Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

3974 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • No Silêncio Das Palavras Escondidas
    Marcos Lopes
    ALGUÉM espera o amor todos os dias numa velha estação de trem. O personagem sempre leva consigo uma maleta repleta de livros e se relaciona com oito pessoas, das mais diversas: de um assassino a um mágico; de um travesti a uma cartomante; dentre outras.O livro é a transcrição da peça teatral de Marcos Lopes que mexe com o coração do espectador nos palcos e agora com a emoção do...

    8,26 €

  • An Ideal Husband
    Oscar Wilde
    Although Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) created a wide range of poetry, essays, and fairy tales (and one novel) in his brief, tragic life, he is perhaps best known as a dramatist. His witty, clever drama, populated by brilliant talkers skilled in the art of riposte and paradox, are still staples of the theatrical repertoire. An Ideal Husband revolves around a blackmail scheme that for...

    12,71 €

  • Pierrot and his world
    Marika Takanishi Knowles
    The stock theatrical character Pierrot is an enduring figure in French visual art, where he emerges at the intersection of theatricality and the marketplace. This book offers an account of Pierrot’s recurrence in painting, prints, photography and film, tracing this distinctive type from the art of Watteau to the cinema of Occupied France. ...

    159,56 €

  • Der Einfluss von Constantin Stanislavski auf die Telenovela
    Rafaela Ricardo Santos Marcolino
    In diesem Buch wird der vermeintliche Einfluss der Ästhetik des naturalistischen Theaters auf zeitgenössische brasilianische Telenovelas anhand einer detaillierten Fallstudie untersucht. Dabei werden vor allem die formalen und diegetischen Aspekte in João Emanuel Carneiros Telenovela Avenida Brasil betrachtet, die von Rede Globo de Televisão produziert und 2012 von demselben Se...

    92,13 €

  • L’influence de Constantin Stanislavski sur la telenovela
    Rafaela Ricardo Santos Marcolino
    Ce livre se propose d’étudier l’influence supposée de l’esthétique théâtrale naturaliste sur les telenovelas brésiliennes contemporaines, en se basant sur une étude de cas détaillée, considérant principalement les aspects formels et diégétiques présents dans la telenovela Avenida Brasil de João Emanuel Carneiro, produite par Rede Globo de Televisão et diffusée par la même chaîn...

    92,15 €

  • L’influenza di Constantin Stanislavski sulla telenovela
    Rafaela Ricardo Santos Marcolino
    Questo libro si propone di studiare la presunta influenza dell’estetica teatrale naturalistica sulle telenovelas brasiliane contemporanee, basandosi su un caso di studio dettagliato, che prende in considerazione soprattutto gli aspetti formali e diegetici presenti nella telenovela Avenida Brasil di João Emanuel Carneiro, prodotta da Rede Globo de Televisão e trasmessa dalla ste...

    92,18 €

  • Влияние Константина Станиславского на теленовеллу
    Рикардо Сантос Маркол
    Эта книга посвящена изучению предполагаемого влияния эстетики натуралистического театра на современные бразильские теленовеллы, основанному на подробном тематическом исследовании, в основном рассматривающем формальные и диегетические аспекты, присутствующие в теленовелле Жоао Эмануэля Карнейро 'Avenida Brasil', снятой Rede Globo de Televisão и показанной по той же сети в 2012 г...

    92,14 €

  • The influence of Constantin Stanislavski on telenovela
    Rafaela Ricardo Santos Marcolino
    This book sets out to study the supposed influence of naturalistic theatre aesthetics on contemporary Brazilian telenovelas, based on a detailed case study, mainly considering the formal and diegetic aspects present in João Emanuel Carneiro’s telenovela Avenida Brasil, produced by Rede Globo de Televisão and shown by the same network in 2012. The work was chosen, among other re...

    92,19 €

  • O Arrelianista
    Carlos Alexandre J. Seyssel
    Aqui, busco responder, de forma resumida e dentro do possível, a muitas perguntas dos meus fãs e dos admiradores do meu avô, Waldemar Seyssel, conhecido como Arrelia. As questões abordam diversos temas, desde aspectos da vida pessoal de Arrelia, a história da tradicional família circense Seyssel, até detalhes sobre como é ser neto do famoso Arrelia e parente de tantos palhaços ...

    20,37 €

  • Brooklyn Takes the Stage
    Samuel L. Leiter
    America’s third largest city until 1890, Brooklyn, New York, had a striking theatrical culture before it became a borough of Greater New York in 1898. As the city gained size and influence, more and more theatres arose, with at least 15 venues ultimately vying for favor. Too many theatregoers, however, preferred the discomforts of a ferry and horsecar trip to New York’s play...

    88,31 €

  • 齊淑芳夫婦的京劇人生
    This is the oral history recounting the remarkable journey of Qi Shu Fang, a renowned Peking Opera singer, and her husband in America. In 1988, the Qis initially arrived in the U.S. to visit friends, but fate had other plans when they were persuaded to showcase their talents in a performance.The reception was so overwhelmingly positive that the Qis, inspired by the warm embrace...

    59,01 €

  • The Merchant of Venice
    Boika Sokolova / Kirilka Stavreva
    This book offers essential reading on a wide array of theatre and film productions of Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice. Richly contextualised analyses of individual productions by major directors help produce a nuanced picture of the performance history of the play, guiding the reader from the 1930s through the early twenty-first century. ...

    156,77 €

  • Only Idle Chatter from Gilbert & Sullivan Austin
    Jr. Ralph MacPhail
    'Only Idle Chatter' contains over 65 texts ranging from historical insights to production details, from personal reflections to high-spirited entertainments. They are reprinted substantially as they appeared in Gilbert & Sullivan Austin newsletters and programs from 2010 to 2020 and were designed to create interest in playgoers new to Gilbert & Sullivan as well as to engage se...

    25,46 €


    16,96 €

  • 365 Days/365 Plays
    Suzan-Lori Parks
    On November 13, 2002, the incomparable Suzan-Lori Parks got an idea to write a play every day for a year. She began that very day, finishing one year later. The result is an extraordinary testament to artistic commitment. This collection of 365 impeccably crafted pieces, each with its own distinctive characters and dramatic power, is a complete work by an artist responding to h...

    19,13 €

  • Two Plays
    Niladri Bhusan Harichandan / Sanjeet Kumar Das
    Columbus’s adventurous and romantic sea voyage and indomitable zeal to explore the ’New Land’ or country is concatenated as a fresh chapter to the geographical history of the world. Though Columbus discovered America, it was named after the deceitful tartuffe Amerigo Vespucci. Along with the sufferings of the sea expedition and the apprehensions of life, he has subsequently exp...

    19,13 €

  • Stage Voices
    Steve Capra
    Theaters worldwide have exhibited a bewildering array of form, style, tone and subject in the late 20th- and the early 21st centuries, and this range of work has been determined largely by its directors. This book documents this procession of theatre in interviews with 28 directors who’ve been most recognized and influential on the global stage. Their ideas are varied, even ...

    57,72 €

  • Treinta años de estrenos en el Teatro Palacio Valdés
    Saúl Fernández
    El Teatro Palacio Valdés es un referente en la escena española.Tras su recuperación, de la que se cumplen tres décadas, se ha convertido en el estrenódromo nacional, elegido por numerosas compañías para presentar al público sus proyectos. Pero el Teatro Palacio Valdés es más que escena: y ha sido en estos treinta años el espacio cultural de los avilesinos, y ha sumado también p...

    18,00 €

  • Mastering the Writer’s Craft
    In the world of writing, talent plays a crucial role in shaping the success of an aspiring writer. It is often said that talent is a natural gift, an innate ability to express oneself effectively through the written word. However, talent alone is not enough to become a skilled writer. It requires dedication, practice, and honing of one’s skills to truly master the craft. This s...

    30,05 €

  • Acting On Camera The Australian Way
    Paul Parker
    Acting On Camera The Australian Way is your complete guide to developing your skills to become a working actor in film and television.·     Do you know how to act in front of the camera?·     Do you know how to make impact on screen?·     Do you know how to make an impact in your auditions?·     Do you know how to make an impact in your self-tapes for auditions?·     Do you kno...

    18,95 €

  • Epifanías como ráfagas de viento
    Fernando Vidal Medina
    En estas epifanías, un factor incisivo, proveniente del azar, sirve de sorpresivo detonante para trastocar el devenir de la cotidianidad en cada una de las situaciones dramáticas, como ráfagas inesperadas de viento que entretejen historias con los hilos del tiempo. Tiempos agitados que provocan cambios súbitos en la dirección cotidiana de los sucesos, en la vida y las relacione...

    11,00 €

  • Acting On Camera The Australian Way
    Paul Parker
    Acting On Camera The Australian Way is your complete guide to developing your skills to become a working actor in film and television.·     Do you know how to act in front of the camera?·     Do you know how to make impact on screen?·     Do you know how to make an impact in your auditions?·     Do you know how to make an impact in your self-tapes for auditions?·     Do you kno...

    18,62 €

  • Paris
    Eboni Booth
    Emmie is one of the only Black people living in Paris, Vermont, and she desperately needs a job. When she is hired at Berry’s, a store off the interstate selling everything from baby carrots to lawnmowers, she begins to understand a new kind of isolation. Paris is a play about invisibility, being underpaid, and how it feels to work on your feet for ten hours a day. ...

    17,72 €

  • Blockbusters of Victorian Theater, 1850-1910
    Paul Fryer
    This edited collection of essays details a wide-ranging selection of some of the most sensationally successful theatre productions of the long Victorian era, the real 'blockbusters' of the age. Ranging from the world of operetta and music hall to spectacular drama and sensational melodrama, the productions included provide the reader with definitive proof that the phenomenon...

    109,71 €

  • Theatre Stories
    Edward Payson Call
    Unveil the Curtains of Regional Theatres early days with Edward Payson Call’s Journey - a Tale of Passion Journey into America’s regional theatre movement with Theatre Stories, the autobiography of renowned theatre director, Edward Payson Call. From his origins as a student director to becoming a national theatrical figure, Ed Call’s life was one of passion and spirit. Born int...

    35,81 €

  • Theatre Stories
    Edward Payson Call
    Unveil the Curtains of Regional Theatres early days with Edward Payson Call’s Journey - a Tale of Passion Journey into America’s regional theatre movement with Theatre Stories, the autobiography of renowned theatre director, Edward Payson Call. From his origins as a student director to becoming a national theatrical figure, Ed Call’s life was one of passion and spirit. Born int...

    20,37 €

  • Building a Sustainable Theater
    Scott Walters
    You are an artist, not an employee. Artists own their work and control their career. This book is about change, innovation, rebooting the theater system in order to make it more widely available and its artists more strongly empowered. It is written for theater artists who are trailblazers and bushwhackers who want to take control of the theatrical means of production by starti...

    16,26 €

  • I’m sitting on the shore...
    Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego
    When your fate and your destiny are playing game of chess they never look at the board.In this life, you are either a player or a chess piece. To be a player, you need to take responsibility for your decisions. Will you help another one even if you are helpless yourself? Will you betray your friend to save his life? Once you enter the game, you must keep playing it. It doesn’t ...

    28,22 €

  • Brincar E Sonhar É Só Começar
    Conceição Ribeiro De Araújo
    Você está prestes a participar de uma peça de teatro. Não! Não precisa ter feito nenhum curso de dramaturgia em Artes Cênicas. Basta virar as páginas e, como se abrissem as cortinas, você se encontrará com as personagens em ação. Deixe a sua imaginação ser guiada ao mundo do faz de conta, a partir da leitura e fala das personagens.Brincar e Sonhar é Só Começar é uma peça teatra...

    10,46 €

  • The Essence of Acting
    Lloyd Green
    Embark on an immersive exploration into the heart of the performing arts with 'The Essence of Acting: Techniques, Triumphs, and Trials.' This comprehensive tome delves deep into the multifaceted world of acting, offering readers an unparalleled journey from its historical origins to the cutting-edge practices of today’s most accomplished actors. At its core, acting is an art fo...

    10,92 €