Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

135165 Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

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  • MacHaven, A Journey
    Maurita Motland
    I had no idea of the direction my life would take when we brought home our Labrador retriever puppy. I had no plans of being involved in any American Kennel Club activities or in breeding. I grew up as a city girl who loved music. Who knew I'd be smitten by a puppy and the direction of my life would be changed forever? All the joys and tears are worth my journey to MacHaven...

    15,65 €

  • Marvin Kaplan
    Ken Rotcop
    ISN’T THAT WHAT’S-HIS-NAME?!  Maybe you remember him as a regular on two of the longest running sitcoms on television. On ALICE he played Henry Beesmeyer, the telephone repairman who hung out at Mel’s Diner. And before that as Alfred Prinzmetal, an aspiring poet, on the sitcom MEET MILLIE.  Or more recently as Mr. Gordon, the long-suffering patient, on the sitcom BECKER starrin...

    30,33 €

    LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES, indeed, but what happens when passion is taken to its extreme? The chimes of wedding bells instantly turn into the booms of bullet when G’COREY reappears to seek vengeance on his rival and reclaim MINNIE until one lethal mistake offsets another, causing everything to go into a fatal tailspin. Meanwhile, GERRAN has been scorched by the pains of love aft...

    19,14 €

  • We Called Ourselves Rocketboatmen
    William Howard Palmer Jr
    D-Day, June 6, 1944—a day never to be forgotten. More than 156,000 troops crossed the English Channel from England to Normandy, making it the largest seaborne invasion in history. Leading the pre-invasion ashore were the brave, but little known, rocketboatmen, as they called themselves. Their job, as the first close up Naval offense, was to soften up the German beach defenses w...

    20,21 €

  • Pyrrhus
    Jacob Abbott
    Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. Check out the following list of books to take and exciting, informative, and easy to understand stroll through history ...

    20,21 €

  • Mary, Queen of Scots
    Jacob Abbott
    Hopefully, these books will be found, perhaps, after all, to be useful mainly in entertaining and amusing the youthful readers who may peruse them, as the writing of them has been the amusement and recreation of the author in the intervals of more serious pursuits. ...

    20,30 €

  • Plutarch’s Lives Vol. 3
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. It...

    36,30 €

  • Plutarch’s Lives Vol. 1
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. It...

    36,30 €

  • Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 4
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. ...

    36,22 €

  • Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 1
    Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives, contain twenty-three pairs of biographies, each pair consisting of one Greek and one Roman, as well as four unpaired, single lives. ...

    36,30 €

  • If You Want to Write
    Brenda Ueland
    Brenda Ueland was a journalist, editor, freelance writer, and teacher of writing. In If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit she shares her philosophies on writing and life in general. Ueland firmly believed that anyone can write, that everyone is talented, original, and has something important to say. In this book she explains how find that spark that w...

    20,39 €

  • Autobiography of a Yogi - With Pictures
    Paramhansa Yogananda
    Autobiography of a Yogi introduces the reader to the life of Paramahansa Yogananda and his encounters with spiritual figures of both the East and West. The book begins with his childhood family life, to finding his guru, to becoming a monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation. The book continues in 1920 when Yogananda accepts an invitation to speak in a relig...

    33,61 €

  • Parables of the Cross
    I. Lilias Trotter / ILilias Trotter
    Isabella Lilias Trotter was an artist and a Christian missionary for over 38 years to the Muslims of Algeria. After serving God in England for a time with the YWCA, she went with her own funding to Algeria to serve God there. In 1888 she founded the Algiers Mission Band. In 1964 the Algiers Mission Band became incorporated into Arab World Ministries. ...

    14,28 €

  • Flower Fables
    Louisa May Alcott
    Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist best known as author of the novel Little Women. In the mid-1860s, Alcott wrote passionate, fiery novels and sensational stories. She also produced wholesome stories for children, and after their positive reception, she did not generally return to creating works for adults. Alcott continued to write until her death. ...

    17,94 €

  • Beautiful Joe
    Marshall Saunders
    Beautiful Joe was a dog from the town of Meaford, Ontario, whose story inspired the bestselling 1893 novel Beautiful Joe, which contributed to worldwide awareness of animal cruelty. The real Beautiful Joe was an Airedale-type dog. He was medium-sized, brown, and described as likely being part bull terrier and part fox terrier. Saunders was so touched by Joe’s story that she wro...

    37,03 €

  • Romulus
    Jacob Abbott
    Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. Check out the following list of books to take and exciting, informative, and easy to understand stroll through history. ...

    20,23 €

  • The Cloud of Unknowing
    The Cloud of Unknowing draws on the mystical tradition of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and Christian Neoplatonism, which focuses on the via negativa road to discovering God as a pure entity, beyond any capacity of mental conception and so without any definitive image or form. This tradition has reputedly inspired generations of mystical searchers from John Scotus Erigena, th...

    20,54 €

  • Westminster Confession of Faith
    The Westminster Confession of Faith is a Reformed confession of faith, in the Calvinist theological tradition. Although drawn up by the 1646 Westminster Assembly, largely of the Church of England, it became and remains the ’subordinate standard’ of doctrine in the Church of Scotland, and has been influential within Presbyterian churches worldwide. ...

    18,03 €

  • The Story of my Life
    John Albert Macy
    The Story of My Life, is Helen Keller’s autobiography detailing her early life, especially her experiences with Anne Sullivan. The book is dedicated to inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The dedication reads, 'To ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies, I dedicate this Story of My Life.' ...

    36,69 €

  • The Story of My Life Vol. 6 Spanish Passions
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'wom...

    35,99 €

  • The Story of My Life Vol. 5 in London and Moscow
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'wom...

    36,12 €

  • The Story of My Life Vol. 3 the Eternal Quest
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'wom...

    36,11 €

  • The Story of My Life Vol. 2 to Paris and Prison
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'wom...

    35,94 €

  • Belinda
    Maria Edgeworth
    Being unwed, Belinda is sent to live with Lady Delacour, whom Belinda considers fascinating and charming. Lady Delacour believes herself to be dying of breast cancer. She hides her emotional distress from Belinda through wit and charm. The first half of the novel is concerned with the blooming friendship between Belinda and Lady Delacour, which is eventually broken, 'I

    36,23 €

  • The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 6 Spanish Passions
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'womanizer'. He associated with European ro...

    35,99 €

  • The Garden of Allah
    Fox Emmet
    The Garden of Alla explores the Spiritual Key to Isaiah XXXV. 'Even those who love the Bible most are apt to make the mistake of looking upon it as merely a book, the greatest book ever written, no doubt, but still a book; whereas the truth about the Bible is that it is really a spiritual vortex in which spiritual power pours from the Absolute or Divine Plane into the physic...

    20,79 €

  • The Story of my Life Vol. 1 The Venetian Years
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'wom...

    35,79 €

  • The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 3 the Eternal Quest
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'womanizer'. He associated with European ro...

    36,11 €

  • The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 5 in London and Moscow
    Giacomo Casanova
    Casanova was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. His autobiography, is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century. He has become so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with 'womanizer'. He associated with European ro...

    36,12 €

  • The Life of Samuel Johnson
    James Boswell
    This is a biography of Dr. Samuel Johnson written by James Boswell. It is regarded as an important stage in the development of the modern genre of biography; many have claimed it as the greatest biography written in English. While Boswell’s personal acquaintance with his subject only began in 1763, when Johnson was 54 years old, Boswell covered the entirety of Johnson’s life by...

    36,04 €