night, she lived a woman’s worst nightmare as she was repeatedly raped and beaten by the stranger. The pain of those four hours was dwarfed by the frustration of her decade-long fight to find the rapist and bring him to justice. Winkler, a brilliant obs...

    62,39 €

  • The Mind of the Monster
    Rich Ventura
    Hitler, Stalin, Jimmy Jones, Charlie Manson. What causes a person to embrace the mentality of atrocity and unleash inhuman brutalities on fellow human beings? In his book The Mind of the Monster, Richard Ventura provides a penetrating analysis of trends in the world today that can lead to holocaust tomorrow. ...

    29,43 €

  • Blood Washes Blood
    Frank Viviano
    Against the sweeping backdrop of western Sicily, in a riveting seven-year quest, Frank Viviano pieces together his own harrowing ancestral history of betrayal and redemption. His take is haunted, from its violent opening to its stunning climax, by an ancient Sicilian proverb, Lu sangu lava lu sangu, 'Blood washes blood': the torrent of unforgiving vengeance that flows from an u...

    17,25 €

  • Dead End
    Jeanne King
    The focus of this book is the trial and conviction of Sante and Kenneth Kimes for the bizarre murder of Irene Silverman, whose New York mansion they were attempting to steal. ...

    17,90 €

  • The Silent and the Damned
    Frey Seitz Frey / Nancy Thompson-Frey / Robert Seitz Frey
    This is the chilling and unforgettable story of the sensational trial, unjust conviction, and lynching of Leo Frank for the murder of his thirteen-year-old employee Mary Phagan. ...

    19,04 €

  • Neither East Nor West
    Christiane Bird
    Fusing travelogue, historical inquiry, and interviews with Iranians from all walks of life, Neither East Nor West is a landmark contribution to travel writing and to cultural studies, as well as a timely illumination of a nation deeply misunderstood by most Westerners. In describing life in Iran today, Christiane Bird, an American who spent part of her childhood there, breaks t...

    23,20 €

  • Spymasters
    Spymasters is a collection of interviews revealing enlightening perspectives on the covert operations of this powerful, secretive arm of the U.S. government. Here former top-ranking CIA officials shed light on some of the most sensitive issues and practices in American foreign intelligence to date. These men disclose information about:President Harry S. Truman’s demands for a c...

    56,52 €

  • Sexual Violence

    121,76 €

  • Child Victims of Homicide
    Christine Alder / Ken Polk / Kenneth Polk

    57,02 €

  • Child Victims of Homicide
    Christine Alder / Ken Polk

    138,07 €

  • This Is the Zodiac Speaking
    David Van Nuys / Michael Kelleher

    44,48 €

  • Trauma Room One
    Charles A. Crenshaw / Charles ACrenshaw
    The Texan doctor who examined President Kennedy after his fatal shooting in Dallas talks about his findings and speculations. ...

    28,91 €

  • A Short Course in the Secret War
    Christopher Felix
    _An updated version of the author Christopher Felix’s inside look at international intelligence and secret operations based on his own experience in Hungary after World War 11. ...

    17,12 €

  • The Mosser Massacre
    Glenn Shirley
    The nation’s greatest manhunt began the morning of January 3, 1951, with the routine investigation of an abandoned car, mired in the mud near Tulsa, Oklahoma.A quick glance into the interior of the car revealed evidence of one of the most shocking crimes in U.S. history-the brutal, senseless murder of an entire family.In the twelve days that followed, 2,000 peace officers trail...

    22,44 €

  • Operation Rollback
    Peter Grose

    14,57 €

  • Death House
    Larry R. Leichter

    30,00 €

  • Crime Prevention and Community Safety
    This book provides an essential introduction to the complex issues and debates in the field of crime control and the new politics of safety and security across the globe. The contributions to this volume present a critique of current policy and open up the field of study to new directions. ...

    104,37 €

  • Crime Prevention and Community Safety
    This book provides an essential introduction to the complex issues and debates in the field of crime control and the new politics of safety and security across the globe. The contributions to this volume present a critique of current policy and open up the field of study to new directions. ...

    243,65 €

  • In a System of Corruption
    Ken F. Gage / Ken FGage

    23,44 €

  • Sympathy for the Devil
    Virginia McConnell

    121,02 €

  • Beverly Hills Detective
    Robert E. Downey / Robert EDowney

    21,10 €

  • Beverly Hills Detective
    Robert E. Downey / Robert EDowney

    28,20 €

  • Professional Thieves and the Detective
    Allan Pinkerton

    37,63 €

  • African American Classics in Criminology and Criminal Justice

    174,92 €

  • The Letters of John Wesley Hardin
    Jo Ann Stamps / John Wesley Hardin / Roy Stamps
    Considered by many to be one of the deadliest men in the west, claiming to have killed 42 men, John Wesley Hardin was also one of the most controversial men in the West. 'The Letters of John Wesley Hardin,' helps to reveal the man behind the myth, These personal writings of Hardin and his family, provide a detailed account of his capture, imprisonment, his family relationships,...

    30,57 €

  • The Mistress of Murder Hill
    Sylvia Elizabeth Shepherd

    21,63 €

  • Crime and Punishment Paperback
    Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    The two years before he wrote Crime and Punishment (1866) had been bad ones for Dostoyevsky. His wife and brother had died; the magazine he and his brother had started, Epoch, collapsed under its load of debt; and he was threatened with debtor’s prison. With an advance that he managed to wangle for an unwritten novel, he fled to Wiesbaden, hoping to win enough at the roulette t...

    27,86 €

  • Never Again?
    Peter Ronayne
    Never Again? explores the uneasy U.S. relationship to the U.N. Genocide Convention and posits an analysis of U.S. response to genocide past and forthcoming: nonintervention followed by post-genocide justice. ...

    62,70 €

  • The Papin Sisters
    Keith Reader / Rachel Edwards

    70,01 €