Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

3974 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • The Actor in Training.
    Morris Fishman / UNKNOWN

    69,72 €

  • Theatre, Drama, and Audience in Goethe’s Germany
    UNKNOWN / Walter Horace Bruford

    120,90 €

  • Art of Acting
    John Dolman

    108,24 €

  • A Critical and Annotated Edition of Lope de Vega’s Las almenas de Toro
    Thomas E. Case
    The only play of Lope de Vega’s involving the Cid and Sancho II, this work has long been admired by critics of the Golden Age drama for its vitality and poetic character. This edition brings to light new variants and passages missing in the known printed editions. 3 ...

    44,90 €

  • Objective Methods for Testing Authenticity and the Study of Ten Doubtful Comedias Attributed to Lope de Vega
    Fred M. Clark
    Utilizing the various methods already established by recognized authorities in the field, Fred Clark studies ten doubtful plays long attributed to Lope. Contrasting the subjective impressions of literary historians with the results of the objective tests applied to the comedias, the author discounts Lope’s authorship of each of the ten works. 3 ...

    38,49 €

  • Revolution as Theatre
    Robert Brustein

    16,76 €

  • The Theater Dictionary
    Wilfred Granville
    Wilfred Granville’s Theatre Dictionary is an essential guide to the terms in British and American Drama, Opera, and Ballet, and this volume is of incomparable value for the student and practical theatre worker on either side of the Atlantic. It offers a fascinating compilation of technical jargon and colloquial slang pertaining to the business of the theatre, from the legitimat...

    14,84 €

  • On Actors and the Art of Acting
    George H. Lewes / George Henry Lewes / George HLewes / UNKNOWN

    82,50 €

  • Elizabethan Stage Conditions
    M. Bradbrook / M. C. Bradbrook / MBradbrook / MCBradbrook

    55,94 €

  • The Development of the Tragédie Nationale in France from 1552-1800
    George Bernard Daniel
    This study treats the evolution of that branch of serious French drama whose themes were taken from the national history. The study also concerns dramatic groups, the staging of plays, and audiences. 3 ...

    44,92 €

  • A Critical Edition of Lope de Vega’s Las paces de los reyes y judía de Toledo
    James A. Castañeda / James ACastañeda
    The introduction to this critical edition offers a new examination of the historical probability of the love affair of Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, and a Jewess. It further traces the peregrinations of that theme in literature across periods and national traditions. This edition of Las paces de los reyes y judia de Toledo, through its situation of the text within a diachronic...

    44,62 €

  • The Elements of Drama
    J. L. Styan / JLStyan

    95,88 €

  • The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations
    Georges Polti
    Georges Polti’s classic analysis of tragic drama consists of thirty-six scenarios, with numerous examples given in support of the described plot structures.Compared against modern analysis of storytelling, Polti’s system is relatively brief and light on complexity. A system is devised, whereby the major roles are defined in brackets at the beginning of each scenario. Their plac...

    13,71 €

  • Play-Making
    William Archer
    Play-Making - A Manual of Craftsmanship is an exceptional primer which aims to answer the essential question: 'How are theatrical plays written?'This valuable resource for aspiring playwrights contains essential techniques for composing a quality stage play. William Archer, an educator in English literature, presents the traditional theory of play composition in a straightforwa...

    10,99 €