Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

3974 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • Supraconscious
    Maria Olon Tsaroucha
    This book is the core textbook of a quantum science of acting on stage and in life. At a time when the arts and sciences converge more than ever, Perceptual Acting and Directing theory and method (PAD) speaks about a contemporary, tangible metaphysics, fusing theories of quantum physics with mindfulness and the famous Method of the Actors’ Studio, in a new harmony. Konstantin S...

    20,62 €

  • Real Boy
    Finn A Evans / Ramonah N.J. Gibson
    After moving to yet another new school and unexpectedly making friends with a hypermasculine trans ally, a gender-questioning teenager must fight back against bullies, friends, and his mother to finally embrace his identity as a trans boy. Content warnings: transphobia, conversion therapy, detransition, drugging, drug abuse'A gem of trans joy in this increasingly transphobic la...

    11,70 €

  • O Mágico!
    Mágica, uma Arte muito antiga. Veja, aqui, a mais completa inclusão de Ilusionismo, Prestidigitação e Mágica para o êxito da prática.O Mágico, com suas operações, conduz a mente da pessoa à analisar, avaliar, comparar, compreender, conhecer-se decidir-se, dirigir-se, julgar pensar, raciocinar, orientar-se.O Mágico é hábil nas atitudes, nos gestos, nas imagens, nas palavras. Ele...

    15,30 €

  • The aesthetic exception
    Tony Fisher
    The aesthetic exception critically re-evaluates the relation between art and politics by challenging longstanding assumptions surrounding political ’effect’ in art and the problem of art’s autonomous status. Drawing on examples from visual art and theatre, it offers a new approach based on a conjunctural understanding of how art becomes political. ...

    157,20 €

  • The Tragedy of Orpheus and the Maenads (and A Young Poet’s Elegy to the Court of God)
    David Lane
    Orpheus and the Maenads A Traditional Play in Blank Verse The preternaturally great poet Orpheus has responded to the loss of his wife Eurydice to the Underworld by forsaking the society of his fellow men in Thrace, where he was a poet-king, and endlessly wandering through field and forest, using his poetic genius to lament his loss. Apollo, the god of poetry, urges him to give...

    12,24 €

  • Staging and Stage Décor
    Bárbara Mujica
    ’Staging and Stage Décor: Perspectives on European Theater 1500-1950’ is a compendium of essays by an international array of theater specialists. The Introduction provides an overview of theater décor and architecture from ancient Greece through the Renaissance and beyond, while the articles that follow explore a variety of topics such as the development of lighting techniques ...

    69,90 €

  • Alabaster
    Audrey Cefaly
    After a tornado barrels through town leaving nothing but death and destruction, only June and her pet goat Weezy live to tell the tale. When a prominent photographer visits to take pictures of June’s scars, both are forced to reconcile the pain of loss and recovery. This all-female, darkly comic southern drama explores the meaning and purpose of art and the struggle of the lost...

    17,85 €

  • Opulence & Ostentation
    Steve Ward
    Since the foundation of the ’modern’ circus in the eighteenth century, the circus has been presented in defined spaces. Initially, performances were given in the open air and, over a period of time, these spaces first became enclosed and then later roofed. Temporary wooden structures often became semi-permanent until, in the nineteenth century, many permanent stone-built buildi...

    30,75 €

    Carol Rocamora
    This new book by Dr Carol Rocamora (New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts) explores the courageous playwrights of the world who used the stage as a platform to address crises of the 20th and 21st centuries. From Bertolt Brecht to present day playwrights, Carol Rocamora discusses how theatre has addressed crises from World War II to the present, including war, apartheid...

    30,41 €

    Carol Rocamora
    This new book by Dr Carol Rocamora (New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts) explores the courageous playwrights of the world who used the stage as a platform to address crises of the 20th and 21st centuries. From Bertolt Brecht to present day playwrights, Carol Rocamora discusses how theatre has addressed crises from World War II to the present, including war, apartheid...

    17,37 €

  • Drammaturgie della danza
    Rosa Hercoles
    Cartas da Dramaturgia si propone di riflettere storicamente sulle discussioni messe in atto dalla danza nei confronti delle sue drammaturgie. Presenta alcune delle domande che dal XVIII secolo hanno stimolato diversi coreografi che si sono occupati delle possibilità comunicative del corpo danzante, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il rapporto tra forma e significato materializza...

    85,78 €

  • Драматургия танца
    Роза Герколес
    Книга ''Карты драматургии'' направлена на историческое осмысление дискуссий, проводимых танцем в отношении его драматургии. В ней представлены некоторые вопросы, которые с XVIII века вызывали у различных хореографов интерес к коммуникативным возможностям танцующего тела, особенно в том, что касается отношений между формой и смыслом, материализованным движением как средством соз...

    34,89 €

  • Dramaturgien des Tanzes
    Rosa Hercoles
    Cartas da Dramaturgia zielt auf eine historische Reflexion über die Diskussionen, die der Tanz im Hinblick auf seine Dramaturgien geführt hat. Es werden einige der Fragen vorgestellt, die verschiedene Choreografen seit dem 18. Jahrhundert bewegt haben, die sich mit den Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten des tanzenden Körpers befasst haben, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Beziehung zw...

    85,84 €

  • Dramaturgies of Dance
    Rosa Hercoles
    Cartas da Dramaturgia aims at a historical reflection on the discussions implemented by dance with regard to its dramaturgies. It presents some of the questions that have instigated various choreographers since the 18th century who have been concerned with the communicational possibilities of the dancing body, especially with regard to the relationship between form and meaning ...

    85,72 €

  • Dramaturgies de la danse
    Rosa Hercoles
    Cartas da Dramaturgia vise à une réflexion historique sur les discussions mises en œuvre par la danse en ce qui concerne ses dramaturgies. Il présente quelques-unes des questions qui ont suscité l’intérêt de divers chorégraphes depuis le XVIIIe siècle pour les possibilités de communication du corps dansant, en particulier en ce qui concerne la relation entre la forme et le sens...

    85,78 €

  • Наследие йоруба в театре Воле Сойинки
    Ндоллане Дион
    Африканская литература издавна отличалась своими корнями в вековых устных традициях континента. Выражая себя в континенте в единстве с местным, она всегда черпала свой материал из ила устного наследия своих авторов в самых разных формах. Театр Воле Соинки, например, использует устное наследие йоруба, богатое эстетическими ценностями мифов, легенд и сказок, которые, помимо того,...

    80,83 €

  • The Yoruba heritage in Wolé Soyinka’s theater
    Ndollane Dione
    African literary writing has long been distinguished by its roots in the continent’s age-old oral traditions. Expressing itself in a continuum in phase with the local, it has always drawn its material from the silt of oral heritage through these authors; and this in the variety of its forms. Wole Soyinka’s theater, for example, exploits the Yoruba oral heritage, a ferment rich ...

    156,77 €

  • L’eredità yoruba nel teatro di Wolé Soyinka
    Ndollane Dione
    La scrittura letteraria africana si è a lungo distinta per le sue radici nelle secolari tradizioni orali del continente. Esprimendosi in un continuum in sintonia con il locale, ha sempre tratto il suo materiale dal limo del patrimonio orale dei suoi autori, in una varietà di forme. Il teatro di Wole Soyinka, ad esempio, si avvale del patrimonio orale yoruba, un fermento ricco d...

    156,74 €

  • A herança Yoruba no teatro de Wolé Soyinka
    Ndollane Dione
    A escrita literária africana distingue-se desde há muito pelas suas raízes nas tradições orais seculares do continente. Exprimindo-se num continuum em sintonia com o local, sempre retirou o seu material do lodo da herança oral dos seus autores, sob uma variedade de formas. O teatro de Wole Soyinka, por exemplo, utiliza o património oral iorubá, um fermento rico em valores estét...

    156,74 €

  • Das Yoruba-Erbe im Theater von Wolé Soyinka
    Ndollane Dione
    Die afrikanische Literatur zeichnete sich lange Zeit dadurch aus, dass sie in den jahrhundertealten mündlichen Traditionen des Kontinents verankert war. Sie drückt sich in einem Kontinuum aus, das mit dem Lokalen in Einklang steht, und hat ihren Stoff durch diese Autoren immer aus dem Schlamm des mündlichen Erbes geschöpft; und das in der Vielfalt ihrer Formen. So wird im Theat...

    156,59 €

  • The Hippodrome Theatre First Fifty Years
    Richard Gartee
    How the spirit of great theatre saved a dying downtown business district, became a city’s cultural icon, and centerpiece of its artistic community.Fifty years ago a daring band of players began what would quickly evolve into one of the most highly respected regional theatres in the US. Christening their endeavor The Hippodrome Theatre, this fledgling company of thespians produc...

    60,31 €

    Price Hall
    In Making Choices for the Successful Actor, premier acting teacher, legendary director, producer, and coach, Price Hall, reveals his cutting-edge technique, which has enabled many actors (the likes of Malcolm McDowell, Luke Goss, Bryan Batt, Kate Orsini, Hani Furstenberg, Thomas Francis Murphy, Christopher Emerson, Phillip Fornah, and Jay Caputo) to further their successful act...

    12,83 €

  • La sentence des ancêtres
    Cyriaque Léonce HOUNLIHO
    La pièce de théâtre intitulée 'La sentence des ancêtres' raconte l’histoire d’un conflit entre deux royaumes voisins, Zamba et Gangan, qui dure depuis plusieurs années. Les ancêtres des deux royaumes, souhaitant une réconciliation, décident d’intervenir. Cependant, le Roi Gbètognon s’oppose farouchement à leur projet de paix. Dans le but de le contraindre à accepter leur décisi...

    34,07 €

  • Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui - Fede, mito, Babele
    Claire Frament
    Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui è un danzatore e coreografo belga-marocchino, una delle figure più importanti della scena europea della danza contemporanea. Crea uno o due pezzi all’anno e porta in tournée i suoi spettacoli in tutto il mondo. Il suo trittico Faith - Myth - Babel (parole) è il risultato di otto anni di creazione ed è una ricca pietra miliare del lavoro del coreografo. In e...

    55,04 €

  • Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui - Faith, Myth, Babel
    Claire Frament
    Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui is a Belgian-Moroccan dancer and choreographer who is one of the most prominent figures in the European contemporary dance scene today. With a rhythm of one or two creations per year, he tours his shows all over the world. His triptych Faith - Myth - Babel (words) is the result of eight years of creation and is a keystone of the choreographer’s work. It dea...

    55,04 €

  • Сиди Ларби Черкауи - Вера, миф, Вавилон
    Клэр Фрамэн
    Сиди Ларби Черкауи - бельгийско-марокканский танцовщик и хореограф, который сегодня является одной из самых заметных фигур на европейской сцене современного танца. Он создает одну-две работы в год и гастролирует со своими шоу по всему миру. Его триптих 'Вера - Миф - Вавилон' (слова) является результатом восьмилетнего творчества и представляет собой богатый краеугольный камень р...

    26,35 €

  • Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui - Glaube, Mythos, Babel
    Claire Frament
    Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui ist ein belgisch-marokkanischer Tänzer und Choreograf, der zu den bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der heutigen europäischen zeitgenössischen Tanzszene gehört. Mit einem Rhythmus von ein bis zwei Kreationen pro Jahr tourt er unermüdlich mit seinen Aufführungen durch die ganze Welt. Sein Triptychon Foi - Myth - Babel (words) ist das Ergebnis einer achtjährigen...

    55,16 €

  • Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui - Fé, Mito, Babel
    Claire Frament
    Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui é um bailarino e coreógrafo belga-marroquino que é uma das figuras mais proeminentes da cena europeia de dança contemporânea actual. Cria uma ou duas peças por ano e apresenta os seus espectáculos em digressão por todo o mundo. O seu tríptico Faith - Myth - Babel (palavras) é o resultado de oito anos de criação e constitui uma pedra angular do trabalho do c...

    55,10 €

  • Dear Younger Self
    Kristy Whilden
    From Shelter To CEO is the inspiring chapter of resiliency written by the featured author Kristy Whilden in the book Dear Younger Self. As Kristy speaks to her 30 year old self, be prepared to go on a rollercoaster ride of life as she navigates life from the bed of a rape and abuse shelter to becoming the Founder and CEO of Hands Up Silent Theatre. The mission of Hands Up is to...

    19,87 €

  • Le royaume d’Eka
    Usher Alimasi Neville
    Il était une fois, un royaume appelé Eka, ce royaume était constitué par une population venant de l’Ouest et l’Est du centre de l’Afrique (dont Luba, Kunda et Bushi), ils se sont mis ensemble pour former un royaume fort pour résister à l’intrusion des colons Belges. Le Roi s’appelé Mwami Mushagalusa qui était marié et avait son petit frère Banza. Ce dernier fut enlevé par un de...

    34,01 €