Catálogo de libros: Instrumentos musicales y conjuntos instrumentales

773 Catálogo de libros: Instrumentos musicales y conjuntos instrumentales

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  • The History of Casio Synthesizers
    Herkimer Throckmorton
    Gear up for an electrifying journey throughTHE HISTORY OF CASIO SYNTHESIZERS.This isn’t your run-of-the-mill tale; it’s a full-throttle dive into the rhythm, pulse, and unapologetic innovation that defines CASIO.CASIO didn’t just create synthesizers; they unleashed a sonic revolution, smashing the idea that only the privileged few could ride the electronic wave. This book? It’s...

    24,48 €

  • Curso Prático Teórico Cavaquinho
    Flávio Augusto Rocha
    Atende tanto a iniciantes, quanto a quemjá possui algum conhecimento musical e deseja aperfeiçoá-lo. O objetivo é que ao final do curso, seja capaz de reconhecer os conceitos básicos de música, as suas simbologias mais utilizadas , a estrutura musical do instrumento, técnicas que poderão facilitar a execução, conhecimentos acerca dos Campos Harmônicos em Acordes Fundamentais. ...

    11,18 €

  • Método Musical Assertivo & Revelador De Guitarra
    Cleideson Almeida
    Desenvolvi este Método da forma mais reveladora e assertiva possível, para a melhor compreensão de todos, sejam músicos iniciantes, intermediários ou avançados. Meu objetivo é elucidar definitivamente aquilo que é determinante e vital para o desenvolvimento imediato e espontâneo do músico.Fiz questão de revelar aqui, de forma minuciosa e explícita, os mais relevantes e assertiv...

    14,33 €

  • The Power of Practice
    Kristin Wendland
    Situates yoga practice within a musical context in the life and work of famed violinist Yehudi Menuhin ...

    127,21 €

  • A Survey of Solo Works for the Violoncello
    Brian Hodges
    A Survey for Solo Works for the Violoncello is a resource for cellists and non-cellists alike. Spanning the history of the cello through the lens of the pieces written for it, the reader will gain insight into the pieces, composers, and players that shaped the cello’s destiny from its earliest entries to the current day. The book surveys the breadth of music written for the cel...

    33,62 €

  • The Maltese Wind Band
    Simon Farrugia
    Wind bands are common around the world, and the small Mediterranean island of Malta is no exception. Their abundance in Malta testifies to the popularity of the wind band tradition among the locals. It is central to everyday life, particularly during the village feast, which is synonymous with Maltese bands. These ensembles are not made up merely of performers and musical in...

    72,64 €

  • Música De Viagem
    Paul Marcel
    A música cabe em palavras? Agora cabeO protagonista deste livro é designado comoo baterista , ou simplesmente comoele neste caso, o nome do personagem não faz a menor falta no desenrolar da história.Eleé um músico que toca em uma banda de jazz e sonha com uma carreira profissional enquanto vende sapatos femininos numa loja de bairro.Como testemunhas ocultas, acompanhamos os ens...

    13,32 €

  • Duetto A Un Violino Solo In Re Minore (dueto Para Um Violino Só Em Ré Menor, Prefácio Em Português), Duet For Solo Violin In D Minor (foreword In English) Ed. Zoltan Paulinyi
    Giovanni Battista Viotti
    (Português) Esta edição do dueto para violino solo de Viotti apresenta a partitura integral da obra junto com o fac-símile do manuscrito do autor, com prefácio de Dr. Zoltan Paulinyi explicando o contexto histórico da composição desta peça.(English)This edition presents the Viottis Duet for Solo Violin urtext score with its facsimile of the manuscript. Dr Zoltan Paulinyis forew...

    14,84 €

  • Pattápio
    Maycon Carvalho
    Esta pequena obra, tem o intuito de não deixar morrer a história de um grande músico, o maior flautista brasileiro que nascera em Itaocara, RJ, o mesmo foi possuidor de tamanho e inexplicável dom que o fizera ser invejado por muitos. Resumidamente, foram reunidos fatos importantes que darão ao leitor um conhecimento mais abrangente do que acontecera com o possuidor da flauta má...

    9,01 €

  • Teoria Musical para Baixistas
    Ariane Cap
    ���� Este livro inclui 89 vídeos que são reproduzidos a partir do blog da autora.✏️ Este é um livro de atividades, então tenha seu baixo e uma caneta à disposição para preencher as cativantes perguntas das sessões 'Teste Sua Compreensão'!✅ Você sempre quis aprender teoria musical, mas sentia que esta era uma tarefa muito pesada?✅ Talvez todos os livros lhe pareçam projetados pa...

    29,61 €

  • Magical Music Planet
    Tavia Lynn Kallison
    Can you imagine a world without music? That’s exactly what happened to young Melody Bell and her two friends, Harmon E. Chord and Justin Time. These three youngsters share their common aspirations to one day become celebrated pop stars! Their names reflect the three elements found in music: a melody, the harmony, and its rhythm. With that in mind, a magical red disc-shaped cont...

    44,66 €

  • HowExpert Guide to Playing the Saxophone
    HowExpert / Sarah Cordes
    If you want to learn how to practice, play, and perform the saxophone for beginners, intermediates, and advanced saxophonists, then check out HowExpert Guide to Playing the Saxophone.HowExpert Guide to Playing the Saxophone will help you build your musicianship from your beginner days to the professional level. The 101 tips sprinkled throughout the book outline the best practic...

    25,50 €

  • Qlido 4
    Nabil Yousef
    This book is intended for 'children' who want to practice playing piano or keyboard. It can also be used by the 'aspirant pianists', as beginner level exercise, no matter what age group they belong to. This book does not claim to be a substitute for a teacher or coach. But the book can be used by novices and for practice during in-school music and singing courses. ...

    7,69 €

  • Highway Cello
    Kenneth Wilson
    This isn’t an ordinary journey. Old enough to know better, Kenneth Wilson sets off to cycle from Hadrian’s Wall to Rome - with a cello on the back of his bike. Every day en route he makes music - at impromptu as well as formal concerts, busking, and just responding to the people and events of each day. Highway Cello is about the 1800 mile journey through England and France, ove...

    14,91 €

  • Yes - The Tormato Story
    Kevin Mulryne
    The music of Yes indelibly shaped the original sound of progressive rock. But the true tale of this landmark band goes well beyond headline-making albums like Fragile and Close to the Edge. In this book, Kevin Mulryne tells the absorbing story of the final Yes album of the 1970s, Tormato, uncovering myriad fascinating twists and turns for the first time.'Tormato was my introduc...

    16,20 €

  • Popular Hindi Songs - Learn Notations with Prelude & Interlude Music
    Raj S. Bisen
    In this book, you will be able to read Notations of any song in Hindi and English. It’s speciality is that you will also be able to play the prelude and interlude of all the songs. In this information about the ragas and taals of all the songs has been given. This book is useful for music students as well as music teachers.The 32 Popular Songs covered in this book. All the song...

    19,47 €

  • In Tune
    Jaume Rosset i Llobet / Jaume Rosset-Llobet / Sílvia Fàbregas i Molas / Sílvia Fàbregas-Molas / Annie Bosler
    In Tune: Exercises to Improve a Musician’s Performance and Quality of Life is a one-of-a-kind book with targeted exercises, created specifically for musicians, that are intended to enhance muscle strength, elasticity, and flexibility. Workout routines for before and after playing have been curated to address all regions of the body including the chest, neck, back, abdominals, s...

    24,11 €

  • Learn to Play the Native American Style Flute
    Ami Sarasvati
    The Native American style flute is a musical instrument anyone can play! Discover your heartsong on the flute with this book. Welcome to a beautiful journey This little book is the perfect place to start your journey of learning to play the Native American style flute (NAF). No musical experience is necessary. In fact, for many people, learning to play the NAF is their first ex...

    13,84 €

  • Learn to Play the Native American Style Flute
    Ami Sarasvati
    The Native American style flute is a musical instrument anyone can play! Discover your heartsong on the flute with this book. Welcome to a beautiful journey This little book is the perfect place to start your journey of learning to play the Native American style flute (NAF). No musical experience is necessary. In fact, for many people, learning to play the NAF is their first ex...

    18,13 €

  • Guitar Technics
    Rodrigo Luis Rigueto
    Guitar Techniques. Este livro reúne uma série de 125 estudos técnicos que servem para estudantes de guitarra elétrica do nível básico ao avançado. Os estudos foram criteriosamente selecionados e todos contém explicações claras e objetivas para que o leitor realize sua correta execução. Contempla também modelos de rotinas de estudo (método kanban e pomodoro), 17 digitações da es...

    10,70 €

  • Carosello di strumenti musicali
    Giovanni D’Agostino
    Sono 140 spartiti con accordi ma, la maggior parte, soprattutto quelli per Violino, possono essere eseguiti con strumento solo. ...

    42,59 €

  • Music & the Mind’s Practice Diary
    Alana Parisotto
    Avoid never remembering what you were supposed to practice - while keeping track of the work you’re putting into your instrument! If you don’t want to keep getting your computer out while practicing or put a fragile piece of paper in your music case (instantly scrunched every time) - we have a solution. We are thrilled to be be launching our very own physical practice diary boo...

    34,40 €

  • Rilevamento di importanti composti biologici pericolosi e volatili
    Mahuya Bhattacharyya Banerjee
    Negli ultimi anni i MIP hanno suscitato un grande interesse nel campo dei sensori grazie alle loro proprietà uniche, come la robustezza, i numerosi siti di legame, il basso costo, la facilità di preparazione e l’elevata stabilità. La microbilancia a cristallo di quarzo (QCM), invece, è un elemento trasduttore ideale per misurare minime variazioni di massa sulla superficie del s...

    113,00 €

  • Detecção de Compostos Biológicos Perigosos e Voláteis Importantes
    Mahuya Bhattacharyya Banerjee
    O PPI tem despertado muito interesse no campo dos sensores nos últimos anos devido às suas propriedades únicas tais como robustez, muitos locais de ligação, baixo custo, facilidade de preparação, e alta estabilidade. A Microbalança de Cristal de Quartzo (QCM), por outro lado, é um elemento transdutor ideal para medir alterações mínimas de massa na superfície do sensor. Os senso...

    113,00 €

  • Обнаружение важных опасных и летучих биологических соединений
    Бхаттачарыя Банерэе
    В последние годы МИП вызвали большой интерес в области сенсоров благодаря своим уникальным свойствам, таким как прочность, множество мест связывания, низкая стоимость, простота приготовления и высокая стабильность. С другой стороны, кварцевый кристалл микровесов (ККМ) является идеальным преобразовательным элементом для измерения мельчайших изменений массы на поверхности датчика...

    50,25 €

  • Nachweis von wichtigen gefährlichen und flüchtigen biologischen Stoffen
    Mahuya Bhattacharyya Banerjee
    MIP haben in den letzten Jahren aufgrund ihrer einzigartigen Eigenschaften wie Robustheit, vielen Bindungsstellen, geringen Kosten, einfacher Vorbereitung und hoher Stabilität großes Interesse im Bereich der Sensoren geweckt. Die Quarzkristallmikrowaage (QCM) hingegen ist ein ideales Wandlerelement für die Messung kleinster Massenänderungen auf der Sensoroberfläche. QCM-Sensore...

    112,98 €

  • Détection de composés biologiques dangereux et volatils importants
    Mahuya Bhattacharyya Banerjee
    Le MIP a suscité beaucoup d’intérêt dans le domaine des capteurs ces dernières années en raison de ses propriétés uniques telles que sa robustesse, ses nombreux sites de liaison, son faible coût, sa facilité de préparation et sa grande stabilité. La microbalance à cristal de quartz (QCM), quant à elle, est un élément transducteur idéal pour mesurer d’infimes variations de masse...

    112,98 €

  • Making a Joyful Noise
    Paul A. Lieber
    As the triumphant and majestic sound of the tonally redesigned organ gave way to thunderous applause from an audience that jumped to their feet, having no intention of waiting for the lights to come up, the evening’s silent film The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) came to an end. Young and old alike marveled at the virtuosity of Clark Wilson and his command of the fifty-three-ra...

    33,13 €

  • How To Regulate Your Lever Harp
    Steve Moss
    In the How to Regulate Your Lever Harp series, master harp technician Steve Moss provides step by step instructions on how to service and maintain your lever harp to keep it sounding its best. This first volume of the series focuses on the Loveland lever, one of the most popular and widely used sharping levers on the market. In addition to clear descriptions of the regulation p...

    12,55 €

  • Detection of Important Hazardous and Volatile Biological Compounds
    Mahuya Bhattacharyya Banerjee
    MIP has sparked a lot of interest in the field of sensors in recent years due to their unique properties such as robustness, many binding sites, low cost, ease of preparation, and high stability. The Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM), on the other hand, is an ideal transducer element for measuring minute mass changes on the sensor’s surface. QCM sensors are useful and convenien...

    113,01 €