Catálogo de libros: Biografía: general

96392 Catálogo de libros: Biografía: general

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  • The Soul of a Doctor
    Gordon Harper / Sachin H. Jain / Sachin HJain / Susan Pories
    By the time most of us meet our doctors, they’ve been in practice for a number of years. Often they seem aloof, uncaring, and hurried. Of course, they’re not all like that, and most didn’t start out that way. Here are voices of third-year students just as they begin to take on clinical responsibilities. Their words focus on the odd transition students face when they must deal...

    13,66 €

  • Optimal Knowledge Management
    Robert J. Thierauf / Robert JThierauf

    125,07 €

  • Ridiculous!
    David Kaufman

    15,90 €

  • Tp on AB
    Tim R. O'Brien / Tim R. O’Brien
    This is the illustrious story of Tom Powell, the colorful, larger-than-life journalist who has spent more than 50 years traveling the world rubbing elbows with everyone from the President of the United States to Baseball Hall of Fame members and side show carnival freaks. For the past 30 years of his career, TP, as he is known today, has written for Amusement Business, the bus...

    13,43 €

  • Chief Joseph
    Candy Moulton

    15,65 €

    James Alexander
    THE LEGEND OF CLOUDS follows the fortunes and failings of a late 60s Rock group, through the highs and lows of the music business ........... This book is based on true events......... all persons appearing in this work are who they are said to be. any resemblance to real famous people, living or dead, is entirely intentional, so brace yourselves for a ride through Rocky territ...

    15,58 €

  • Christopher Columbus
    Mario Di Giovanni
    Discovering a new continent, he changed the map of the earth and the course of civilization… Few men in history have changed the world as Christopher Columbus did when he sailed into the perilous and vast Atlantic Ocean. While seeking the island of Cipango and the mainland of Cathay, Columbus discovered so much more, changing the course of American history.    Through extraordi...

    17,00 €

  • Real Women’s Stories 2018
    Beth Kallman Werner
    The twelve brief chapters in this book reflect the beauty and the burdens of life, the highs and lows of being a woman.With stories about: mothers and daughters; relocating from a small town in Idaho to a tiny island in the Caribbean; a United States marine adopting a baby girl from an orphanage during the Vietnam War; surviving divorce, alcoholism, and domestic violence; build...

    13,87 €

  • Sinéad O’Connor 48
    Andrew Catlin
    Sinéad O'Connor 48 reproduces the chronological sequence of photographs from one of the first photographic shoots with Sinéad for a magazine cover, including the out-takes. It gives a fascinating insight into both Sinéad at a turning point in her life, as she was becoming famous, and into the process of a photographic portrait as frame by frame the picture is rearranged and...

    27,44 €

  • On Fragile Wings
    Rose Holland Brown
    This book gives a counselor’s insight into some of the difficulties that young people have in reaching adulthood. The author was a player in high school integration issues in the South from the beginning until the present. Her first experience was in a school where Whites were in the minority, while Blacks and American Indians formed an approximately equal majority. In her subs...

    23,91 €

  • A Passionate Sisterhood
    Kathleen Jones
    The Lake Poets, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, have become a literary myth and we are used to looking at the Lake District landscape through its romantic prism. But for their sisters, wives and daughters the view was very different. The Wordsworths lived at Grasmere, the Coleridges and Southeys twelve miles away at Keswick and the women created a kind of extended family tha...

    12,01 €

  • My Confessions
    Zhengguo Kang
    这是一部写自己如同写他人的传记,是在进行时态中讲述过去的回忆录,是可作小说来读的当代史。历数讲述者数十年不断陷入“反动”的遭遇,以编年史的图景呈现了中国大陆1949年以降的荒谬现实。文字的灾难,书写的救赎,亲情友情的损伤和复原,性爱婚姻的炎凉世态和谐谑变奏,政治尿溺,学术泡沫,风风雨雨折腾后,独有痴念不绝,善缘若续,异域土地上扎了根,愁目渺渺,展望故国的未来。 ...

    22,09 €

  • Akemi's Journal 2
    Akemi Tomoda
    Akemi Tomoda is a Japanese-Canadian who came to Canada in 1970. 'Akemi's Journals' was published in 2011 and this is her section volume. Autobiography of a Japanese-Canadian Christian woman. Testimony of God's blessings. Christian community worship and Bible study. Hobbies of gardening and sewing. Reflections of life in a small neighbourhood in Mississauga, Onta...

    18,54 €

  • Ardent Spirit
    J. K. Royce
    Magdelaine Marcotte La Framboise was inducted into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame in 1984. Two centuries after her birth, she was recognized for her achievements in business. She is a role model, an inspiration and a woman who earned her rightful place in history.Born Magdelaine Marcotte in 1780, she was the daughter of a French fur trader and granddaughter of powerful Odawa...

    20,26 €

  • Изгнание. В Никуда.
    Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte
    Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte lost her childhood to ethnic cleansing. In 1988, she was a ten year old girl living in the seaside city of Baku, in the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. Like any other young girl, she had childhood aspirations, crushes and dreams. That entire life was swept away as the majority Muslim Azeri population drove the minority Christian Armenians out of the ...

    21,35 €

  • Parties, Pills & Psychosis
    Clare Kenyon
    An overseas trip of a lifetime quickly turned into something terrifying for 22-year-old carefree, party girl Clare Kenyon. Under the influence of a cocktail of drugs, she suffered her second psychotic episode and began lashing out at friends until German police hauled her off to a Berlin psychiatric ward.  What followed in the months after her stay in hospital challenged her fa...

    15,00 €

  • Hood
    Luke Timmerman
    NAMED A TOP INDIE BOOK IN 2017 BY KIRKUS REVIEWSLee Hood did that rarest of things. He enabled scientists to see things they couldn’t see before and do things they hadn’t dreamed of doing. Scientists can now sequence complete human genomes in a day, setting in motion a revolution that is personalizing medicine.Hood, a son of the American West, was an unlikely candidate to trans...

    29,03 €

  • From Mascot To Agent And Everything In Between
    Justin Richard Hunt
    Starting out as a high school student who aspired to be a sports agent, Justin Hunt went on to work as a salary cap administrator in an NFL team's front office and serve as a sports agent and attorney for professional athletes and coaches. Justin learned firsthand that sports is a relationships game, and he relied on the lessons he learned while networking with industry exe...

    23,13 €

  • Unveiling the Silent Cries
    Sherry B Moss
    Unveiling the Silent Cries documents the events suffered by Sherry Bevill Moss at the hands of her husband.  Unthinkable abuse plagued Sherry during a nineteen year period while she endured eleven pregnancies, three of which ended in miscarriages.  The book details the types of abuse she suffered.  Sherry thought she alone suffered sexual abuse but discovered differently from o...

    7,69 €

  • Her Chronicles
    Jai Stone
    Emotional Nudity is a way of living that starts with one simple act, telling the truth! This book is an anthology of 11 different women who were courageous enough to openly and honestly share their stories of faith, fear and fortitude. This riveting collection of tales chronicles some of the most pivotal situations and decisions that women face in modern times. These stories of...

    26,17 €

  • The Magnolia Seed
    Emelda Johnson Kennerly
    Anaiah, an African American girl growing up in the deep south, becomes orphaned at the age of 12, independent at the age of 15 and embarks on an odyssey that takes her from her hometown of Bogalusa, Louisiana to an exclusive New England all girls school. The odyssey continues leaving five husbands and two intense relationships in its wake. In the end, she is not only a succes...

    19,17 €

  • Theological Times
    James Farris
    In Theological Times, James Farris offers a summary introduction to leading elements of nineteenth- and twentieth-century theology, situating Christian thought and ethical reflection in the context of contemporary developments in philosophy, science and world events. He does so from a personal perspective, recalling a lifetime of study and teaching shaped in ecumenical settings...

    16,09 €

  • I Am with You
    I Am with You is an anthology written by and for amazing cancer patients everywhere. Over 40 women and men who have 'walked the walk' of living with cancer ... be it their own diagnosis or that of someone they love ... share their stories to sustain, support, and give you hope. I Am With You is a book of wisdom, wit, inspiration, compassion, and love. Every story you read speak...

    14,63 €

  • Ashes of Bluebird
    Sheriff Terry Ashe
    This collection of inspiring, thought-provoking, and sometimes comical stories is from Terry Ashe, the Sheriff who holds a tight rein on the lawless in Wilson County, Tennessee. Awarded three Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star for bravery in Vietnam, he faced a whole different enemy when returned home from the war to clean up the blight 'across the creek' from the scene of his c...

    22,99 €

  • Coffee on the Rocks
    Resa Milan
    Comedy, romance, and spiritual growth happen when a sexy cook opens a coffee shop in the vortex of Sedona. 3 ...

    10,87 €

  • Biogragraphical Encyclopedia
    J. Turner Stilson
    This book presents the personalities, doctrines, divisions and events that shaped an American denomination, the Church of God Abrahamic Faith. Yet, it is more than the chronicle of a denomination, it is a compilation of hundreds of detailed biographies, spanning more than 150 years, plus photos, charts, doctrinal discussions, and more. The book honors and records the faithfuls’...

    34,52 €

  • A Life Let Go
    Patricia J Florin
    Closed adoption, heralded as the answer to the problem of unplanned pregnancy, shows its other side in A Life Let Go, A Memoir and Five Birth Mother Stories of Closed Adoption. These women tell how they experienced unplanned pregnancy in the restrictiveness of the last decades of the twentieth century. All gave up a child in closed adoption—the only option—understanding they wo...

    10,55 €

  • Through Innocent Eyes
    Cynthia A. Sandor
    The National Socialistic upbringing in the League of German Girls uses paramilitary-like disciplinary measures to build their loyalty and moral character. Coupled with pagan rituals, songs, and folklore, 'Through Innocent Eyes' captures the self-actualiation of ten-year-old Gertrude as she progresses from childhood and living in poverty to adolescence and becoming 'one' with he...

    28,65 €

  • Kamal's Lieder
    I. B. Fandèr / Lars Peter Kruse
    Wie Neale Donald Walsch in „Gespräche mit Gott', gibt uns Kamal, in seinem poetischen Stil, eine seltene Gelegenheit, um einen Blick in die Erlebnisse eines Suchenden im Dialog mit Dem Einen, zu bekommen. Wir werden Zeugen seiner tiefen Liebe und seinem Mitgefühl für die Menschheit und seiner Ehrlichkeit und Hingabe zum Göttlichen. Kamal ist ein Meister darin, das Göttliche in ...

    32,33 €

  • My Inventions
    Nikola Tesla
    Nikola Tesla has been called the most important man of the twentieth century. Certainly he contributed more to the field of electricity, radio, and television than any other person living or dead. Ultimately he died alone and impoverished having driven all of his friends away through his neurotic and eccentric behavior. Tesla was never able to fit into the world that he found h...

    20,52 €