Self Expression of The Soul

Self Expression of The Soul

Neelkrish Osan. F

22,42 €
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Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: pensamiento y práctica
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About This Book: I have not written this book just to understand the deep and mysterious principles of philosophy and its crazy ways of thinking. Instead, this book can help free the mind from thoughts and take it to a higher dimension. This book reveals the real dimension of all the mystical aspects of inner life rather than the unreal aspects of traditional spirituality. I tried to make the language as simple as possible so that everyone can benefit from it. Purpose and Importance of the Book: The Limits of Science and Technology! Science and technology can provide solutions to the physical or external aspects of our lives. With the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the form of language and large amounts of information, it may seem that we have all the answers. However, the mysterious nature of life and existence is so profound that the mysterious questions of human life cannot be solved by mere semantics and definitions. Depth of Spiritual Experience: The Mystical Dimension of Existence! The mind, religion, ego, yoga, love, craving, lust, meditation, and many other mysterious aspects of life cannot be understood through the intellect alone. All these aspects can only be experienced through inner vision, which can be achieved by entering a new dimension or higher level of consciousness. When a person is completely absorbed in meditation or the source of love, all their energy becomes one with the flow of this eternal existence, and then everything becomes mysterious. Self-realization and Spiritual Journey This book can be helpful for those who want to rise above superficial life and reach a new dimension of inner consciousness. It is for those whose thirst for real life has matured and who truly feel an insatiable desire to uncover the mysteries of life. Insatiable Thirst for Life! Why does a person always feel dissatisfied despite all the experiences and abundance in their life? It is as if something is missing inside them, as if something is stuck within their consciousness. This book can be helpful for such individuals in finding a way out. For those who are searching for the true purpose of life, this book assists them on the path of self-realization and the discovery of life’s deeper meaning. It helps you fly on the wings of consciousness towards the true knowledge that is beyond words, the indescribable voice of the soul of this existence. It can help you surrender to the flow of the eternal energy of this existence. What is 'Self-Expression of the Soul'? Once a person awakens to a certain level of consciousness, they can naturally become a medium to transmit messages from a mystical existence to the physical world. As long as they are alive, their form can be seen in the physical world, but their true form is only the expression of the soul. These messages come to this world in a mysterious way from an unknown source. Therefore, all the content found in this book should be understood as expressed by the soul.

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