Catálogo de libros: Cine: estilos y géneros

74 Catálogo de libros: Cine: estilos y géneros

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  • Monstrous Children and Childish Monsters
    Perhaps because of the wisdom received from our Romantic forbears about the purity of the child, depictions of children as monsters have held a tremendous fascination for film audiences for decades. Numerous social factors have influenced the popularity and longevity of the monster-child trope but its appeal is also rooted in the dual concepts of the child-like (innocent, an...

    42,62 €

  • The Comic Galaxy of Mystery Science Theater 3000
    Chris Morgan
    One of the most original shows in the history of television, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a beloved cult hit built on the back of another cult phenomenon: the bad movie. The show’s premise involved a man and some robots watching cheesy movies and cracking jokes. Over its 197 episodes, MST3K developed a passionate fan base that took it from a local UHF show in Hopkins, Min...

    43,06 €

  • The Millennials on Film and Television
    The millennials, who constitute the largest generation in America’s history, may resist a simple definition; nevertheless, they do share a number of common traits and also an ever increasing presence on film and television. This collection of new essays first situates the millennials within their historical context and then proceeds to an examination of specific characterist...

    42,90 €

  • The Star Wars Heresies
    Paul F McDonald / Paul F. McDonald
    Despite the insatiable public appetite for all things Star Wars, the more analytical side of the saga is all too often ignored. This book offers a new way of seeing George Lucas’ space opera--particularly the prequel trilogy, a series never given a fair chance because of constant comparisons to the iconic originals. In the classic style of Joseph Campbell, the trilogy is v...

    35,63 €

  • Of Bread, Blood and The Hunger Games
    This collection of fresh essays on Suzanne Collins’s epic trilogy spans multiple disciplines. The contributors probe the trilogy’s meaning using theories grounded in historicism, feminism, humanism, queer theory, as well as cultural, political, and media studies. The essayists demonstrate diverse perspectives regarding Collins’s novels but their works have three elements in ...

    42,73 €

  • Fantasy Media in the Classroom
    A common misconception is that professors who use popular culture and fantasy in the classroom have abandoned the classics, yet in a variety of contexts--high school, college freshman composition, senior seminars, literature, computer science, philosophy and politics--fantasy materials can expand and enrich an established curriculum. The new essays in this book combine ana...

    42,66 €

  • Zombies Are Us
    On the surface, the zombie seems the polar opposite of the human--they are the living dead; we, in essence, are the dying alive. But the zombie is also 'us.' Although decaying, it looks like us, dresses like us, and sometimes (if rarely) acts like us. In this volume, essays by scholars from a range of disciplines examine the zombie as a thematic presence in literature, film,...

    43,95 €

  • Picturing Tolkien
    This group of new critical essays offers multidisciplinary analysis of director Peter Jackson’s spectacularly successful adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002) and The Return of the King (2003). Part One of the collection, 'Techniques of Structure and Story,' compares and contrasts the organizationa...

    42,52 €

  • Race, Oppression and the Zombie
    The figure of the zombie is a familiar one in world culture, acting as a metaphor for 'the other,' a participant in narratives of life and death, good and evil, and of a fate worse than death--the state of being 'undead.' This book explores the phenomenon from its roots in Haitian folklore to its evolution on the silver screen and to its radical transformation during the 196...

    43,98 €

  • Generation Zombie
    Growing from their early roots in Caribbean voodoo to their popularity today, zombies are epidemic. Their presence is pervasive, whether they are found in video games, street signs, hard drives, or even international politics. These eighteen original essays by an interdisciplinary group of scholars examine how the zombie has evolved over time, its continually evolving manife...

    44,09 €

  • The 21st Century Superhero
    Superhero films are one of the most enduring genres of cinema, and their popularity is only increasing in the 21st century. These ten critical essays explore the phenomenon through the lenses of numerous academic disciplines, and cover topics such as the role of globalization in the formation of superhero narratives, the shifting nature of masculinity and femininity in the s...

    42,91 €

  • Culture, Identities and Technology in the Star Wars Films
    Released in May 1977, the original Star Wars movie inaugurated the age of the movie blockbuster. It also redefined the use of cinematic special effects, creating a new textual universe that now stretches through three decades, two trilogies and generations of fascinated viewers. The body of critical analysis that has developed from this epic focuses primarily on the Star War...

    42,79 €

  • The Empire Triumphant
    Kevin J Wetmore / Kevin J. Wetmore
    George Lucas’s first Star Wars trilogy shows the influences of its era; Cold War tension is evident in its theme of rebellion against totalitarianism. Recent entries in the Star Wars saga--The Phantom Menace (1999) and Attack of the Clones (2002)--are much more concerned with evil corporations, terrorists, and the corruption of the political process. Each film is influenced ...

    42,86 €

  • Nightmares in Red, White and Blue
    Joseph Maddrey
    What’s weighing on Americans? Look to horror movies for your answer--they’re one of the best measures of the American consciousness. From an early fascination with the Gothic, to the mutant horrors of the Atomic Age and alien enemies of the Cold War, to the inner demons of the psyche and the American Dream turned nightmare, the history of American horror films is a reflectio...

    42,96 €

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