Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

3974 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • Les Cavaliers
    Agoracritus, un vendeur de saucisses, est en concurrence avec Cléon pour obtenir la confiance et l’approbation de Démos, un vieillard qui incarne l’allégorie du peuple athénien. Après différentes épreuves, Agoracritus est jugé le plus digne de confiance et humilie ainsi le démagogue Cléon en restaurant la gloire de Démos. ...

    9,99 €

  • Les Akharniens
    Troisième comédie écrite par Aristophane après les Détaliens et les Babyloniens, Les Akharniens sont un plaidoyer en faveur de la paix. En effet, la pièce prend place dans la septième année de la guerre du Péloponnèse, qui oppose Athènes et ses alliés de la ligue de Délos à Sparte et sa ligue du Péloponnèse. Athènes est à la recherche de nouveaux soutiens.Aristophane défend la ...

    9,87 €

  • Les Grenouilles
    Excédé par la médiocrité des poètes athéniens du moment, le dieu Dionysos décide de se rendre aux Enfers, accompagné de son esclave Xanthias, pour chercher Euripide et le ramener parmi les vivants. Par mesure de précaution, il se déguise en Héraclès, puisque celui-ci a réussi à revenir vivant de l’au-delà. Après avoir envisagé les différents moyens d’accéder au monde des morts,...

    10,22 €

  • L’Impromptu de Paris
    Jean Giraudoux
    L’Impromptu de Paris est une pièce de théâtre en un acte de Jean Giraudoux créée le 4 décembre 1937, au Théâtre de l’Athénée, dans une mise en scène de Louis Jouvet. Le titre se réfère à la pièce de Molière, L’Impromptu de Versailles. Dans cette pièce, Giraudoux défend ses idées sur le théâtre qui n’est pas un théorème, mais un spectacle, pas une leçon, mais un filtre. C’est q...

    9,81 €

  • Mitos nas peças de T.P.Kailasam
    Sreekanth Reddy
    Tyagaraja Paramasiva Kailasam (1885-1946), popularmente conhecido como T.P. Kailasam, foi um grande dramaturgo e um ator talentoso. As suas peças são uma representação viva de temas retirados, na sua maioria, da antiga literatura indiana. As suas peças são uma combinação de génio, visão intuitiva, imaginação fértil, inteligência e humor subtis e uma apresentação séria do tema. ...

    69,53 €

  • Мифы в пьесах Т.П.Кайласама
    Шрикант Редди
    Тягараджа Парамасива Кайласам (1885-1946), известный в народе как Т.П. Кайласам, был одновременно великим драматургом и талантливым актером. Его пьесы - это живое отображение сюжетов, взятых в основном из древнеиндийской литературы. Его пьесы - это сочетание гениальности, интуитивного видения, богатого воображения, остроумия и тонкого юмора с серьезным изложением темы. Среди пь...

    26,48 €

  • Mythen in den Stücken von T.P.Kailasam
    Sreekanth Reddy
    Tyagaraja Paramasiva Kailasam (1885-1946), im Volksmund als T.P. Kailasam bekannt, war sowohl ein großer Dramatiker als auch ein talentierter Schauspieler. Seine Stücke sind lebendige Darstellungen von Themen, die meist aus der alten indischen Literatur stammen. Seine Stücke sind eine Kombination aus Genie, intuitiver Vision, fruchtbarer Vorstellungskraft, schlagfertigem Witz u...

    69,60 €

  • I miti nelle opere di T.P.Kailasam
    Sreekanth Reddy
    Tyagaraja Paramasiva Kailasam (1885-1946), noto come T.P. Kailasam, è stato un grande drammaturgo e un attore di talento. Le sue opere sono una vivace rappresentazione di temi tratti per lo più dall’antica letteratura indiana. Le sue opere sono una combinazione di genio, visione intuitiva, immaginazione fertile, arguzia e umorismo sottile e una presentazione seria del tema. Tra...

    69,53 €

  • Les mythes dans les pièces de T.P.Kailasam
    Sreekanth Reddy
    Tyagaraja Paramasiva Kailasam (1885-1946), plus connu sous le nom de T.P. Kailasam, était à la fois un grand dramaturge et un acteur talentueux. Ses pièces sont des représentations vivantes de thèmes tirés principalement de la littérature indienne ancienne. Ses pièces sont une combinaison de génie, de vision intuitive, d’imagination fertile, d’esprit et d’humour subtil et d’une...

    69,53 €

  • Primele mele decoruri - Manual de scenografie
    Cosmin Ardeleanu
    Meseria „arhitectului de teatru' care imaginează, desenează și apoi înalță decoruri este plină de contradicții. Pe cât de solicitante și amănunțite sunt planurile sale, pe atât de trecătoare sunt volumele asamblate conform acestora. Ele durează cât durează și spectacolele. În vreme ce meșteșugul artistului plastic nu are nicio legătură cu artele performative (actoria, regia, co...

    35,35 €

  • Creative Catalyst
    Kile Ozier
    From themed entertainment to business and beyond, anyone involved in leading creative teams will benefit from Kile’s extensive expertise. He has produced events around the world for over thirty years, from Stanford and Harvard alumni campaigns to stadium-sized spectacles, and here he shares techniques for working with people to create impactful experiences, ensuring a powerful,...

    28,36 €

  • Poison on the early modern English stage
    This book explores some of the many instances of poisoning in early modern plays. It considers the practical, legal and epistemological aspects of poison plays and analyses the cultural work they perform, which includes questions related to race, religion, nationality, gender and humans’ relationship to the environment. ...

    157,09 €

  • The tear follow-up the cursed heritage
    Seydou Koné
    Abdoulaye, student, fell in love with Assamala, a young girl resulting from a poor family. Become lawyer after his studies, the young student of yesterday plans to marry that which he always regarded as elected of his heart. But its family opposes the pretext firmly it that the two in love ones do not have the same customs and habits, the same religion and are not same social c...

    34,32 €

  • Fairytale Intertwined
    Joanne Watkinson
    A one-act play aimed at performers aged 7-13 with flexible casting. It has been written in a way that allows for a large ensemble or small cast. It also contains duologues that can be used as stand-alone scenes for class work, festivals, and exams.The author wrote this play with flexibility in mind. As a drama teacher it can be tricky to find the perfect cast size when selectin...

    9,28 €

  • Kandide
    Candide oder der Optimismus (französisch Candide ou l’optimisme) ist eine 1759 unter dem Pseudonym Docteur Ralph erschienene satirische Novelle des französischen Philosophen Voltaire. Im Jahr 1776 erschien eine deutsche Übersetzung unter dem Titel Candide oder die beste aller Welten. ...

    11,41 €

  • A Pantopoly- Favourite Pantomimes for Modern Times
    Favourite Pantomimes for Modern Times - Volume IFor over a decade, these scripts have been performed by professional actors in the UK. This volume includes traditional family versions of ’Beauty & the Beast’, ’Jack & the Beanstalk’ and ’Snow White’ with a modern outlook.'pantomime perfection'Express & Echo'Ian Trafford’s delightfully imaginative and inventive script'The Stage'a...

    14,51 €

  • Short Filmmaking
    A. Barnett
       'Each screen director has a different path getting to the point when 'Action!' and 'Cut!!' are everyday occurrences, but the books on Directing and Acting tend to look and read the same. Anthony Barnett has come up with a new approach in his book with Q & A, answering the questions that will come up from potential directors and actors, rather than just giving them a slab of ...

    59,82 €

  • Sanskaradharmi Odia Nataka
    Anil Kumar Nanda
    ପ୍ରାକ୍‌-ସ୍ୱାଧୀନତା କାଳରେ ରଚିତ ସାମାଜିକ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ନାଟକ ଯେଭଳି ସମାଜର ଚିତ୍ର ବହନ କରିଛି ତାହା ଗ୍ରନ୍ଥଟିରେ ସୂଚିତ ହୋଇଛି । ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସାହିତ୍ୟରେ ପ୍ରଥମ ନାଟକ ରଚନା ହେବା ବେଳକୁ ସମାଜରେ ପୂରି ରହିଥିଲା ଅନ୍ଧବିଶ୍ୱାସ ଓ କୁସଂସ୍କାର । ତତ୍କାଳୀନ ନବ୍ୟ ଶିକ୍ଷିତ ସଂପ୍ରଦାୟ ଉକ୍ତ ପ୍ରଥାର ମୂଳୋତ୍ପାଟନ ନିମନ୍ତେ ଆଗେଇ ଆସିଥିଲା । ଊନବିଂଶ ଶତକର ସାମାଜିକ ଆନ୍ଦୋଳନକୁ ସ୍ୱାଗତ କରିବା ସହିତ ସୁସ୍ଥ ସମାଜର ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠା ନିମନ୍ତେ ଆହ୍ୱାନ ଦେଇଥିଲା । ମାତ୍ର ବିଜାତୀୟ ସ...

    23,08 €

  • Le Retour de la petite bourgeoise
    Rodolphe de Warsage
    Deux savants danois, le géologue Ottar Wallens et l’astronome Olaf Densmold, partent explorer le pôle Sud. Au cours de leur périple, ils rencontrent un habitant de la planète Mercure échoué avec son vaisseau dans l’Antarctique. Les trois individus tentent alors avec grande difficulté d’établir une communication. ...

    9,03 €

  • Ghosts of the Stage
    Edward Turner
    "Ghosts of the Stage: Ten Hauntings at the Theatre" takes readers on a spine-tingling journey through the haunted history of theaters. From phantom performers to spectral audiences, this captivating book explores the ghostly encounters and supernatural phenomena that have plagued these hallowed stages. With a blend of historical research, eyewitness accounts, and theatrical lor...

    10,58 €

  • Can Human Leisure Behavior Influence Countries Development
    John Lok
    Nowadays, human is experiencing high technology stage. Can human apply AI technology to help us to predict when economic growth or recession will come in this year or next year? If it is true, it brings this question: Who can make more accurate economic growth or recession analysis between human economists or AI robot machine? Can robots influence human behavior change? Does te...

    38,72 €

  • The Actor’s Book of Quotes
    Mike Kimmel
    The Actor’s Book of Quotes is a broad and diverse selection of quotations--by actors and non-actors alike--to encourage, inspire, and support performing artists throughout their daily journey and creative process. A wealth of knowledge, worldly wisdom, and humor from some of the greatest minds of all time on topics and categories of special interest to working actors. Subjects ...

    16,02 €

  • Il teatro post-cinematografico
    Alexander Mantouche
    Il problema della sintesi artistica è stato per decenni una questione scottante per i teorici e i professionisti dell’arte. Con la comparsa della cinematografia, l’influenza di quest’ultima sul teatro era questione di tempo. I primi esperimenti di sintesi tra le due arti hanno posto i direttori di scena di fronte a problemi teorici e pratici prima sconosciuti di interazione tra...

    56,97 €

  • Teatro pós-cinema
    Alexander Mantouche
    O problema da síntese artística é, desde há décadas, uma questão candente para os teóricos e os profissionais da arte. Com o aparecimento da cinematografia, a influência desta última no teatro era uma questão de tempo. E as primeiras experiências de síntese das duas artes confrontaram os encenadores com problemas teóricos e práticos, até então desconhecidos, de interação entre ...

    56,91 €

  • Theater nach dem Film
    Alexander Mantouche
    Das Problem der Kunstsynthese beschäftigt die Kunsttheoretiker und -praktiker seit Jahrzehnten gleichermaßen. Mit dem Aufkommen der Kinematographie war ihr Einfluss auf das Theater nur eine Frage der Zeit. Und die ersten Versuche der Synthese der beiden Künste konfrontierten die Regisseure mit bis dahin unbekannten theoretischen und praktischen Problemen der Interaktion zwische...

    57,03 €

  • The Post-Cinema Theater
    Alexander Mantouche
    The problem of art synthesis has been a burning issue for art theorists and practitioners alike for decades. With the emergence of cinematography, the latter’s influence on theater was a matter of time. And the first experiments in the synthesis of the two arts confronted stage directors with previously unknown theoretical and practical problems of interaction between the techn...

    56,85 €

  • Théâtre post-cinéma
    Alexander Mantouche
    Le problème de la synthèse des arts est une question brûlante pour les théoriciens et les praticiens de l’art depuis des décennies. Avec l’apparition du cinéma, l’influence de ce dernier sur le théâtre n’était qu’une question de temps. Les premières expériences de synthèse des deux arts ont confronté les metteurs en scène à des problèmes théoriques et pratiques inconnus jusqu’a...

    56,97 €

  • Depth by Drama
    Michael W. Merker
    Michael Merker’s personal experience with a touring production of the popular musical Godspell, a dramatization of God’s Word, led him to experiment with the adaptation of Bible literature into performance material. Through directing and performing these works, he not only grew in his own understanding of the Word but shared the gospel with his audiences and fellow performers. ...

    16,47 €

  • Performing the Eighteenth Century
    What can artists learn from theatre scholars when it comes to performing historical works on stage today? What can theatre scholars learn from today’s artists when it comes to understanding the works and practices of the past? How is the experience of modern spectators affected by attending performances in historic theatres? And how, aesthetically, do we experience the reconstr...

    47,67 €

  • Supraconscious
    Maria Olon Tsaroucha
    This book is the core textbook of a quantum science of acting on stage and in life. At a time when the arts and sciences converge more than ever, Perceptual Acting and Directing theory and method (PAD) speaks about a contemporary, tangible metaphysics, fusing theories of quantum physics with mindfulness and the famous Method of the Actors’ Studio, in a new harmony. Konstantin S...

    29,72 €