Catálogo de libros: Música

14930 Catálogo de libros: Música

  • Music and Its Masters
    O. B. Boise
    Music and Its Masters, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned co...

    14,94 €

  • Music-Study in Germany, from the Home Correspondence of Amy Fay
    Amy Fay
    Music-Study in Germany, from the Home Correspondence of Amy Fay, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and design...

    19,33 €

  • Creative Intervallic Guitar Soloing
    JOSEPH ALEXANDER / Shaun Baxter
    Master The Art of Creative Intervallic Guitar SoloingTired of the same old licks and scales?Bored with your playing?Limited by solos that move in scale steps?If you’re ready to go beyond small steps and take a giant leap in your guitar solos, then Creative Intervallic Guitar Soloing is the rocket ship you need to launch your solos into space.Unlock the secrets of interval maste...

    22,87 €

  • Bigfoot and Bunyip
    Ned D Evett
    Bigfoot and Bunyip is a fictional story written in the voice of Mark Twain from his lost journal. It describes an incredible tale of survival and friendship in the Australian Outback in 1893. The story heralds the coming of the 20th century from the perspective of Cryptid souls from a vanishing world. ...

    10,16 €

  • Learning the Language of the Music Business
    Steve Bootland
    Unlock the inner workings of the Music Industry with 'Learning the Language of the Music Business'. This 50+ page guide breaks down over 140 essential words and phrases used daily in the world of music. From ’Genre’ and ’Producer’ to ’Sync Licensing’ and ’Royalties’ this book covers a wide spectrum, providing clear explanations and examples to help young readers grasp even the ...

    10,15 €

  • Ursprünge der melodischen Systeme
    Rafael Saavedra
    Wir alle, die wir die Musikgeschichte studiert haben, sowohl Studenten als auch Lehrer, sind darüber besorgt. Es genügt, ein Modell der Tonleitern zu betrachten, das wir aus allen Lehrbüchern kennen, das griechische Kapitel (das von Homer, Pythagoras, Aristoteles) und ein anderes aus den kirchlichen Bereichen des so genannten Mittelalters (das Europa von Gregor dem Großen, Ambr...

    85,65 €

  • Origins of melodic systems
    Rafael Saavedra
    There is a restlessness in all of us who have been through music history courses, both students and teachers. It is enough to observe a model of scales that we know from all the textbooks, chapter Greece (that of Homer, Pythagoras, Aristotle) and another of the ecclesiastical ranges of the so-called medieval period (the Europe of Gregory the Great, Ambrose of Milan, Guido of Ar...

    85,59 €

  • Origine des systèmes mélodiques
    Rafael Saavedra
    Tous ceux d’entre nous qui ont étudié l’histoire de la musique, qu’ils soient étudiants ou enseignants, s’en préoccupent. Il suffit de regarder un modèle de gammes que nous connaissons par tous les manuels, le chapitre grec (celui d’Homère, de Pythagore, d’Aristote) et un autre des gammes ecclésiastiques de la période dite médiévale (l’Europe de Grégoire le Grand, d’Ambroise de...

    85,59 €

  • Origens dos sistemas melódicos
    Rafael Saavedra
    Todos nós que estudámos a história da música, tanto estudantes como professores, estamos preocupados com este facto. Basta olhar para um modelo de escalas que conhecemos de todos os manuais, o capítulo grego (o de Homero, Pitágoras, Aristóteles) e outro das escalas eclesiásticas do chamado período medieval (a Europa de Gregório Magno, Ambrósio de Milão, Guido de Arezzo).Os dois...

    85,59 €

  • Происхождение мелодических систем
    Рафаэль Сааведра
    Всех нас, изучающих историю музыки, как студентов, так и преподавателей, это беспокоит. Достаточно взглянуть на модель гамм, известную нам по всем учебникам, - греческую (Гомера, Пифагора, Аристотеля) и церковную так называемого средневекового периода (Европа Григория Великого, Амброза Миланского, Гвидо из Ареццо).Эти две модели совершенно различны. Возникает вопрос: где и когд...

    85,65 €

  • Origini dei sistemi melodici
    Rafael Saavedra
    C’è una preoccupazione in tutti noi che abbiamo studiato la storia della musica, sia studenti che insegnanti. Basta guardare un modello di scale che conosciamo da tutti i libri di testo, il capitolo greco (quello di Omero, Pitagora, Aristotele) e un altro proveniente dalle gamme ecclesiastiche del cosiddetto periodo medievale (l’Europa di Gregorio Magno, Ambrogio di Milano, Gui...

    85,53 €

  • Cânticos E Louvores E Os Homens, Membros Do Templo
    Uiliam De Azevedo Melo
    Este livro tem como objetivo orientar o leitor em torno de algumas decisões diárias mais viáveis de modo que os litígios sejam evitados em relação às reações em função de ações indesejáveis, conforme as leis da física, sendo assim as relações, entre os que fazem parte de sua história, indubitavelmente desencadearão elos satisfatórios, embora existam diversidades de pensamentos,...

    55,09 €

  • How to Play the Ukulele
    Dylan Green
    Have you always wanted to learn an instrument? Do you feel like you do not have the time or skills to learn how to play music? Forget those thoughts and keep reading. You may have convinced yourself that playing an instrument is out of the question, but the simplicity of learning the ukulele will change this. Affordable, compact, and easy-to-start a ukulele is an ideal instrume...

    8,26 €

  • Audit de la gestion de la qualité dans les services externalisés
    Maria Alexsandra Pires Cavalcante
    Cette recherche vise à identifier l’adoption du modèle de qualité et le niveau d’amélioration qui en découle dans une maternité publique de l’État du Ceará. Dans un premier temps, une étude bibliographique a été réalisée sur les outils de gestion afin de soutenir la recherche qualitative sur le terrain, basée sur des techniques d’observation et l’utilisation d’une liste de cont...

    49,81 €

  • Quality Management Audit in Outsourced Services
    Maria Alexsandra Pires Cavalcante
    This research aims to identify the adoption of the quality model and the consequent level of improvement achieved in a public maternity hospital in the state of Ceará. Initially, a bibliographical study was carried out on management tools to support the qualitative field research, based on observation techniques and the use of a checklist in the hygiene service. After analyzing...

    49,74 €

  • Qualitätsmanagement-Audit bei ausgelagerten Dienstleistungen
    Maria Alexsandra Pires Cavalcante
    Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, die Übernahme des Qualitätsmodells und das damit erreichte Niveau der Verbesserung in einer öffentlichen Entbindungsklinik im Bundesstaat Ceará zu ermitteln. Zunächst wurde eine bibliografische Studie über Managementinstrumente durchgeführt, um die qualitative Feldforschung zu unterstützen, die auf Beobachtungstechniken und der Verwendung einer ...

    49,81 €

  • Аудит менеджмента качества в аутсорсинговых услугах
    Мария Алекса Пирес К.
    Цель данного исследования - определить внедрение модели качества и последующий уровень улучшений, достигнутый в государственном родильном доме в штате Сеара. Вначале было проведено библиографическое исследование инструментов управления для поддержки качественного полевого исследования, основанного на методах наблюдения и использовании контрольного списка в службе гигиены. После...

    49,81 €

  • Audit della gestione della qualità nei servizi in outsourcing
    Maria Alexsandra Pires Cavalcante
    Questa ricerca si propone di individuare l’adozione del modello di qualità e il conseguente livello di miglioramento raggiunto in una maternità pubblica dello Stato del Ceará. Inizialmente è stato condotto uno studio bibliografico sugli strumenti di gestione a supporto della ricerca qualitativa sul campo, basata su tecniche di osservazione e sull’uso di una lista di controllo n...

    49,74 €

    Хасан Тиляков / Шерзод Эранов
    Данная монография являет собой чрезвычайно важный и наукоемкий авторский труд, посвященный одной из наиболее сложных патологий у детей - переломы и вывихи головки лучевой кости. Задача автора - подробно описать наиболее информативные и быстрые методы диагностики и наиболее эффективные и безопасные лечебных действия, помогающих пострадавшему не остаться инвалидом и в максимально...

    70,13 €

    Нодир Кадыров
    В монографии приведены результаты получения и применения поверхностно-активных веществ при гидрометаллургических процессах выщелачивания электролитическое очистка металлов от примесей. Показала, что исходным сырьем для получения ПАВ могут быт вторичные технический образование и отходов местных промышленных производств. Подробно рассмотрены современный состоянии и перспективы пр...

    119,32 €

  • A Dissonância Da Razão
    Ana Monique Moura
    Este livro apresenta a proposta de desafiar o formalismo moral de Kant a partir das considerações críticas acerca do lugar da razão, da música e do sublime estético em sua filosofia. É, portanto, um convite a pensar Kant, com Kant e para além de Kant, em um percurso que desemboca em um elogio das possibilidades múltiplas de experiência estética, que ultrapassam o conceito de be...

    11,11 €

  • Major Minor Scales
    Damian Hermann
    Are you looking for a piano guide to help you improve at the essential scales ’major+minor’ on the piano?Do you want the benefits of creating better music, learning songs faster, and expressing yourself more on the keyboard?If yes, then 'Major Minor Scales: Music Guide for Piano & Keyboard' is the perfect guide for you!It is your key to enhancing your musical journey, whether y...

    29,63 €

  • Piano Scales Chords
    Damian Hermann
    Are you ready to elevate your piano-playing skills to the next level? Look no further than 'Piano Scales Chords.' This guide is your roadmap to excellence. Enhance your musical journey, whether you’re an absolute beginner, a student, a self-learner, a producer, or just picking back up the keys after a while.You’ll progress through all harmonic and melodic minor keys as represen...

    34,42 €

  • Iconic Songs
    Damian Hermann
    Dive into the world of piano mastery with 'Iconic Songs - The Piano Teacher: Book 3.' - your compass in the vast sea of music.Are you tired of sifting through hundreds of pieces without knowing where to start?Our innovative approach eliminates the need for prior music reading skills, blending an easy-to-follow method with interactive, fun learning experiences.We promise a clear...

    24,62 €

  • Cantando E Contando Os Encantos Do Piauí
    Francisco José Moreira Pereira
    Através deste trabalho de Francisco Moreira, o leitor pode fazer um passeio por alguns pontos do Centro-Norte piauiense, conhecendo um pouco dos atrativos naturais e culturais, além das lendas repletas de magia que são contadas na região.Como alguém que desbrava mistérios ancestrais e se enche de entusiasmo a cada descoberta, Francisco viaja por vários cantos do Piauí em busca ...

    9,07 €

  • 傳承與開創,從臺灣到亞太-亞洲作曲家聯盟口述史訪談集(國際版)
    廖倩慧Liao Chien-Huey / 沈雕龍Shen Diau-Long / 連憲生Lien Hsien-Sheng

    32,91 €

  • The Harp
    Monica Lovstrom
    'Five minutes later she stood looking at the Harp with mug in hand. Sipping the tea, she got curious about how to play such a weird an beautiful instrument. She put her cup at the kitchen counter and carefully removed the cover.'Sometimes an act of kindness can lead to a life changing experience. ...

    3,33 €

  • The Complete Loretta Lynn Illustrated Discography (hardback)
    Daniel Selby
    Loretta Lynn was born in a family built cabin in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky, the second of eight children in the early I930’s. Hers was a family of music, most often singing in church and at other local social gatherings. Loretta’s mother, Clara Butcher, was known to have sung and taught her children classic songs such as ’The Great Titanic.' Loretta married young and longed to g...

    78,23 €

  • The Cambridge Companion to Women Composers

    35,14 €

  • The Cambridge Companion to Composition
    Toby Young

    107,66 €