Catálogo de libros: Edificios públicos: municipales, comerciales, industriales, etc.

148 Catálogo de libros: Edificios públicos: municipales, comerciales, industriales, etc.

Libros Eliminar filtro Artes Eliminar filtro Arquitectura Eliminar filtro Edificios públicos: municipales, comerciales, industriales, etc. Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Luoghi e Architetture della Transizione
    Maria Antonietta Breda
    I sistemi difensivi di confine e la protezione antiaerea nelle città. Storia conservazione riuso / Border defense system and air raid protection in the cities. History conservation reuseThis book collects the papers presented at the Second International Congress on Conoscenza e valorizzazione delle opere militari moderne - Knowledge and development of modern military structures...

    139,91 €

  • Habitar Gamarra
    Patricia Díaz
    El libro Habitar Gamarra explora la relación entre la arquitectura del principal emporio textil peruano y las formas en que se habita, dentro de un contexto donde conviven tanto estructuras formales como informales. Esta interacción se manifiesta en un sistema complejo que responde no solo a necesidades comerciales, sino también domésticas. pues en Gamarra no solo se compra o s...

    17,68 €

  • Critérios Para Organização Hospitalar
    Susane Botelho
    Esta nova publicação partiu de uma pesquisa acadêmica.Minha dissertação de mestrado em administração estudou 72 hospitais.O objetivo era confrontara área edificada com o número de leitos instalados.A realidade era diferente das NORMAS estipuladas pela legislação._A carreira profissional de arquiteta lapidou alguns aspectos sobre o tema.Conceitos de administração agregaram subsí...

    12,52 €

  • Form Follows Roots
    Surinder Bahga
    The book is an attempt to cover contemporary architecture of India from 1985 to 2021. It traces the history of architecture by covering most of the buildings built during this period. This publication is an endeavour to cover works of small cities, towns and villages which require a different kind of tackling altogether, as skilled manpower is not easily available at such place...

    84,57 €

  • La forma construida
    Martín Fabbri García / Octavio Montestruque Bisso
    Este libro explora diez edificios de la ciudad de Lima que son representativos para la arquitectura de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en el Perú. A través del análisis crítico y de la lectura en detalle, se puede entender el desarrollo de la forma y de la composición arquitectónica. Para ello, La forma construida cuenta con 200 dibujos entre planimetría, isometrías, esquemas y d...

    45,76 €

  • Theodore Burr and the Bridging of Early America
    Ronald G Knapp / Ronald G. Knapp / Terry E Miller / Terry E. Miller
    SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF COVERED BRIDGESTheodore Burr (1771-1822) was the most prominent of America’s three early nineteenth century timber bridge-building pioneers, the others being Timothy Palmer (1751-1821) and Lewis Wernwag (1769-1843). All three built superlative long-span timber bridges in the Northeast.A transplant from northwestern Conne...

    98,11 €

  • Theodore Burr and the Bridging of Early America
    Ronald G Knapp / Ronald G. Knapp / Terry E Miller / Terry E. Miller
    SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF COVERED BRIDGESTheodore Burr (1771-1822) was the most prominent of America’s three early nineteenth century timber bridge-building pioneers, the others being Timothy Palmer (1751-1821) and Lewis Wernwag (1769-1843). All three built superlative long-span timber bridges in the Northeast.A transplant from northwestern Conne...

    77,89 €

  • Exploring Cox Lane
    The Community Brain
    Nestles in the south side of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames is the 90-year-old Chessington Cox Lane industrial estate. With a rich history and plenty to offer, the book unfolds the past and present of the site. The Community Brain team has shown dedication in shedding light on all aspects of the history and heritage of the site. Tolworth, and neighbouring areas to th...

    23,52 €

  • The Total Environment Masterplan
    Graham Ford
    The road to a successful masterplan or building is complex and involves many stages. How do you manage this complexity to gain planning permissions and produce the information you need to build?Every construction project presents its own set of unique circumstances, but The Total Environment Masterplan will help you navigate the major milestones of a design and construction pro...

    22,71 €

  • The Merseyside Pub Guide 2023
    Phil Wieland
    The best guide to the pubs and bars of Merseyside listing more than 1,900 places, with details of over 1,400 I have visited. For more information, go to Thirteenth Edition: Database updated to 31 January 2023. ...

    19,66 €

  • Vistoriar – O Primeiro Passo Para Alugar, Avaliar E Vender
    Luizângele Figueiredo De Oliveira Menezes
    Nesta 2a Edição desta obra que compõe o volume 2, da sérieAvaliar e Estatística para Corretores e Gestores Imobiliários , trago ao leitor a importância da Vistoria para aluguel, avaliação e venda de imóvel. Trago também, seus conceitos mais importantes e os esclarecimentos devidos. Trago também algumas inovações e complementos, em relação a 1a edição da obra. Aproveite a leitur...

    15,60 €

  • Relações de urbanidades em habitação de interesse social na cidade de Campina Grande - Paraíba
    Ana Aparecida Almeida de Souza
    O objetivo geral da pesquisa apresentada no livro é propor parâmetros de qualidade que possibilitem bons espaços públicos com urbanidade em Habitação de Interesse Social nos residenciais Dona Lindu I, II, III e IV, localizados na cidade de Campina Grande-PB, tendo como objetivos específicos: Compreender o contexto histórico/teórico sobre Urbanidades, Espaços Públicos e Habitaçã...

    22,50 €

  • Restoration & Renovation of Abandoned Historical Places
    Dr. Satpreet Singh / SATPREET SINGH
    Preface This book is written from practical experience and for the future generation’s reference. The heritage and historical buildings are significant to evident the actual history. The two primary reasons were kept in mind during the writing of this book. First, is the historical significance. Second, many self-made scholars put detriment to the Khalsa Panth history and deter...

    51,29 €

  • The Merseyside Pub Guide 2022
    Phil Wieland
    The best guide to the pubs and bars of Merseyside listing nearly 1,900 places, with details of over 1,300 I have visited. For more information, go to Eleventh Edition: Database updated to 22 February 2022. ...

    19,48 €

  • Consuming Scenography
    Nebojša Tabacki
    Consuming Scenography offers an insight into contemporary scenographic practice beyond the theatre. It explores the ways in which scenography is used to create a global cultural impact and accelerate profits in the site-specific context of themed shopping malls. It analyses the effect of the architectural, aesthetic, spatial, material and sensory aspects of design through their...

    51,27 €

  • Edificios para la salud
    Luciano Monza / Mariana Irigoyen
    En este libro se muestra parte de la producción proyectual de cuatro cohortes del Programa de Actualización en Proyectos de Edificios para la Salud que se desarrolla en el ámbito de la Secretaría de Posgrado de FADU-UBA con el apoyo de la Asociación Argentina de Arquitectura e Ingeniería Hospitalaria (AADAIH).Un edificio para la salud, como toda obra de arquitectura, requiere d...

    23,92 €

  • Transforming Urban Nightlife and the Development of Smart Public Spaces
    Public places are places where all citizens, irrespective of their race, age, religion, or class level (social or economic), cannot be excluded. It serves to improve the lifestyle experience of its inhabitants, as well as promote social connections. All citizens are responsible for it and are interested in it, and the intervention for change must be the responsibility of all wi...

    281,96 €

  • Transforming Urban Nightlife and the Development of Smart Public Spaces

    216,11 €

    This book is about managing the infrastructure development cycle from project initiation to the end of the operation and maintenance phase. It focuses on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract and, from this perspective, private and public sector procurement are variations.Designed for students from different backgrounds such as information technology, business, architec...

    105,93 €

    This book is about managing the infrastructure development cycle from project initiation to the end of the operation and maintenance phase. It focuses on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract and, from this perspective, private and public sector procurement are variations.Designed for students from different backgrounds such as information technology, business, architec...

    58,10 €

  • Reciclaje de la arquitectura en centros de ciudad
    Florinda Sánchez Moreno / Francisco Javier Lagos Bayona / Mario Perilla Perilla / Sergio Adrián Garcés Corzo
    Reciclaje de la arquitectura en centros de ciudad analiza, por medio de estudios de caso, el potencial que tienen variados proyectos arquitectónicos en Colombia al trabajar de esta manera tendencias como la reutilización de materiales, que sigue ganando espacio y relevancia en la industria de la arquitectura y la construcción. En el texto se estudia esta práctica en lugares tan...

    39,73 €

  • The Merseyside Pub Guide 2021
    Phil Wieland
    The best guide to the pubs and bars of Merseyside, listing over 1,800 with details of about 1,300 I have visited. For more information, go to Eleventh Edition: Database updated to 1 February 2021. ...

    17,68 €

  • Madrid-Stonehenge: de la Puerta del Sol al Arco Solar Meridiano 0
    Josep María Adell-Argilés
    El cielo de Madrid siempre ha sido objeto de pinturas, cuadros y refranes populares que han tratado de ponderar su incomparable belleza relacionándolo con sucesos acontecidos en la historia de nuestra ciudad. En este sentido la relación con el cielo y en concreto con el astro sol es una constante en la historia de Madrid a través de la existencia de sucesivas Puertas del Sol qu...

    34,15 €

  • Projetando espaços - áreas comerciais
    Miriam Gurgel
    A formação profissional na área de arquitetura solicita domínio técnico e criatividade na organização de um projeto. Esse é o principal objetivo de Projetando espaços. O projeto de interiores comerciais envolve, de acordo com a autora, um profundo estudo sobre o perfil da empresa e da imagem que ela transmite ou pretende transmitir , além de ter como uma de suas prioridades a v...

    89,12 €

  • The Bradbury Building
    Sandy Bleifer
    An architectural gem from 1893 inspired the revitalization of a dormant downtown in Los Angeles in the 1990's.The Bradbury Building is one of the most iconic buildings in Los Angeles, unlike any other office building of its time or since. This book is a tribute to not only the building's namesake and architect, but to Ira Yellin, the visionary developer who recognized t...

    25,25 €

  • The Architecture of Banking in Renaissance Italy
    Lauren Jacobi

    132,65 €

  • Sports Grounds and Buildings - Making, Management Maintenance and Equipment
    F. A. M. Webster / FAMWebster
    This vintage book contains a complete guide to planning, constructing, and maintaining various types of sports grounds and related buildings by F. A. M. Webster. Frederick Annesley Michael Webster (1886 - 1949) was a British athletics coach and author, and soldier active during World War One. He wrote profusely on the subject of athletics, with his best known book being 'Athlet...

    27,53 €

  • Colors of The City
    Sarah ALong
    Colors of the City is a fun book about all the New York City Sights. The wonder of New York City shines on each page. ...

    20,96 €

  • Architecture, Society, and Ritual in Viking Age Scandinavia
    Marianne Hem Eriksen

    123,94 €

  • Colors of The City
    Sarah ALong
    Colors of the City is a fun book about all the New York City Sights. The wonder of New York City shines on each page. ...

    9,45 €

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