Catálogo de libros: Memorias

33847 Catálogo de libros: Memorias

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  • Suiyue Liusha
    Jianping Liu
    出生于50年代中期,她见证了大饥荒年代,寄养在亲戚家的童年和少年,使她有不同的视角回顾那一段历史。经历了文革,她15岁就被打成“反革命”,19岁下乡当了知青,在文革后第一次恢复高考的那年,考上了大学,却被分到不喜欢的专业……一个普通的留学生,在北美的求学,求职,以及职场和家庭生活。作者以幽默的笔触,描写了第一次在美国考试,就考了38分的惊慌;有摔门而去,愤然辞职的愤怒;有反映家庭矛盾的学车的场景……最后,作者回忆了她与父母之间温馨往事,记录了一对儿女成长过程中的酸甜苦乐……这里有惊恐,有无奈,有欢乐,有悲哀,有奋斗,有成长。这是一本跨越东西文化,交织三代人情感的故事书。 ...

    17,02 €

  • The Smell of Garlic on Sunday
    Norma Jo Thomas
    A memoir, neither a nostalgic look back, nor a pity party, just some serious self-work getting into those deep-rooted feelings that threatened to sabotage my efforts and derail my dreams, feelings that had shaped my view of myself, my world, and my relationship to it, hell bent on delivering a message from my higher self - their message, packed away in timeless memories, delive...

    27,14 €

  • Addicted to Lies
    Terrell Patterson
    Author Terrell Patterson bares all—his past and his present, his strengths and his flaws—in this candid and refreshing debut, Addicted to Lies. Part memoir, part life guide, Patterson takes us through the events of his tumultuous childhood spent in inner city Baltimore with a mother who struggled with addiction, his capricious teenage years in which he searched for love and loy...

    19,05 €

  • Shaking the Family Tree
    Dallas H
    There was a boogie man in the closet and its name was alcoholism. This story is not for the faint at heart. Shaking the Family Tree is an anonymous personal memoir of a recovering alcoholic. It is interlaced with poetic offerings that take the reader to the heart and soul of the ramifications of the disease of alcoholism. Dallas’s story is one of coming to terms with what has b...

    18,95 €

  • Trapped by a Mouse
    Bob Zumwalt
    Memoir depends on recollection—not only the particulars of experience, but the emotions, reflections, and even the daydreams elicited. Bob Zumwalt uses memory and imagination to tell the poignant, the fanciful, and the humorous moments of his life. From a bashful young lad in small town Central Texas to world-traveling chemical engineer, Zumwalt shares the rich, (and sometimes ...

    15,77 €

  • A Royal Love Revealed
    Corrine Sharpe
    In 2011, God sent Corrine Sharpe a simple, loving message: Look for the hearts. She had lost her mother to cancer. Her family struggled in the depths of grief. This divine revelation from God healed their hearts. A Royal Love Revealed is Sharpe's memoir of loss, belief, and love. Are we loved? Are we valuable? Our material world has its opinions as to the nature of love. It...

    22,71 €

  • I Promised Not to Tell
    Cheryl B Evans
    A Readers' Favorite 2017 Bronze Medal Award Winner.  Cheryl Evans and her husband Jim raised their children telling them: 'You can be anything and do anything you want in life.' They just never expected to learn that what their youngest daughter desired most in the world was to be a boy. Experience this powerful, raw and, deeply personal story as one family invites you to b...

    14,94 €

  • I'm Not An Actor (I Just Play One On TV)
    dave e. keliher
    This is the part of the story of my life. But there is more to it than that. I mean, like, there's things about me as a kid and as a teen and as twenty-year old. And since this description has to be at least 200 characters I just have to keep typing until I can stop. Like now. ...

    5,65 €

  • Ghetto By The Sea
    Ghetto By the Sea is the second anthology in an annual series produced by the students of P.O.P.S. the Club, a club for those whose lives have been touched by prison. In short memoirs, poems, photographs and drawings, the students tell the stories of their lives--sometimes stories about how their lives have been touched by prison, often by the ways in which all kinds of losses ...

    14,54 €

  • Stuck in the Passing Lane
    Jed Ringel
    What happens when a newly divorced, monogamous, family-oriented Baby Boomer gets trapped on the Internet dating superhighway?From Spanish Harlem to Singapore, in relationships with Muscovite intellectuals and streetwise Chinatown massage parlor queens, Jed Ringel takes you on this hilarious, heartrending, self-revelatory, and sometimes even cringe-worthy journey.With the unspar...

    12,21 €

  • How To Grow Up Like Me
    Ballou High School Writers
    "Your Story Is Your Strength." This is the mantra that emerged from a six-month writing project at Ballou High School in Washington, DC, in which eleven dedicated freshmen and six determined seniors told their stories of ambition and struggle in what came to be known as The Ballou Story Project. The freshmen were students in AVID, a college-preparedness program, who gathered vo...

    10,50 €

  • What You’re Hiding Is Hindering Your Blessings
    Tina Bailey
    'One of the most liberating things is to realize that you don’t have to be perfect in this imperfect world. All you have to do is strive to be better than you were yesterday. This book will help you avoid the pitfalls of low self-esteem, learn to look for the best within yourself, stop hiding who you are, and embrace your identity. Life is a precious gift given to us by God an...

    9,68 €

  • Keep This Quiet! III
    Margaret A. Harrell
    'Keep This Quiet! III-Initiations' begins in the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich, where Margaret was enrolled in 1984. She is headed for a big initiation there, which she narrates for us - showing how initiations are life-transforming. Notably, she also dives into the debate between physicist Wolfgang Pauli and psychiatrist Carl Jung about how science/matter and psyche/spirit/synch...

    18,12 €

  • Crossing the Borders of Time
    Leslie Maitland

    26,14 €

  • Surviving Life as a Miracle Child
    Brandon C. Gandy
    This is a true story about Brandon C. Gandy, who overcame 15 birth defects, 28 surgeries, a medically induced coma, and cancer, and became the 8th person in the world to have a testicular and kidney transplant. During all of his near-death medical challenges, Brandon persisted he would remain an athlete and he tackled many different sports. His brave, strong journey sheds light...

    28,55 €

  • The Christian in the Cult
    Jim Valekis
    Jim Valekis’ The Christian in the Cult: And How I Discovered Humanity in Christ uses the author’s life story to take us deep inside the culture of the Greek Orthodox Church, Herbert Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God, and modern Evangelicalism. After journeying through three versions of 'the only true church,' Valekis deftly invites his readers to join him in his ongoing disco...

    15,77 €

  • My Mad Magical Moroccan Journey
    Fred Zola / Steven / Steven Antler
    I died and went to hell.Tangier, Morocco, North Africa, 1972, prison for the insane, life sentence.While buying hashish, the Moroccan dealers would say, 'Hash makes you crazy.' We hippies knew better and laughed. For two years, I smoked hash every day and dropped acid on holidays. Some of those holidays were made up, so I had an excuse to drop more acid.I lived on the 'hash tra...

    28,62 €

  • Against The Odds
    Vern Watson
    A number of years ago, in 2017, my wife, Denise, and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Unlike many folks, we didn’t go to Hawaii or on a European trip or anything like that. For one reason, we couldn’t make plans well in advance. Though it was a milestone that few make in life, we had family obligations that for us outweighed our celebration.Denise’s mother was ill...

    90,32 €

  • Against The Odds
    Vern Watson
    A number of years ago, in 2017, my wife, Denise, and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Unlike many folks, we didn’t go to Hawaii or on a European trip or anything like that. For one reason, we couldn’t make plans well in advance. Though it was a milestone that few make in life, we had family obligations that for us outweighed our celebration.Denise’s mother was ill...

    79,81 €

  • Running From Tragedy
    Michael Salsbury
    In his emotionally gripping and intensely personal memoir - Running from Tragedy, Michael Salsbury, a lifelong runner takes readers on a marathon run of a lifetime with his poignant journey of tragedy, loss, and triumph that defies every definition of unfathomable odds - that balances on the edge of believability.Michael and Gabriella Salsbury seemingly had it all. It was a pic...

    23,36 €

  • Running From Tragedy
    Michael Salsbury
    In his emotionally gripping and intensely personal memoir - Running from Tragedy, Michael Salsbury, a lifelong runner takes readers on a marathon run of a lifetime with his poignant journey of tragedy, loss, and triumph that defies every definition of unfathomable odds - that balances on the edge of believability.It was a picture-perfect love story worthy of a Hollywood movie. ...

    47,07 €

  • Caballeros rodantes
    Andrés Pinar
    Aunque la Mancha parecía no tener fin, yo quería encontrarlo a lomos de mi bicicleta antes de que acabara el verano. En esas andaba, volando por páramo, cuando la campana de la iglesia anunció la muerte de mi abuela. Los ciclistas se congregaron por última vez para honrar a la Reina, así la llamaban, la Dama Rodante, la mejor de todos los jinetes de dos ruedas. De pronto, sin n...

    18,00 €

  • Iron Dad
    Paul Weigel
    'Paul Weigel knows what it means to struggle, and his story is sure to energize and inspire you to live every day to the fullest, as he has chosen to do.'-Dean Karnazes, New York Times bestselling author of Ultramarathon ManA powerful memoir about a dad navigating loss, fighting cancer, surviving, and thriving alongside the most important person in his life-his daughter. Paul W...

    13,49 €

  • Febrero
    Justin Pincay
    Febrero es una colección de textos, cartas no enviadas y reflexiones escritas en servilletas y en la aplicación de notas del celular por una mujer latinoamericana que llega a sus treintas. A lo largo de estas páginas, la escritora comparte sus experiencias en el mundo del amor, tanto romántico como no romántico, así como las emociones que acompañan la existenciaNos invita a exp...

    34,31 €

  • Closer To Dirt Than Gold
    Paul Eden Huff
    This is the story of three brothers and their four sisters. How their lives were growing up in a little town in California in the 1940’s. It’s about the games they played and troubles they got into, as they attended school and church. It’s about being poor and the boys leaving school to go to work as they tried to make a better life for themselves. It’s about living in foster h...

    15,95 €

  • A Deeper Anthology
    Perry Douglas Sisk
    I currently reside in Texas where I have established my home and lead a solitary life. I am a 28-year survivor of HIV which I contracted through a blood transfusion while serving in the military in 1983, following an oral surgery procedure. In my retirement, I have dedicated my time to fishing, engaging in home improvement projects, and pursuing my long-standing passion for wri...

    17,85 €

  • A Telephone Call from Cleveland
    Dominic Di Giamarino
    As I review my general surroundings, I am somewhat confused. The children of today are being bombarded and consumed by the continual assault of cyber technology, and I have this worrisome feeling that they are progressing to oblivion. Let us hope that I am wrong and their childhoods were and will be as simple and happy as mine.Dominic is a retired educator and resides in Arizon...

    9,64 €

  • Te Conto Um Conto
    Rogério Andrade
    O termo patriarca refere-se à pessoa que lidera uma grande família. Ele deve ser honrado, pacífico e, como é o mais velho, deve ser respeitado e obedecendo. Essas características se encaixam perfeitamente quando conhecemos o senhor Edinilson. Mas, afinal, quem é ele? Tenho certeza de que será uma experiência fascinante quando você descobrir. Além da biografia, o livro apresenta...

    9,51 €

  • Me, My Father and I
    Calum Meadows
    In June 1940, my father joined the 9th Battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment; he was 17. Trooper 7952180 hit the Normandy beaches on June 9th 1944 - my mission: to live his war again.The plan was simple. On my return from a road trip to France, I would write a book about his exploits, not for grand publication but for anyone in my family who cared. To retrace his journey thro...

    18,34 €

  • 1957
    Antônio Sérgio Carréra De Albuquerque Melo
    Tarde da noite, uma família embarca no ônibus que a levará para abraçar uma oportunidade de um futuro promissor. A esperança é grande, e as chances de sucesso estão lá, em Brasília, capital da República. A vitória dependerá da garra e determinação de um pai para vencer as dificuldades naturais de um mundo desconhecido e assim garantir uma vida digna para sua jovem família.Nesta...

    22,27 €