Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

127096 Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

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  • Recollections of Abraham Lincoln 1847-1865
    TBD / Ward Hill Lamon
    This classic political biography is among the most thorough and fascinating biographies of the great American president Abraham Lincoln. In addition to the expected biographical content, this book is comprised of letters from Lincoln and his associates that provide intimate insights to the final two decades of the great man’s life.Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, ...

    26,30 €

  • The Amateur Emigrant
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'For in emigration the young men enter direct by the shipload on their heritage of work; empty continents swarm, as at the bosun’s whistle, with industrious hands, and whole hew empires are domesticated to the service of man.' -Robert Louis Stevenson, The Amateur Emigrant The Amateur Emigrant from the Clyde to Sandy Hook (1895), by Robert Louis Stevenson is the first book (fol...

    18,88 €

  • Adamnani Vita S. Columbae
    Saint Adamnan / Henry Frowde
    This biography of Saint Columba, the man responsible for bringing Christianity to Scotland in the 6th century AD, is filled with detail and insight.Columba was considered a man of great spiritual strength who braved the wild, untrammeled lands of rural Scotland at a time when it was ruled by tribes. Many legends are told of his miraculous abilities in fending off wild beasts, a...

    12,52 €

  • David
    F. B. Meyer
    Meyer’s spirited and moving account of the life of King David follows the progress of David from humble shepherd to glorious king of Israel and Judah.The story of David’s life and rise from modest beginnings is one of the most celebrated in the Old Testament tradition. This book is an attempt by F. B. Meyer to tell the story of David with a sequential and lively narrative, with...

    12,38 €

  • The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci
    Amerigo Vespucci / Clements R. Markham / Clements RMarkham
    Adventurer, merchant and mapper of the New World, Amerigo Vespucci’s life is fascinating and vivid – his letters, published here in full, reveal his discoveries.Born in Florence in the mid-15th century, Vespucci expressed an interest in the newly-discovered lands across the Atlantic Ocean from an early age. Educated by his uncle, a learned Dominican friar, it was in youth that ...

    9,82 €

  • Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila - The Book of Her Life
    St. Teresa of Avila / StTeresa of Avila / David Lewis
    Complete edition of the Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, translated by David Lewis. This edition includes over 500 footnotes, creating a study edition for readers to better understand Avila’s path to Jesus though prayer. The story of her life, interspersed with lessons on prayer. Though slow starting, one may finish with tears of joy.The book defies description.“We have, t...

    10,83 €

  • Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila - The Book of Her Life
    St. Teresa of Avila / StTeresa of Avila / David Lewis
    Complete edition of the Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila, translated by David Lewis. This edition includes over 500 footnotes, creating a study edition for readers to better understand Avila’s path to Jesus though prayer. The story of her life, interspersed with lessons on prayer. Though slow starting, one may finish with tears of joy.The book defies description.“We have, t...

    19,93 €

  • Charles Simeon
    Handley Carr Glyn Moule
    This biography of the pioneering English evangelical Charles Simeon takes us through his greatest adventures and accomplishments in the name of the Lord.Converting to Christianity when taking communion at the age of twenty, Charles Simeon went on to become a clergyman notable for his evocative speech and understanding of the word of God. He was among the first Christian mission...

    15,09 €

  • Across the Plains
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'America was to me a sort of promised land; ’westward the march of empire holds its way’; the race is for the moment to the young; what has been and what is we imperfectly and obscurely know; what is to be yet lies beyond the flight of our imaginations. . . 'Robert Louis Stevenson, The Amateur Emigrant Across the Plains with Other Memories and Essays (1892) by Robert Louis Ste...

    18,72 €

  • Enchiridion
    Epictetus / George Long
    Unabridged version of Enchiridion, by Epictetus, and translated by George Long, with footnotes.  In this classic Epictetus teaches that philosophy is not just thought, but life in practice. Born into slavery, and later freed, he tells what he learned across his varied life both in paragraph and parable form. Included here are just the Encheiridion and Fragments portions from Th...

    6,26 €

  • John G. Paton, Missionary to the New Hebrides
    John G. Paton / John GPaton
    John G. Paton narrates his eventful life as a missionary to the New Hebrides - modern-day Vanuatu - in a frank and vivid manner. Beginning with his upbringing and education in Scotland, we realize early on that Paton carried unusual dedication and energy in his studies. Determining that he would become a man of God, spreading the word of the Christian gospel as a missionary, it...

    12,46 €

  • The Early Diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778, Volume II
    Francis Burney
    'Misery is a guest that we are glad to part with, however certain of her speedy return.'-Frances Burney, The Early Diary of Frances Burney (1769)The Early Diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778, Volume II (1889) began in Burney’s teen years as her personal account of life in Georgian England but was later published posthumously. Scholars regard her diary as culturally important bec...

    27,16 €

  • The Early Diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778, Volume I
    Francis Burney
    'Misery is a guest that we are glad to part with, however certain of her speedy return.' -Frances Burney, The Early Diary of Frances Burney (1769)The Early Diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778, Volume I (1889) began in Burney’s teen years as her personal account of life in Georgian England but was later published posthumously. Scholars regard her diary as culturally important bec...

    27,05 €

  • Pocahontas, Alias Matoaka
    Wyndham Robertson
    This detailed biography concerns Pocahontas, daughter of a Powhatan Native American chieftain, who became famous upon marrying the colonist John Rolfe at Jamestown, Virginia in the early 1600s.Drawing on source texts dating to the period, together with later accounts of the descendants of Pocahontas and her husband, the author compiles a compelling genealogical record. First pu...

    10,96 €

  • The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume I
    Charles Darwin
    'In the selection and arrangement of the material he [Francis Darwin] was chiefly guided by a wish to portray his father’s personal character, and he giving a true picture of the man and the student, the methods of Darwin’s work and the gradual development of his opinions.' -The Times (1925)The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume I (1896) is a compilation...

    29,04 €

  • The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II
    Charles Darwin
    'If we choose to let conjecture run wild, then animals, our fellow brethren in pain, disease, death, suffering and famine-our slaves in the most laborious works, our companions in our amusements-they may partake from our origin in one common ancestor-we may be all melted together.' -Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1896)The Life and Letters of ...

    29,03 €

  • The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Two Volumes in One
    Charles Darwin
    'If we choose to let conjecture run wild, then animals, our fellow brethren in pain, disease, death, suffering and famine-our slaves in the most laborious works, our companions in our amusements-they may partake from our origin in one common ancestor-we may be all melted together.' -Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1896)The Life and Letters of ...

    57,31 €

  • Reminiscences of an Old Timer
    Colonel George Hunter
    Colonel Hunter’s account of Old West life takes us through the California Gold Rush and a variety of rip-roaring incidents across the United States’ western frontier.Full of beans and bristling with wit, Hunter introduces himself as an eager young apprentice. He accompanied his father, who aspired to strike it rich in the Gold Rush. Although riches eluded the pair, adventure di...

    14,85 €

  • The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Two Volumes in One
    Charles Darwin
    'If we choose to let conjecture run wild, then animals, our fellow brethren in pain, disease, death, suffering and famine-our slaves in the most laborious works, our companions in our amusements-they may partake from our origin in one common ancestor-we may be all melted together.' -Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II (1896)The Life and Letters of ...

    72,10 €

  • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Chump Change Edition)
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Unabridged version of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, offered here for chump change, from the Master Storyteller Robert Louis Stevenson. His first draft was burned to ash, the final published version created at the request of his wife.  The result is a complex, tingling tale that drives the reader to the last page.THERE IS ONLYONE WAYTO STOP HYDE…CONTENTSStory of t...

    6,23 €

  • Charles Dickens As I Knew Him
    George Dolby
    George Dolby worked as manager and secretary for the author Charles Dickens, accompanying him on his famous writing tours in Britain and North America.As well as being a prolific author, Charles Dickens was renowned for his capacity to evocatively read his stories to others. He channeled the emotional and dramatic portions of his books so well that listeners often sat rapt in s...

    14,80 €

  • The Silverado Squatters
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'The scene of this little book is on a high mountain. . . . As I recall the place-the green dell below; the spires of pine; the sun-warm, scented air . . . I slowly awake to a sense of admiration, gratitude, and almost love.' -Robert Louis Stevenson, The Silverado SquattersThe Silverado Squatters (1888), by Robert Louis Stevenson, describes experiences the author shared with hi...

    14,96 €

  • Notes of a Pianist
    Louis Moreau Gottschalk / R. E. Peterson
    The recollections of the great American composer and pianist Louis Gottschalk shine with majesty and insight into the life of a touring virtuoso in the nineteenth century.Well-travelled and appreciated by audiences across Europe and the Americas, Gottschalk was a pianist of supreme talent, imbuing his performances with emotional and sensual depth seldom heard in the concert hal...

    19,58 €

  • Edinburgh
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    'Half a capital and half a country town, the whole city leads a double existence; it has long trances of the one and flashes of the other; like the king of the Black Isles, it is half alive and half a monumental marble.' ―Robert Louis Stevenson, Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes This edition of Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes (1878) by Robert Louis Stevenson is a travel book by one of...

    18,84 €

  • Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms
    Fa Xian
    Faxian (337 – c. 422) was a Chinese Buddhist monk and translator who traveled by foot from Ancient China to Ancient India, visiting many sacred Buddhist sites in Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia between 399-412 to acquire Buddhist texts. His journey is described in his important travelogue, A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms, Being an Account by the Chinese M...

    25,68 €

  • Mormonism Unveiled
    John D. Lee
    Mormonism Unveiled is John Doyle Lee’s confessional exposé of malpractices in the Mormon Church, including his own role as an assassin responsible for several murders.In chronicling his years as a member of the church, Lee discusses how he came to meet and associate with Joseph Smith; the founder and prophet of Mormonism. The processes by which the charismatic Smith drew in fol...

    14,93 €

  • Life of Rev. A. Crooks
    E. W. Crooks / EWCrooks
    Reverend Adam Crooks was an activist and minister whose tireless campaigns against slavery in the 19th century led to his being one of Methodist church’s most famous abolitionists.Born at a time when slavery in America was scarcely questioned by the religious establishment, Reverend Crooks’ felt a personal revulsion toward enslavement, and especially its continuation by individ...

    12,46 €

  • John of Gaunt
    C. W. Empson / CWEmpson
    John of Gaunt was an English prince in the 14th century whose political skills and astute negotiating strengthened the monarchy of his nephew, King Richard II.A talented and able negotiator and statesman, John of Gaunt’s actions were pivotal amid the politically fractious climate of the 14th century. The rivalling nobilities, each with many lords under their vassalage, threaten...

    8,07 €

  • The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa
    St Catherine of Genoa
    The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa consists of three separate works: The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa (which includes her sayings) as compiled by her confessor, Don Cattaneo Marabotto, and two works by St. Catherine herself The Spiritual Dialogue (between the Soul and the Body), and the famous Treatise on Purgatory. Treatise on Purgatory sets th...

    13,53 €

  • The Life of Charles Dickens, Volume II
    John Forster
    'This cheap edition of my books is dedicated to the English people, in whose approval, if the books be true in spirit, they will live, and out of whose memory, if they be false, they will very soon die.' -Charles Dickens, The Life of Charles Dickens, Volume II (1874)The Life of Charles Dickens, Volume II (1874) focuses on the English author’s life from 1842-1851 and documents h...

    29,01 €