Catálogo de libros: Otras artes escénicas

649 Catálogo de libros: Otras artes escénicas

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  • Missouri Folklore Society Journal, Special Issue
    'We drafted a call for papers, asking for a range of pieces that tell the story of public sector folklore in Missouri. The response was remarkable, and we ultimately worked with authors of the eight articles collected here. From the integration of traditional artists in public school residencies, to collaborations between a folklorist and a social worker who examine foodways, t...

    19,94 €

  • Coffee on the Rocks
    Resa Milan
    Comedy, romance, and spiritual growth happen when a sexy cook opens a coffee shop in the vortex of Sedona. 3 ...

    10,87 €

  • From Gazoonie to Greatness
    Paula S Blackwelder
    From Gazoonie to Greatness is a Self-Help guide to dramatic milestone accomplishments. Inspired by the true story of legendary trapeze artist and world record holder, Tony Steele, readers will find his lessons in success, both extraordinary and entertaining. With questions for personal reflection at the end of each chapter, readers stay involved in the creation of their own blu...

    16,30 €

  • Fighting Clowns of Hollywood
    David Ossman
    David Ossman’s memoir of The Firesign Theatre’s rapid response to the on-coming Reagan Era recounts the quartet’s uneasy transformation from writer-performer-producers of in-studio comic audio masterpieces to theatrical hopefuls and Movieland script-writers.  Firesign goes Hollywood with a million $$ MGM movie deal and a string of big stage shows, featuring all-new hot comedy m...

    29,21 €

  • Golandar, The Paladin
    Roberto T. G. Rodrigues
    The book narrates the saga of Golandar, a paladin, and his companions who awaken in a world where magic has been forgotten. They face the challenge of discovering their identities and purposes in an unfamiliar setting. The narrative follows the group s journey through the eyes of the paladin as they seek to understand the reasons for their existence and the roles they must play...

    25,73 €

  • Golandar, O Paladino
    Roberto T. G. Rodrigues
    O livro narra a saga de Golandar, um paladino, e seus companheiros, que despertam em um mundo onde a magia foi esquecida. Eles enfrentam o desafio de descobrir suas identidades e propósitos em um cenário desconhecido. A narrativa conta a jornada do grupo pela visão do paladino enquanto eles buscam compreender as razões de sua existência e o papel que devem desempenhar neste nov...

    27,06 €

  • Quando O Sorriso É Feito De Lágrimas
    Cláudio Factum
    Quando fica sabendo da realidade de sua saúde, um falido autor teatral começa uma luta cheia de coragem e amor para deixar uma casa para o filho, uma doce e talentosa criança transgênero, antes de seu fim. Depois de perder seu apartamento, sai pelas estradas do seu estado, com uma companhia teatral inesquecível, com o objetivo de levar alegria, viver os últimos momentos com a c...

    15,11 €

  • Cool and Strange Music! Magazine - The Complete Collection, Vol. 1, Issues 1-7 (hardback)
    Dana Countryman
    Between the years 1996-2003, Cool and Strange Music! Magazine became a beloved publication that music lovers of the unusual could count on for information about the latest 'cool and strange' music releases, exclusive interviews with legendary artists, and in-depth articles that could not be found anywhere else. For the first time, every issue of this legendary magazine has been...

    96,52 €

  • B´ythorian
    Carlos J.r
    Pouco antes de Avelin, rei de Invernell, ser assassinado, mudou a lei do reinocom um decreto de que o novo rei seria o próximo homem que nascesse em seu reino. Nexos, seu primogênito, se certificou de que todos os recém-nascidos homens fossem mortos.Foi neste tempo em que nasceu Ganna, uma jovem que mãe tinha certeza quenasceria homem, pois assim previu uma Druida. E homem a jo...

    22,34 €

  • Silêncio Do Bardo: O Filho Da Aurora
    Hygor Soares
    Erwöe é um jovem guerreiro de linhagem élfica cuja origem e raça ainda permeiam em mistério. Esteve aprisionado por quase cinco anos, confinado nas masmorras de Aldon. Uma dolorosa reclusão, devido ao penoso tributo de seu passado sombrio que se esconde nas profundezas de sua própria mente, lembranças que nem mesmo ele poderia alcançar.Finalmente, Erwöe emerge à luz do sol, ma...

    12,99 €

    Marty Matfess
    A dark comedy stage play by Marty MatfessChris has been madly in love with his best friend Annie for years, but she’s only been interested in dating everyone else but him. After Annie’s recentbreak up with her boyfriend Bobby, Chris feels this may finally be what he needs to find his way into her heart, but just like that ... she’s already movedon to another guy she met at a co...

    8,16 €

    Kara Emily Krantz
    A comedy stage play by Kara Emily Krantz.Charlotte and Eugene live a quiet, no-nonsense lifestyle surrounded by sudoku and argyle. Robert and Bella are boisterous and messy and ridiculously in love. Then there’s the neighbor, Suzanne, who basically doesn’t know what’s going on, but definitely has something to say about it. Sure, relationships can be exciting! They can also be c...

    8,56 €

  • From Amateur to Applause
    Said Al Azri
    'From Amateur to Applause: A Beginner’s Guide to Stand-Up Comedy' is an inspiring and practical guide for anyone who has ever dreamt of standing on stage and making an audience laugh. It is the first in the 'Life, Hobbies, and Careers' series. This book demystifies the journey from being a comedy enthusiast to becoming a performer, offering over 1,300 valuable insights and tips...

    21,81 €

  • Cartomagia
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Shows com BaralhoIndispensável para quem quer aprender Cartomagia prática, como técnica de Ilusionismo, de Prestidigitação. Fazer Mágica satisfaz muito, porque é um laser e uma terapia. E as pessoas que assistem adoram o mágico, pois este as surpreende e as diverte.O livro ajuda você a se apoderar da técnica de causar ilusões, dominar mentes. Aproveite este momento e aprenda tu...

    15,31 €

  • Mar De Criaturas
    Rafael Fornazzi
    Em um vasto mundo de mares intermináveis, onde ilhas e arquipélagos são os únicos vestígios de terra, as nações coexistem em uma atmosfera de descobertas, criações extraordinárias e poderes nunca antes vistos. Caspher-Noltred, um modesto pescador que herda o navio de seu pai, sonha em ingressar na prestigiada Escola de Engenheiros na Ilha Capital. No entanto, sua jornada toma u...

    21,82 €

  • Laugh Is What You Make It
    Brad Ashton
    If you are a budding comedian, comedy journalist, making a witty speech or just want a good laugh, you’ll really appreciate this book. With hundreds of great gags and how to write them, you’ll find it indispensable. ...

    18,82 €

  • The True Friend
    Carlo Goldoni / Anna Cuffaro
    True to Goldoni’s mixture of comic wit and farce, the plot is a breathtakingly fast succession of twists and turns which only unravel in the very final lines with a surprise ending.Two friends are in love with the same young woman. Neither wants to place their friendship in jeopardy. How can love triumph without breaking off their friendship? Goldoni explores the conflicts brou...

    12,37 €

  • 'I fart in your general direction!'
    Don H Corrigan / Don H. Corrigan
    This exhaustive work on flatulence breaks new wind on every aspect of abdominal gas in popular culture. A definitive taxonomy of farts details the characteristics of each variety, including barking spiders, cheek squeakers and green apple dirties. Philosophical positions on colonic expression are examined, from Confucius, Hume, Voltaire and the existentialists. Chapters cove...

    43,45 €

    Jovan Sterija Popovic
    U svom znacajnom knjizevnom opusu Jovan Sterija Popovic ostavio je vazna dela koja su redom prevazilazila okvir svoga vremena. Iako se smatra zacetnikom drame u srpskoj knjizevnosti, najznacajniji trag ostavio je kao komediograf. Ovaj srpski Molijer svojim neospornim knjizevnim talentom ovekovecio je u svojim komedijama sliku ondasnjeg palanackog i malogradjanskog drustva, uspe...

    12,70 €

  • Truques
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Domine a habilidade ia de realizar mágicas com cartas de baralho. A esta arte chama-se Cartomagia. Esta é a modalidade, da Mágica, que os mágicos consideram a mais ampla e que atiça a curiosidade.O baralho foi criado para jogos de azar, valendo apostas dinheiro e outros valores. Para isso os apostadores, visando ganhar no jogo, criaram vários métodos de trapaça.Os mágicos perce...

    8,04 €

  • Pickleball is a Priority
    Dr. I. Mayputz
    Who knew that pickleball would become a bona fide racquet-sport when it was first 'invented' nearly six decades ago on Bainbridge Island near Seattle? Well, many savvy people did, but not me. A lifelong tournament singles tennis competitor and serious table tennis fanatic from Upstate New York, and I had never even heard of it. At least not until fairly recently. Sure, some kno...

    17,87 €

  • 3+Years of COVID - A Comic Recall
    Balaji V S
    Get ready to laugh out loud with the funniest book of the year! '3+ Years of COVID: A Comic Recall' released across the world. This is an out-and-out hilarious recall that will make you laugh or cringe, with a lot of comedic conversations, stories, spoofs, scripts, roasts, poems, raps, etc. masterfully interwoven across topics. It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 70, male or fema...

    8,98 €

  • Komedije II
    Branislav Nusic
    Branislav Nusic iza sebe je ostavio impozantan knjizevni opus. Iako je pisao i romane, price, eseje i drame, najprepoznatljiviji je po svojim komedijama. Medju njima znacajno mesto zauzimaju i dve drustvene komedije napisane u trenutku kada se cinilo da je njegov knjizevni rad zaokruzen. Desetak godina pred smrt pisac sa mladelackim poletom i cudesnom energijom pise, po mnogima...

    11,60 €

  • Mitologia Esquecida
    André L. Fonseca
    Imagine um mundo mitológico desconhecido, ou melhor dizendo, esquecido. Vocês devem estar pensando em Zeus ou, talvez, Thor ou mitologias não tão exploradas, o fato é que todos os povos explicam a criação do universo com seres divinos.Será que todos erraram?Venha e embarque neste universo mágico com semideuses, devotos, dignos, criaturas fantásticas e lugares inexplorados.Sejam...

    15,49 €

  • Stand-Up Comedy
    Are you an aspiring comedian looking to make your mark in the world of stand-up? Or maybe you’re a seasoned pro looking to take your material to the next level? Either way, Stand-Up Comedy: A Guide to Writing and Performing with Confidence is the perfect resource for you.In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to write and perform stand-up comedy w...

    12,24 €

  • Komedije I
    Branislav Nusic
    Branislav Nusic iza sebe je ostavio impozantan knjizevni opus. Iako je pisao i romane, price, eseje i drame, najprepoznatljiviji je po svojim komedijama. Među njima znacajno mesto zauzimaju prve dve koje je napisao - Narodni poslanik (1883) i Sumnjivo lice (1888). Oba komada imala su neobican i tezak put ka pozorisnoj publici, pa ne cudi da su postavljena na scenu tek trinaest,...

    11,29 €

  • Someone Called Rob
    Martin jD Lindsay
    Sometimes, it pays to just let the call go through to voicemail. Rob answers an unknown caller on his mobile - a very angry young man called Adam. Adam reveals what Rob got up to last night.That’s why Adam is so very angry. And everyone knows what happens when Adam gets angry.Except for Rob. And Adam has Rob’s mobile number. Rob is about to learn just how much can be discovered...

    9,61 €

  • Funny, You Don’t Look Funny
    Jennifer Caplan
    In this comprehensive approach to Jewish humor focused on the relationship between humor and American Jewish practice, Jennifer Caplan calls us to adopt a more expansive view of what it means to 'do Jewish,' revealing that American Jews have, and continue to, turn to humor as a cultural touchstone. Caplan frames the book around four generations of Jewish Americans from the Sile...

    53,31 €

  • Fallen Words
    Kristine Ohkubo
    Fallen words is the literal English translation of the Japanese term rakugo (落語).  Before there was film, television, sitcoms, and standup comedy, there was rakugo-entertainment created specifically for common people. What is rakugo? Noriko Watanabe, an assistant professor at Baruch College, once described rakugo as 'a sitcom with one person playing all the parts.'  Rakugo is t...

    13,80 €

  • Os Mágicos Estão Vontando
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    A TrilogiaTrês livros completos sobre Mágica, por um preço bastante econômico.Domine a arte antiga de operar prodígios, transformações, demonstrando a força extraordinária do magismo moderno.Trata-se da mais completa inclusão de Ilusionismo, da Prestidigitação e da Mágica de salão, como recentemente ainda não havia sido publicado.O texto tem o propósito investigativo, tratando ...

    22,35 €