Catálogo de libros: Formas de expresión artística

1440 Catálogo de libros: Formas de expresión artística

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  • Na Ponta Do Lápis - Ilustração
    J. Lima
    Aprenda desenho e ilustração de uma forma simples, didática com técnicas ilustradas passo a passo com J. Lima, ilustrador e professor com mais de 20 anos de profissão, experiência na Disney Animation e fundador da J. Lima Studio. ...

    25,14 €

  • G.I.T.O Fashions Coloring book 2
    Isiah Grady
    G.I.T.O Fashions Coloring book contains over 50 unique fashion and beauty illustrations to enjoy and let your creativity and imagination run wild. Book is perfect for both adults and teens. Printed single sided so each design has its own page. ...

    14,07 €

  • Mágica
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Ilusionismo e PrestidigitaçãoMágica,Ilusionismo,Prestidigitação. O êxito da prática.O texto ensina a fazer mágicas. Você pode divertir a família, amigos e até uma plateia. Os muitos números podem ser distribuídos, pelo mágico, em três ou quatro shows.Muitas mágicas são simples de fazer, mas geram bom efeito sobre a plateia. Outras exigem maior acuidade e perícia. Acervo valioso...

    15,58 €

  • La Veu dels Quadres - La Voz de los Cuadros
    Assumpció Forcada
    Aquest és el resultat d´anys i de moltes visites al Museu Thyssen a les seves exposicions i sales permanents. De mirar els seus quadres i escotar la seva veu que, independentment del seu estil pictòric, trobaven eco en les muses que em parlaven a cau d´orella. De fet, les obres d´Art sempre parlen. Som nosaltres els que, sigui per estrès, comoditat, falta de temps, no escoltem ...

    15,00 €

  • Tattoo Inspiration Compendium of Ornamental Designs for Tattoo Artists and Designers
    Kale James
    mprove your ornamental designs and take your tattoo artistry to the next level with the Tattoo Inspiration Compendium of Ornamental Designs. This comprehensive guide contains 157 high-resolution downloadable images of beautifully intricate designs, perfect for experienced artists and beginners. With this book, you’ll be able to create complex designs quickly and easily, with no...

    23,58 €

  • Goc - Madrugadas Sem Janelas
    Gabriela De Oliveira Da Costa
    Madrugadas sem janelas compõe uma catarse artística em que a autora reúne forma, voz e olhar a traduzir, peculiarmente, seus mais inusitados momentos e fontes de inspiração ao desbravar as nuances da vida.O livro traz, além de poemas -alguns em inglês-, outros acompanhados de seus manuscritos; fotografias, composições texto/imagens, bem como seleção de algumas de suas telas. ...

    21,74 €

    James Pearson
    CONSTANTIN BRANCUSISCULPTING THE ESSENCE OF THINGSBy James PearsonLarge Print EditionConstantin Brancusi is one of the greatest of all sculptors, and a key sculptor of the modern era, along with Auguste Rodin and Pablo Picasso. Brancusi’s influence can be seen in a wide range of Western sculptors, including Donald Judd, Carl Andre, Henry Moore, Jean Arp, Barbara Hepworth, Minim...

    21,01 €

  • Cricut Maker Lernen
    Adabel Schneider
    Die Anleitung finden Sie nicht in der BoxWie können Sie Ihre wilden und einzigartigen Ideen mit der Cricut-Maschine in die Realität umsetzen und dabei ein Meister werden?Möchten Sie mehr über die Cricut Maschine erfahren und wie Sie sie effektiv nutzen können?Vielleicht möchten Sie eine große Bibliothek mit schönen Projektideen haben und diese testen, wann immer Sie wollen?Möch...

    27,58 €

  • Acuarelas de viaje de París (A4)
    Joaquín González Dorao
    Guía de París en acuarelas originales. Son dibujos excepcionales (a la acuarela) que ocupan 100 en páginas en total c0n un texto explicativo cada una de ellas que sirve de guía para visitar o preparar la visita de París. Los diarios de Joquín G. Dorao, comenzaron como una necesidad de reflejar por escrito sus experiencias en los viajes. Entre los textos fueron haciéndose hueco ...

    19,00 €

  • Researching the Teaching of Drawing (Color)
    Raymond M. Klein
    The Drawing Laboratory at NSCAD University was founded with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada in 2005 as a collaboration between psychological scientists from Dalhousie and drawing instructors at NSAD. The Drawing Lab is thus a unique place where scientists and artists collaborate on interdisciplinary research about the complex intellect...

    54,92 €

  • Researching the Teaching of Drawing (B&W)
    Raymond M. Klein
    The Drawing Laboratory at NSCAD University was founded with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada in 2005 as a collaboration between psychological scientists from Dalhousie and drawing instructors at NSAD. The Drawing Lab is thus a unique place where scientists and artists collaborate on interdisciplinary research about the complex intellect...

    65,44 €

  • Birds Reference Book
    Kale James
    Vault Editions invites you to explore the fascinating world of birds through our latest release, Birds: An Image Archive for Artists and Designers. This curated pictorial archive highlights the exceptionally intricate illustrative work of ornithologists and naturalists of the 17th and 18th centuries.Within this book, you’ll find an extensive range of etchings and engravings dep...

    22,20 €

  • Wild Horse Coloring Book For Girls
    Kyle Blade
    Is there anyone that you know of who might enjoy and benefit from this fun-filled horse coloring book?Our coloring book was created as a thoughtful gift or present for a family or friend.Perfect for horse lovers!Features of this book:• Lots of coloring fun for kids of all ages• Filled with 50 illustrations of beautiful horses, ponies and foals for kids who love horses • Contain...

    16,32 €

  • Picasso
    Gertrude Stein
    For more than a generation, Gertrude Stein’s Paris home at 27 rue de Fleurus was the center of a glittering coterie of artists and writers, one of whom was Pablo Picasso. In this intimate and revealing memoir, Stein tells us much about the great man (and herself) and offers many insights into the life and art of the 20th century’s greatest painter.Mixing biological fact with ar...

    8,75 €

  • The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)
    Willi Kurth
    Explore the Complete Collection of Albrecht Durer’s Woodcut ArtistryAmong the greatest artistic expressions of all time, the woodcuts of German Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer bring to life iconic religious themes and secular subjects. Rendered in a unique perspective and exacting detail, this complete collection of all Dürer woodcuts traces his creative development from his ...

    35,40 €

  • The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)
    Willi Kurth
    Explore the Complete Collection of Albrecht Durer’s Woodcut ArtistryAmong the greatest artistic expressions of all time, the woodcuts of German Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer bring to life iconic religious themes and secular subjects. Rendered in a unique perspective and exacting detail, this complete collection of all Dürer woodcuts traces his creative development from his ...

    45,16 €

  • The pixel game’s 8X8
    Tcorporation Edition
    Pixel art design sketchbook there is space with 8 square grid. This book is perfect to start learning to create shapes in pixels, for creators, developers, designers, graphic designers.It is possible to create pixel drawings in all possible forms. ...

    12,69 €

  • Depois Da Pandemia
    Taís Cristina De Araujo Sousa
    Dedico este volume aos meus pequenos estudantes que, tendo presenciado um dos episódios mais tristes e aterrorizantes dos últimos anos, a pandemia de Covid-19, tiveram que buscar dentro de si a coragem necessária para prosseguir (ou iniciar) o caminho da educação escolar. Tenho orgulho de ser alguém que ajudou a construir as trilhas que apontaram alguns caminhos para a superaçã...

    5,94 €

  • The Mice Before Christmas Coloring Book
    Anne L. Watson / Skyhook Coloring
    What is a 'coloring storybook'? It’s a coloring book, a storybook, and more! You can color just the pages you want, and enjoy it like any fine coloring book. Or finish them all and create a wonderful storybook, a keepsake all your own, or one to lovingly share with children and grandchildren. Imagine their excitement and delight -- and yours too! -- when you read to them from a...

    15,81 €

  • The Mice Before Christmas Coloring Book
    Anne L. Watson / Skyhook Coloring
    What is a 'coloring storybook'? It’s a coloring book, a storybook, and more! You can color just the pages you want, and enjoy it like any fine coloring book. Or finish them all and create a wonderful storybook, a keepsake all your own, or one to lovingly share with children and grandchildren. Imagine their excitement and delight -- and yours too! -- when you read to them from a...

    29,71 €

  • Microilustrados 5: Siglo XX
    Paco Rosco
    Libro ilustrado a todo color que recopila 71 hitos históricos sucedidos entre 1900 y 1999. La conquista del espacio, el descubrimiento de la penicilina, el primer trasplante de corazón Cada acontecimiento incluye poema e ilustración a toda página.'Tras el Gran Apagón, los archivos perdieron, de forma inexplicable, toda la información recogida sobre diferentes acontecimientos su...

    16,59 €

  • Las empresas de la eternidad. Juan de Santiago y la retórica verbo-visual jesuítica
    Mª José Cuesta García de Leonardo
    En el momento crítico previo a su expulsión de España, la Compañía de Jesús desplegó un consciente y meditado uso de la imagen con fin adoctrinador y mnemotécnico. De acuerdo con esta estrategia y con el objetivo de obtener su beatificación, se construyó la personalidad del padre Santiago mediante palabras e imágenes retratos o, en sus honras fúnebres, jeroglíficos que lo repre...

    15,00 €

  • Aquella primavera sin aroma de azahar en Sevilla
    Mathilde Leroux
    Esta obra proporciona una visión cercana, personal y emotiva de la Semana Santa sevillana. Comencé a escribir las primeras páginas durante el confinamiento por COVID-19 gracias a los audios extraídos de las conversaciones telefónicas con mi querida amiga andaluza, Loli. Ella compartió conmigo sus más íntimos y detallados recuerdos sobre esta celebración declarada Fiesta de Inte...

    22,96 €

  • Psicoanálisis del expresionismo
    Oskar Pfister / Manuel Pérez Cornejo
    En su ensayo Der psychologische und biologische Untergrund expressionistischer Bilder (1920) traducido aquí por primera vez al español, el psicoanalista Oskar Pfister se propuso penetrar en las raíces inconscientes del expresionismo. Partiendo de un exhaustivo análisis de los dibujos realizados por un joven artista adscrito a este movimiento, Pfister desvela los conflictos ment...

    15,00 €

  • Rose-Aimée Bélanger, à l’ombre des chuchoteuses
    Danielle Carrière-Paris
    Comment expliquer que, du jour au lendemain, Rose-Aimée Bélanger, une artiste du nord-est de l’Ontario, connaisse un succès aussi fulgurant? Qu’il s’agisse des Chuchoteuses, l’une des œuvres d’art publiques les plus appréciées de la métropole québécoise, ou de la Femme aux chocolats, les sculptures rondes en bronze qu’elle crée à compter de 1995 lui ont rapidement valu un publi...

    38,58 €

  • My Mandala Drawings | 3
    Dutch Noonajoon
    This A5 drawing book is perfect for drawing your latest ideas, mind mapping or practicing your mandala drawings. The blank pages means you don’t run out of ideas and explore your creativity. ...

    16,10 €

  • My Mandala Drawings | 2
    Dutch Noonajoon
    This A5 drawing book is perfect for drawing your latest ideas, mind mapping or practicing your mandala drawings. The blank pages means you don’t run out of ideas and explore your creativity. ...

    16,10 €

  • Zen Sudoku
    Lika Kali
    Forget those ugly computer-generated Sudoku puzzles and feast your eyes on what may be the most beautiful Sudoku Puzzle Book in existence.This eye-popping collection features 20 original, hand-drawn Sudoku puzzles - including 6 epic Samurai Sudokus. With each puzzle there is one solution, but you won’t find them in the book. So if you find yourself stuck, there’s plenty to colo...

    17,04 €

  • The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople
    Elena N. Boeck

    49,60 €

  • Linear Perspective SIMPLY PUT
    Rene Thibault
    Whether you’re an artist or designer, student or professional, author Rene Thibault’s practical guide expertly outlines how combining linear perspective with artistic license can be a valuable reference tool in visualizing three-dimensional forms. Linear Perspective Simply Put: The 'It Factor' All Too Often Overlooked is presented in a fresh and intuitive manner, with freehand ...

    67,61 €