Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

135165 Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

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  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    22,83 €

  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    15,72 €

  • Sherri’s Secrets
    Laurie Campbell
    With candor and directness, the author takes you on a deeply personal, narrative journey through her life. From a sometimes abusive and disturbing childhood, to several moves between three provinces in Canada, she builds a life with her husband and children.Through a compelling tale of adversity and accomplishment, she becomes an enterprising and tenacious adult. Learning throu...

    38,80 €

    Brett Ladds
    As the Queen walked over to the lounge in her beautiful, wide-brimmed hat, I realised I’d just been speaking to the Queen of England. She was sweet and caring, with a warm family feel about her – obviously very well spoken, yet I’d felt like I was speaking to my gran. How does all that power and influence fit into one lovely, caring lady, I wondered.Brett Ladds’ cooking has mad...

    23,83 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тело I
    Jaerock Lee
    Люди, как правило, хотят быть успешными, жить счастливо и обеспеченно. Но, даже обладая деньгами, властью и славой, никто не может избежать смерти. Шир Хуан-ди, первый император древнего Китая, искал эликсир жизни, но так и не смог уйти от смерти. А между тем, Библия учит нас тому, как обрести жизнь вечную. Источники этой жизни берут начало в Иисусе Христе.С того времени как я ...

    12,75 €

  • Duch, Duša a Telo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Ľudia chcú byť zvyčajne úspešní a žiť šťastný a pohodlnýživot. Ale aj keď majú peniaze, moc a slávu, smrti nemôžuuniknúť. Shir Huang-di, prvý cisár starovekej Číny, hľadal elixír života, ale ani on neunikol smrti. Prostredníctvom Biblie nás Boh učí spôsob, ako získať večný život. Tento život môžeme dosiahnuť skrze Ježiša Krista. 3 ...

    11,94 €

  • Linh, Hồn, và Thân Thể I
    Jaerock Lee
    Những điều đặc biệt mà người đọc có thể tìm hiểu từ cuốn sách này bao gồm những vấn đề sau:1. Thông qua sự hiểu biết thuộc linh về linh, hồn, và thân thể, là những thành phần của con người, người đọc có thể nhìn vào ‘bản ngã’ mình và đạt được cái nhìn sâu sắc về cuộc sống của chính họ.2. Họ có thể đạt đến một sự tự nhận biết cách trọn vẹn về chính con người của mình về ‘bản ngã...

    12,75 €

  • The Torture Trial of George W. Bush
    Joseph Suste
    The Torture Trial of George W. BushIt's no secret that President George W. Bush ordered the torture of terrorist suspects in the years following the 911 attack; yet, powerful political forces and a legal firewall have protected him and his accomplices from prosecution.It takes the courage and dedication of Special Prosecutor Timothy Madegen to skirt an impotent U.S. Justice...

    20,76 €

  • Sharp Obsidian
    Joseph Suste
    Sharp ObsidianJoseph Suste's Sharp Obsidian, first published in 2014 and now in 2018 with this second edition, lays bare the inner struggles of a father and his strong-willed teenage daughter when she begins to test life's boundaries. Her father refuses to let destructive influences twist her morals, and dispirited, he commits his daughter to a teen recovery camp. She i...

    18,56 €

  • Le mura di Bergamo e l’esercito veneto fra 500 e 600
    Luca Stefano Cristini
    Correva l'Anno del Signore 1590. Così scriveva un soddisfatto e pago Alvise Grimani, l'allora comandante veneto della piazza di Bergamo, al termine dei lavori di realizzazione degli oltre cinque chilometri di mura porte e bastioni : 'La città è tutta serrata con baluardi e i suoi membri quasi tutti terrapienati, compite le piazze, i parapetti e le traverse per coprirsi ...

    36,31 €

  • Not Yet Sunset
    Grace Acan
    When the boys in her class asked her to sit on the ground in the classroom because they felt girls were dull and so only fit for the dusty floor while they sat on chairs, Grace refused to do so, and vowed to struggle for gender equality. As she excelled in school, the war in neighbouring northern Uganda districts was something Grace only heard about, but did not witness. In the...

    36,00 €

  • It’s Like A Fairytale! A kid’s Guide To Wick, Scotland
    Penelope Dyan
    Sometimes you go to a place, and you feel just as though you are in a Fairytale!  And this is just how it feels when you visit Ackergill Tower Castle in Wick, Scotland! In fact, the whole town of Wick feels like a magical place!Wick, Scotland is a town and royal burgh in the far north of Scotland.  It is situated along the River Wick on both sides of the Wick Bay. Visit Wick vi...

    12,81 €

  • Political Power
    Michael Frizell
    As a young man, James Comey was the victim of a home invasion by a masked man known as the Ramsey Rapist. The experience forever changed him, instilling in him a desire to seek justice for the oppressed and to prosecute those who do others harm. His desire to see justice served and success at prosecuting high-profile people like Martha Stewart would lead him to occupy the top c...

    8,77 €

  • A Commentary on Zechariah
    David Pawson

    14,45 €

  • The Pentecost Revolution
    Hugh J. Schonfield
    In this scholarly yet readable book Schonfield tries to unravel the mysteries behind the development of early Christianity in the thirty years between the crucifixion of Jesus and the Fall of Jerusalem.It builds on the famous work 'The Passover Plot' by the same author. It is a companion reader also to 'Those Incredible Christians' and 'The Politics of God&#...

    23,17 €

  • The Baker’s Dozen Coloring Book
    Aaron Shepard / Skyhook Coloring
    "Definitely the best grayscale coloring book I've ever seen." -- Coloring with Alena, YouTube, June 19, 2018 "I think it's probably the most lovely grayscale coloring book I have ever seen." -- Simple Art for Adults, YouTube, July 6, 2018 "I recommend for everyone." -- Jennifer Shaffer Art, YouTube, June 20, 2018 What is a "coloring storybook"? It's a coloring book,...

    29,99 €

  • Common Worship
    John H Darch / Stuart K Burns
    Offering an inspiring mix of history and biography, Saints on Earth tells the stories of the diverse people commemorated in the Common Worship calendar of Holy Days, with over 250 saints’ days, festivals and commemorations that greatly enrich the Christian year.This wide-ranging selection of spiritually significant men and women features Celtic and Catholic saints, Reformers, T...

    32,06 €

  • Žinia apie Kryžių
    Jaerock Lee
    Žinia apie Kryžių atskleis jums paslaptingą Dievo planą, glūdintį kryžiuje, ir padės jums padėti tvirtą tikro ir gero krikščioniško tikėjimo pamatą. Todėl kiekvienas, kuris perskaitys šią knygą, sugebės suprasti didį Dievo planą ir gilią meilę, įgys tikrą tikėjimą, bei pradės ir tęs tokį krikščionišką gyvenimą, kuris patinka Dievui. 3 ...

    10,78 €

  • Bird Watching for KIds
    Georgetee Baker
    A great beginner, bird watching guide for children. Bilingual, Spanish and English, it is a short, easy reader.The photos by Ishrani Annamunthodoo, are clear, vibrant, large and detailed. There are repetative sentences for the emerging reader and interesting information to enhance knowledge and learning. ...

    16,35 €

  • My Mom is Awesome (English Dutch children’s book)
    KidKiddos Books / S.APublishing / Shelley Admont
    English Dutch Bilingual Book. Perfect for kids studying English or Dutch as their second language. In this touching bedtime story, a little girl describes why her Mom is awesome. We see her going through her day, carrying the warmest feeling about her mother. Mom always knows how she feels and can help with any problem. Mom can make the most complicated braid and explain fracti...

    35,61 €

  • Second Wind
    Dann Wonser
    "Don't you ever get tired of being so positive?" my niece blurted out one day.The question shocked me, five years into my fight with lung cancer.  Was my enthusiasm about remaining treatment options so disheartening that even someone normally upbeat struggled to see the hope in my situation? Was the way I was thinking that foreign to how other people think?Over the next yea...

    11,45 €

  • I Love My Mom Amo a mi mamá
    KidKiddos Books / S.APublishing / Shelley Admont
    English Spanish Bilingual Book. Perfect for kids learning English or Spanish as their second language.Everybody loves their Mom, no matter what their age. In this bedtime story, the little bunny Jimmy and his older brothers try to find a perfect present for Mom’s birthday. They want to show how much they love her. Todo el mundo, sea cual sea su edad, quiere a su mamá. En este c...

    35,51 €

  • We Are Starving
    Dr. Danny McDermott / DrDanny McDermott
    There are two ways to be starving. One is to be lacking food. The other is to go without love, respect, recognition, support, and someone to care for and challenge you. When Danny McDermott came to Harriet Tubman School in Chicago as a teacher in 1994, he encountered children who were hungry for all these things. Coming from a background of teaching in privileged schools, he fe...

    14,40 €

  • Ahed Tamimi
    Ahed Tamimi / Paul Heron / Paul Morris
    Ahed Tamimi received prominent media coverage internationally when she was arrested by the Israeli Occupation authorities shortly before Christmas 2017. Israeli soldiers forced their way into the Tamimi’s home at night time, and arrested Nariman and Bassem Tamimi’s 16-year-old daughter, Ahed.The day before, there had been a demonstration to protest against the Occupation Army’s...

    12,74 €

  • Goodnight, My Love! (English Hebrew Children’s Book)
    KidKiddos Books / S.APublishing / Shelley Admont
    English Hebrew Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Hebrew as their second language."Goodnight, My Love!" by Shelley Admont won the Gold Medal in 2019 Readers' Favorite annual international book award  in the Children - General categoryAlex finds it hard to go to sleep, so he starts making up excuses. After reading a bedtime story, his father ...

    35,61 €

  • Famous People Who’ve Met Me
    Owen Husney
    “Famous People Who’ve Met Me” is an outrageous collection of true stories starring oddball characters, behind the scenes gurus, scoundrels, and brilliant superstars in the music business straight out of Minnesota. The unique memoir does more than just recount tales; it’s a true in-depth character study as told through the eyes of musician, agent, concert promoter, and manager O...

    15,52 €

  • Boxer and Brandon
    Inna Nusinsky / KidKiddos Books / S.APublishing
    English Serbian Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Serbian their second language. This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. This is what true friendship means. ...

    20,81 €

  • The Queen of Hearts
    Amy Powell / Gary W. Studebaker / Gary WStudebaker
    Zelma Studebaker was a writer, teacher and mother of eight children. She was a Christian woman who worked for peace and justice as a participant in humanitarian service projects. In August of 1963 she participated in our nation’s historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Her son, Ted Studebaker, was an agriculturalist with Vietnam Christian Service and is a celebrated,...

    17,42 €

  • Uriel’s Gift
    Edward John Spellman
    "I died on the seventeenth of July 1996 - Life became very interesting after that."Suddenly I found myself with Jesus, Archangel Uriel, and a third spiritual presence looking down at my body still strapped inside the wreck of my car.They showed me why I was here in this life and where I was up to with my life's purpose.They showed me how this life connects to both past and ...

    18,08 €

  • See The Sea! A Kid’s Guide To Portsmouth, UK
    Penelope Dyan
    Portsmouth, in the United Kingdom, is a port city located in Hampshire, England, sitting primarily on Portsea Island, about seventy miles south-west of London and just about nineteen miles south-east of Southampton. And if it interests you, you can trace its history all the way back to Roman times. A naval port for centuries, Portsmouth, UK claims to have the world‛s oldest dry...

    12,81 €