Catálogo de libros: Diseño gráfico

41 Catálogo de libros: Diseño gráfico

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  • Ecuador Poster Bienal 2018
    Ecuador Poster Bienal
    The 2nd edition of the Ecuador Poster Bienal official book features over 700 posters from all around the world. From the beautiful work of Erich Brechühl to over 100 posters celebrating the culture of China and much more. ...

    63,46 €

  • Bout To Blow
    In 2014, Ganzeer was commissioned by Irish rock band U2 to do a sort-of-music-video for their song, Volcano, from their album Songs of Innocence. He decided to make the video out of 862 posters.'An impressive technical feat.' ...

    91,89 €

  • Punto y linea sobre el plano
    Vasili Kandinsky / Vasili Kandinsky
    Este material permaneció intacto durante casi diez años. Hasta bastante recientemente no me ha sido posible desarrollarlo más. Entonces, este libro llego a existir. Quizá no deje de tener interés señalar que los pensamientos desarrollados en este pequeño libro son una continuación orgánica de mi libro, Sobre la espiritualidad en el arte. Ya que he emprendido esta dirección, deb...

    17,68 €

  • Angularity
    Joost Vanommeslaeghe
    A collection of abstract images composed of colored squares, sometimes in harmony, sometimes in conflict. ...

    49,65 €

  • Aprender Photoshop CC 2020 con 100 ejercicios prácticos
    Núria Álvarez
    Photoshop es el programa de retoque fotográfico y tratamiento de imágenes por excelencia. Versión a versión, susherramientas han evolucionado y sus utilidades se han ampliado para abarcar otros muchos ámbitos.Gracias a los 100 ejercicios prácticos que recoge este libro podrá constatar que Photoshop resulta una herramientaimprescindible, tanto para los profesionales del diseño g...

    22,26 €

  • Aprender Illustrator 2020 con 100 ejercicios prácticos
    Sonia Llena Hurtado
    Adobe apostó hace años por un programa para el diseño vectorial que permitiera a sus usuarios crear dibujos de forma librey sencilla, Illustrator.Hoy en día, Illustrator es una de las aplicaciones de diseño vectorial más utilizadas en el mundo. Gracias a las constantesmejoras que la compañía ha introducido, se ha convertido en una herramienta extraordinaria, con un gran potenci...

    22,26 €

  • Fusion 360 con ejemplos y ejercicios prácticos
    Norbert Rovira Raoul
    Le presentamos el primer libro escrito en español sobre Autodesk Fusion 360. Fusion 360 es una herramienta de CAD, CAM y CAE con prestaciones profesionales y licencia gratuita para uso personal o startups desarrollada por la compañía Autodesk, creadores de Autocad y 3Ds Max, entre otros.En este manual descubrirá las herramientas de Fusion 360 de una forma práctica. Podrá aplica...

    40,46 €

  • The Incomplete Lexicon of Art
    Lucas Kröeff
    A finales de 2019 Lucas empezó una investigación sobre los léxicos de la historia del arte producidos en el siglo pasado. ¿Cómo exponer la estructura hegemónica presente en la 'Historia del Arte'?Investigar las correlaciones de la 'historia del arte' es acceder a un tipo de violencia (y cooptación) que estructura una 'narrativa oficial' eurocéntrica, y que circunscribe a lo lar...

    11,98 €

  • Creatividad para el mundo digital
    Catalina Linero Correa
    Para diseñadores, creadores y emprendedores que buscan dominar el proceso creativo y así mejorar sus campañas digitales. El libro Creatividad para el mundo digital, nos acerca a una serie de pasos y ejercicios enfocados en abrir la mente para encontrar así, soluciones a problemas y desarrollo de ideas que conecten con su audiencia ideal. Mejore sus contenidos y supere los bloqu...

    12,63 €

  • Movilidad Urbana y Espacio Público
    Ronal Orlando Serrano Romero
    En este libro conjugan miradas críticas y reflexivas acerca de diversos tipos de movilidad ciudadana. Dado que la posibilidad de desplazamiento en contextos urbanos requiere de un equilibrio entre las necesidades de los grupos sociales y la infraestructura urbana que las satisfagan, Movilidad urbana y espacio público: reflexiones, métodos y contextos compila investigaciones que...

    21,34 €

  • Honar Magazine Issue 02
    Alec Green / Shevah Rezaee
    Death and loss. One of life's few constants. Yet, through it all we find renewal. Hope. We look to make ourselves better. We work to help those who have suffered. The distance between regularly distant groups becomes closer. Our goal with this issue is to help show you a closer look at the world through the lowest parts of our existence. Loss is not a happy topic, but shari...

    16,92 €

  • Love Bites
    Joan Booth
    Love is one of the most profound, mysterious, and complicated emotions known to human beings. There are many types of love, which can be expressed in numerous ways. We seek to establish a means of relating to another to achieve deep and meaningful fulfillment that nurtures and sustains us. Love is commonly experienced by way of a romantic relationship with a partner with whom w...

    15,27 €

  • Love Bites
    Joan Booth
    Love is one of the most profound, mysterious, and complicated emotions known to human beings. There are many types of love, which can be expressed in numerous ways. We seek to establish a means of relating to another to achieve deep and meaningful fulfillment that nurtures and sustains us. Love is commonly experienced by way of a romantic relationship with a partner with whom w...

    13,08 €

  • Diseñarte
    Agustina Colugna Richmond
    Es uno de los ejes de discusión en la disciplina del diseño si el diseño gráfico es arte o no lo es. Si bien esto está en eterno debate no se han producido escritos serios que aborden esta problemática y que busquen un eje conceptual para realizar esta reflexión sino más bien breves ensayos informales de una o dos páginas de extensión a lo sumo.Este trabajo se basa en los conce...

    12,48 €

  • Building Blocks
    H.HKrane PhD
    In this document, we are suggesting that the specialist subject-centered curriculum needs to be balanced by an approach that gives priority to every child learning the fundamental strategies of thinking and problem-solving. We believe this necessitates an explicit thrust as a core area of the educational development of every child through the methodologies and techniques we hav...

    18,83 €

  • The Dynamics of Interaction Design Theory
    Hoi Yan Patrick Cheung
    Technology expands the range of design possibilities in visual language. The Dynamics of Interaction Design Theory explores different design principles under the five core areas of tension, form, story, structure, and interactivity, and offers a new perspective to learn and apply the conventional design process with new influences from motion graphics, narrative theory, and int...

    98,07 €

  • Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education
    Richard Tucker
    In order for educational systems not to become stagnant, teaching strategies must be routinely re-evaluated. Not only does this optimize the learning process, but it enhances the overall experience for the students. Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education is a pivotal reference source for the latest scholarly research on the implementation of teamwork between a...

    256,22 €

  • Diseño de información y vida cotidiana
    María González de Cossío
    El diseño gráfico es comunicación, persuasión, y permite la satisfacción de múltiples necesidades tanto físicas como psicológicas que nos ayudan a vivir mejor; todos los diseñadores que intervienen en este proceso se enfrentan a la difícil tarea de integrar los medios de comunicación y los productos a distintos grupos sociales, encontrándose con que los usuarios con frecuencia ...

    11,68 €

  • Foundations of Design (2nd Edition)
    Jeff Davis
    Foundations of Design by Jeff Davis provides a straightforward examination of the basic principles of two-dimensional design. Written in a clear and concise style, this textbook presents the elements of design in a logical order, with each chapter building on the next. The book employs a highly visual design with numerous diagrams that elegantly illustrate the fundamental desig...

    31,43 €

  • Analyzing Art, Culture, and Design in the Digital Age
    Gianluca Mura
    Technological advancements have influenced many fields of study, and the visual arts are no exception. With the development of new creative software and computer programs, artists and designers are free to create in a digital context, equipped with precision and efficiency. Analyzing Art, Culture, and Design in the Digital Age brings together a collection of chapters on the dig...

    255,11 €

  • Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Creative Technologies
    Dew Harrison
    Emerging technologies enable a wide variety of creative expression, from music and video to innovations in visual art. These aesthetics, when properly explored, can enable enhanced communication between all kinds of people and cultures. The Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Creative Technologies considers the latest research in education, communication, and creative soc...

    425,79 €

  • Indesign CC Creative Classroom
    Bone Peter
    InDesign CC Creative Classroom is the perfect way to get started with Adobe InDesign. This book's practical, hands on exercises will get you creating posters, flyers, adverts, postcards and leaflets in no time, whether from scratch or using an existing template. Along the way you'll learn some key contextual knowledge, such as how InDesign works alongside Illustrator an...

    34,65 €

  • Foundations of Color
    Jeff Davis
    Foundations of Color by Jeff Davis provides a straightforward examination of the major topics of color theory. Written in a clear and concise style, this textbook presents the basic concepts of color in a logical order, with each chapter building on the next. The book employs a highly visual design with numerous diagrams that elegantly illustrate each color principle. The diagr...

    28,32 €

  • Metodologia del diseño
    Luz del Carmen Vilchis Esquivel
    DISEÑAR NO SOLO ES UN OFICIO QUE PERMITE DIBUJAR, MODELAR E INTEGRAR TECNOLÓGICAMENTE UN NUEVO PRODUCTO QUE ESTARÁ DESTINADO A ENCONTRAR UN USUARIO QUE HAGA USO DE ÉL.Diseñar también es entender de antemano cómo se concibe un proyecto, y cuál sería su fin a partir de la comprensión del proceso conceptual que conduce a su creador al diseñador a manejar argumentos sólidos y bien ...

    21,84 €

  • Stories for Illustration
    Diana Kimpton
    Have you ever wanted to try illustrating a children's book? To help you do it, here are five picture book texts for you to practise on. Written by an established children's author, the stories cover a range of subject and each one has illustration hints to help you decide what to draw.Ideal for artists of all ages, teachers and parents, this book comes complete with wid...

    7,87 €

  • The 365 Project
    Bryn J. Hobson
    A challenge of discipline and creative thinking, The 365 Project chronicles one designer's attempt to make something every day for a year. This printed edition of Bryn Hobson's original blog includes all 365 daily projects and new captions about the process for each one-perhaps perfect inspiration to start a side project of your own. ...

    36,00 €

  • The Art of Jognog
    Joshua D. Savage
    The first official collection of JogNog Art, this book features 100 of the over 1,300 tower images on the JogNog Site, selected by the designer for their 'Outside the Box' quality. Each image is accompanied by a note from the designer, offering a rare inside look at some of the most unusual JogNog Towers. ...

    17,28 €

  • Una molesta introducción al estudio del diseño
    Gustavo Valdés de León
    En este libro el autor denuncia la miseria teórica que aqueja al Diseño y propone una revisión critica, integral y epistemológica, de sus fundamentos, analizando y discutiendo sus categorías básicas tales el concepto mismo del Diseño -desde un enfoque filosófico, antropológico y disciplinar- en tanto practica social, actualizando y criticando las teorías vigentes acerca de la c...

    43,68 €

  • Cmyk Quick Pick Colour Catalogue with Over 2500 Colours
    Ian James Keir
    This CMYK colour catalogue has been specially designed for anyone who produces colour material for printing and who wants a quick and easy no hassle way to select colours to show the customer what the printed colours would look like when printed. There is no complex hard to remember colour coding system. The coding system used in this book is a simple three letter three digit s...

    13,89 €

  • Design & in Design (Step-by-Step Instructions)
    Scott Farrand
    Design & in Design combines a wealth of publication design theories with step-by-step instructions to help readers learn the basics of InDesign, one of the best and most popular desktop publishing programs used in all fields of communications. This color-illustrated tutorial is filled with examples, designs and exercises that show how to use color, typography, photographs, and ...

    99,72 €

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