Catálogo de libros: Biografía: literaria

6752 Catálogo de libros: Biografía: literaria

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  • Tales from the Riverside
    Larry Landgraf
    Tales from the Riverside tells true and unique stories about one man’s struggle with alligators, snakes, killer bees, and hordes of nasty critters on a daily basis in his swamp. Experience the danger without the need for professional medical services. Life in a swamp is not for everyone. ...

    22,79 €

  • The Life of Samuel Johnson
    James Boswell
    This is a biography of Dr. Samuel Johnson written by James Boswell. It is regarded as an important stage in the development of the modern genre of biography; many have claimed it as the greatest biography written in English. While Boswell’s personal acquaintance with his subject only began in 1763, when Johnson was 54 years old, Boswell covered the entirety of Johnson’s life by...

    36,04 €

  • Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
    Thomas De Quincey
    Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821) is an autobiographical account written by Thomas De Quincey, about his laudanum (opium and alcohol) addiction and its effect on his life. The Confessions was 'the first major work De Quincey published and the one which won him fame almost overnight. ...

    17,94 €

  • Haiku Master
    Erik Thomas
    A literary vision quest in space & time coming from the mind of a high school student. All poetry written from 9th through 12th grade blended with an emotive exhilarating score of rhyme nuanced by an organized touch of romance. ...

    11,27 €


    34,12 €

  • A Passionate Sisterhood
    Kathleen Jones
    The Lake Poets, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, have become a literary myth and we are used to looking at the Lake District landscape through its romantic prism. But for their sisters, wives and daughters the view was very different. The Wordsworths lived at Grasmere, the Coleridges and Southeys twelve miles away at Keswick and the women created a kind of extended family tha...

    12,01 €

  • The Lonely House
    Paul Brody
    During her lifetime, Emily Dickinson did not seek out recognition or attempt to change the world around her, even in the smallest way. A private but not antisocial person, she kept her life’s work, and her innermost feelings, almost entirely to herself. Her life was rich in intellectual pursuits, and she had many friends with whom she exchanged witty and brilliant letters, but ...

    6,16 €

  • Beat Transnationalism
    John Tytell
    Allen Ginsberg told John Tytell that he would not understand the Beat Generation without first experiencing life in Mexico, and so, while writing Naked Angels, the first book to explore the development of Beat literature, Tytell headed south to Oaxaca.In this volume, Tytell examines the importance of Mexico to the Beat Generation, while recounting – via letters from that period...

    16,04 €

  • La jefa y el monte
    Nitty Rizo Patrón
    Con esta segunda entrega, Nitty Rizo Patrón (Lima, 1943) confirma esa vocación por narrar historias que en La doña y el monte, su primer libro, se tradujo en el medio centenar de crónicas que recogen la etapa fundacional, llena de desafíos y no por ello menos idílica, de su vida marital y familiar en la hacienda El Choloque.En este volumen, titulado La jefa y el monte, Nitty vu...

    31,20 €

  • The Canister X Transmission
    A.P. Fuchs
    Begin transmission . . .Running from June 2020 to March 2024, The Canister X Transmission was sent via email to readers worldwide.Readers received news straight from A.P. Fuchs’s bunker studio at Axiom-man Central that was meant to engage, entertain, and have some fun.The Very Long Year Six took a long time to fulfill. It was a time of A.P. Fuchs’s settlement into a new life an...

    15,19 €

  • 1957
    Antônio Sérgio Carréra De Albuquerque Melo
    Tarde da noite, uma família embarca no ônibus que a levará para abraçar uma oportunidade de um futuro promissor. A esperança é grande, e as chances de sucesso estão lá, em Brasília, capital da República. A vitória dependerá da garra e determinação de um pai para vencer as dificuldades naturais de um mundo desconhecido e assim garantir uma vida digna para sua jovem família.Nesta...

    22,27 €

  • The Voyage of the Norman D.
    Barbara Newhall Follett
    Following the successful launch of her first book, The House Without Windows (Alfred A. Knopf, 1927), thirteen-year-old Barbara Newhall Follett dived deep into pirate lore. She wanted to write about a fortune-telling girl her age whose world was gypsies and pirates-that is, another fictional autobiography like House. One problem: Barbara has never been to sea. She lacks the kno...

    18,63 €

  • Dentro
    Claucinei Ramos
    Aprendi que a gente sobrevive a qualquer perda alheia ao nosso corpo, a tudo que está fora de nós, longe do nosso alcance quem a gente perde para a morte, mas também quem a gente perde para a vida a gente sobrevive.Trecho de um dos escritos deste livro que transmite como envelhecer pode não ser só ver o corpo mudar, mas ver a evolução do seu espírito através das vivências. Me...

    9,46 €

  • James Joyce
    United Library
    James Joyce’s book delves into the extraordinary life and literary contributions of one of the most renowned figures of the 20th century. Born in Dublin on February 2, 1882, Joyce’s impact on modernist literature is immeasurable. His seminal work, 'Ulysses' (1922), revolutionized the novel form by paralleling episodes of Homer’s Odyssey in a variety of literary styles, notably ...

    11,35 €

  • James Joyce
    United Library
    El libro de James Joyce profundiza en la extraordinaria vida y contribuciones literarias de una de las figuras más renombradas del siglo XX. Nacido en Dublín el 2 de febrero de 1882, el impacto de Joyce en la literatura modernista es inconmensurable. Su obra seminal, 'Ulises' (1922), revolucionó la forma de la novela al paralelizar episodios de la Odisea de Homero en una varied...

    9,08 €

  • Um Olhar Sobre A Imprensa Pirassununguense
    Israel Foguel
    EmUm Olhar sobre a Imprensa Pirassununguense , somos convidados a embarcar em uma jornada fascinante pelos meandros da comunicação local, onde cada página revela as intricadas teias que sustentam a vida e a alma de Pirassununga.Neste mergulho profundo, exploramos não apenas os jornais que pontuam a história da região, mas também as vozes por trás das manchetes, as ondas sonoras...

    17,23 €

  • Uma Breve Biografia Sobre Estephen King
    J. Angelini
    Nessa obra, o professor de inglês, nascido no Brasil, Jose Angelini Aquino, nos apresenta, de forma ampla, detalhes de uma viagem insólita pelo universo peculiar de Stephen King, o escritor norte-americano, reconhecido como um dos mais notáveis escritores de contos de horror e ficção de sua geração. Os seus livros já venderam quase 400 milhões de cópias, com publicações em mais...

    10,93 €

  • J.R.R. Tolkien
    United Library
    El libro J. R. R. Tolkien desvela la vida y el legado literario de John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, un destacado escritor e filólogo inglés, conocido por sus profundas contribuciones al género de la fantasía. Nacido el 3 de enero de 1892, Tolkien alcanzó la inmortalidad literaria como autor de las obras maestras de alta fantasía 'El Hobbit' y 'El Señor de los Anillos'.El recorrido ac...

    9,05 €

  • J.R.R. Tolkien
    United Library
    The book J. R. R. Tolkien unveils the life and literary legacy of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, an eminent English writer, and philologist renowned for his profound contributions to the fantasy genre. Born on January 3, 1892, Tolkien achieved literary immortality as the author of the high fantasy masterpieces, 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings.'Tolkien’s academic journey led...

    9,02 €

  • Rosaries, Reading, Secrets
    Anita Mathias
    Rosaries, Reading, Secrets: A Catholic Childhood in India is a lyrical account of Anita Mathias’s turbulent Roman Catholic childhood in India.Mathias grew up in Jamshedpur, 'The Steel City,' a company town benevolently run by the Zoroastrians of Tata Steel. The Catholic church, run by American Jesuits, provided an all-encompassing world. In a pre-TV world, visiting friends was ...

    16,83 €

  • Hannes o La terra straniera
    Wolf Kunert
    Niente elfi, niente maghi, ma sfortunatamente nemmeno nobili cavalieri. Solo persone come te e me.Una conoscenza casuale. Due uomini di età avanzata. Ciò che inizia come ricordo d’infanzia porta a un conflitto profondo e irrisolto. Siamo tutti gli artefici della nostra felicità. Ma cosa succede se non abbiamo imparato a forgiare?Questo libro non è una ricerca del senso di colpa...

    22,44 €

  • Extinction Wednesday
    Joey Nicoletti
    Extinction Wednesday is a memoir that investigates the challenges of nostalgia, letting go of the past, and pursuing positive change through the lenses of learning, unlearning, popular culture, and a New York Italian American experience ...

    14,67 €

  • Eu Não Sou Eu! E Agora?
    Débora Borba Da Cruz
    O autismo virou moda? Agora todo mundo é autista?Eu não tenho a resposta para essas perguntas, mas tenho um lugar à mesa guardado especialmente para você, quer se sentar? Não fique nervoso, vamos ter um encontro agradável.Sobre o que vamos conversar? Bom, aos 26 anos descobri que eu não sou eu e resolvi fazer uma viagem no tempo e reviver tudo novamente com um novo olhar, saben...

    17,64 €

  • Roughing It
    Mark Twain
    Embark on a wild journey through the untamed West with Mark Twain’s Roughing It. Join Twain as he navigates the frontier, encountering colorful characters, outrageous adventures, and unexpected twists at every turn. A humorous and insightful exploration of the American frontier that will leave you longing for more. ...

    19,83 €

  • Gregory Corso
    Leon Horton
    After Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs, Gregory Corso (1930-2001) was the fourth 'Daddy' of the socio-literary movement they called the Beat Generation. Those 'angel-headed hipsters' who came to prominence in the 1950s were the voice of a disaffected generation of renegades, rebels, and rabble-rousers in the post-war conservative years of President Eisenhower....

    22,47 €

  • Froylán Turcios en los Campos de la Estética y el Civismo
    Medardo Mejía
    Han pasado cuarenta y cuatro años desde la última publicación de 'Froylán Turcios en los campos de la estética y el civismo'. Hoy, vuelve a los estantes de la librería gracias a Colección Erandique, pero, especialmente, a la autorización que doña Victoria Mejía, hija de don Medardo Mejía, nos concedió para resucitar la obra de su padre. Un libro escrito por un patriota sobre ot...

    9,42 €

  • Back O’ Cairns
    Ion Idriess
    In this book, Ion Idriess reflects on his life prospecting in far North Queensland from 1912 to 1914, and coincided with his earliest writing as 'Gouger' for the Bulletin.In Back of Cairns, Jack gives the reader a picture of what life was like when the peninsula jungle was falling under the settler’s axe, his own day-to-day experiences, and the district’s historical background....

    24,35 €

    Cathy McGough
    WAS WÜRDEST DU DEINEN LIEBLINGSSCHRIFTSTELLER AUS DEM JENSEITS FRAGENWENN DU SIE TREFFEN WÜRDEST?Mit Hilfe eines fiktiven Hellseher-Kollegen werden die folgenden Autoren für einmalige fünfzehnminütige Interviews zurückgebracht:*Poe *Hawthorne *Tennyson *Shelley *Keats*Leacock *Voltaire *Paterson *Twain *Byron*Dostoevsky *Thoreau *Baudelaire *Burns*Collins *Dickens *Coleridge *K...

    21,92 €

  • A Vida Extraordinária De Chico Sombração
    Israel Foguel
    A Vida Extraordinária de Chico Sombraçãoé uma narrativa envolvente que revela a inspiradora jornada de Francisco Franco de Souza, um homem que transcendeu adversidades para se tornar uma figura notável na história. Este livro cativante mergulha na vida extraordinária de Chico Sombração, oferecendo uma visão única de sua determinação e habilidades excepcionais.Desde seus humilde...

    11,81 €

  • Prince of los Cocuyos, The
    Richard Blanco

    18,52 €